import re, mimetypes
from roundup import hyperdb,date,password
from roundup.cgi import templating
from roundup.cgi.exceptions import FormError
class FormParser:
# edit form variable handling (see unit tests)
FV_LABELS = r'''
((?P<classname>%s)(?P<id>[-\d]+))? # optional leading designator
((?P<required>[@:]required$)| # :required
(?P<add>[@:]add[@:])| # :add:<prop>
(?P<remove>[@:]remove[@:])| # :remove:<prop>
(?P<confirm>[@:]confirm[@:])| # :confirm:<prop>
(?P<link>[@:]link[@:])| # :link:<prop>
([@:]) # just a separator
(?P<propname>[^@:]+) # <prop>
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
self.db = client.db
self.form = client.form
self.classname = client.classname
self.nodeid = client.nodeid
self._ = self.gettext = client.gettext
self.ngettext = client.ngettext
except AttributeError:
_translator = templating.translationService
self._ = self.gettext = _translator.gettext
self.ngettext = _translator.ngettext
def parse(self, create=0, num_re=re.compile('^\d+$')):
""" Item properties and their values are edited with html FORM
variables and their values. You can:
- Change the value of some property of the current item.
- Create a new item of any class, and edit the new item's
- Attach newly created items to a multilink property of the
current item.
- Remove items from a multilink property of the current item.
- Specify that some properties are required for the edit
operation to be successful.
In the following, <bracketed> values are variable, "@" may be
either ":" or "@", and other text "required" is fixed.
Most properties are specified as form variables:
- property on the current context item
- property on the indicated item (for editing related
Designators name a specific item of a class.
Name an existing item of class <classname>.
Name the <N>th new item of class <classname>. If the form
submission is successful, a new item of <classname> is
created. Within the submitted form, a particular
designator of this form always refers to the same new
Once we have determined the "propname", we look at it to see
if it's special:
The associated form value is a comma-separated list of
property names that must be specified when the form is
submitted for the edit operation to succeed.
When the <designator> is missing, the properties are
for the current context item. When <designator> is
present, they are for the item specified by
The "@required" specifier must come before any of the
properties it refers to are assigned in the form.
@remove@<propname>=id(s) or @add@<propname>=id(s)
The "@add@" and "@remove@" edit actions apply only to
Multilink properties. The form value must be a
comma-separate list of keys for the class specified by
the simple form variable. The listed items are added
to (respectively, removed from) the specified
If the edit action is "@link@", the simple form
variable must specify a Link or Multilink property.
The form value is a comma-separated list of
designators. The item corresponding to each
designator is linked to the property given by simple
form variable. These are collected up and returned in
None of the above (ie. just a simple form value)
The value of the form variable is converted
appropriately, depending on the type of the property.
For a Link('klass') property, the form value is a
single key for 'klass', where the key field is
specified in
For a Multilink('klass') property, the form value is a
comma-separated list of keys for 'klass', where the
key field is specified in
Note that for simple-form-variables specifiying Link
and Multilink properties, the linked-to class must
have a key field.
For a String() property specifying a filename, the
file named by the form value is uploaded. This means we
try to set additional properties "filename" and "type" (if
they are valid for the class). Otherwise, the property
is set to the form value.
For Date(), Interval(), Boolean(), and Number()
properties, the form value is converted to the
Any of the form variables may be prefixed with a classname or
Two special form values are supported for backwards
This is equivalent to::
except that in addition, the "author" and "date"
properties of "msg-1" are set to the userid of the
submitter, and the current time, respectively.
This is equivalent to::
The String content value is handled as described above for
file uploads.
If both the "@note" and "@file" form variables are
specified, the action::
is also performed.
We also check that FileClass items have a "content" property with
actual content, otherwise we remove them from all_props before
The return from this method is a dict of
(classname, id): properties
... this dict _always_ has an entry for the current context,
even if it's empty (ie. a submission for an existing issue that
doesn't result in any changes would return {('issue','123'): {}})
The id may be None, which indicates that an item should be
# some very useful variables
db = self.db
form = self.form
if not hasattr(self, 'FV_SPECIAL'):
# generate the regexp for handling special form values
classes = '|'.join(db.classes.keys())
# specials for parsePropsFromForm
# handle the various forms (see unit tests)
self.FV_SPECIAL = re.compile(self.FV_LABELS%classes, re.VERBOSE)
self.FV_DESIGNATOR = re.compile(r'(%s)([-\d]+)'%classes)
# these indicate the default class / item
default_cn = self.classname
default_cl = self.db.classes[default_cn]
default_nodeid = self.nodeid
# we'll store info about the individual class/item edit in these
all_required = {} # required props per class/item
all_props = {} # props to set per class/item
got_props = {} # props received per class/item
all_propdef = {} # note - only one entry per class
all_links = [] # as many as are required
# we should always return something, even empty, for the context
all_props[(default_cn, default_nodeid)] = {}
keys = form.keys()
timezone = db.getUserTimezone()
# sentinels for the :note and :file props
have_note = have_file = 0
# extract the usable form labels from the form
matches = []
for key in keys:
m = self.FV_SPECIAL.match(key)
if m:
matches.append((key, m.groupdict()))
# now handle the matches
for key, d in matches:
if d['classname']:
# we got a designator
cn = d['classname']
cl = self.db.classes[cn]
nodeid = d['id']
propname = d['propname']
elif d['note']:
# the special note field
cn = 'msg'
cl = self.db.classes[cn]
nodeid = '-1'
propname = 'content'
all_links.append((default_cn, default_nodeid, 'messages',
[('msg', '-1')]))
have_note = 1
elif d['file']:
# the special file field
cn = 'file'
cl = self.db.classes[cn]
nodeid = '-1'
propname = 'content'
all_links.append((default_cn, default_nodeid, 'files',
[('file', '-1')]))
have_file = 1
# default
cn = default_cn
cl = default_cl
nodeid = default_nodeid
propname = d['propname']
# the thing this value relates to is...
this = (cn, nodeid)
# skip implicit create if this isn't a create action
if not create and nodeid is None:
# get more info about the class, and the current set of
# form props for it
if not all_propdef.has_key(cn):
all_propdef[cn] = cl.getprops()
propdef = all_propdef[cn]
if not all_props.has_key(this):
all_props[this] = {}
props = all_props[this]
if not got_props.has_key(this):
got_props[this] = {}
# is this a link command?
if d['link']:
value = []
for entry in self.extractFormList(form[key]):
m = self.FV_DESIGNATOR.match(entry)
if not m:
raise FormError, self._('link "%(key)s" '
'value "%(entry)s" not a designator') % locals()
# get details of linked class
lcn =
lcl = self.db.classes[lcn]
lnodeid =
if not all_propdef.has_key(lcn):
all_propdef[lcn] = lcl.getprops()
if not all_props.has_key((lcn, lnodeid)):
all_props[(lcn, lnodeid)] = {}
if not got_props.has_key((lcn, lnodeid)):
got_props[(lcn, lnodeid)] = {}
# make sure the link property is valid
if (not isinstance(propdef[propname], hyperdb.Multilink) and
not isinstance(propdef[propname], hyperdb.Link)):
raise FormError, self._('%(class)s %(property)s '
'is not a link or multilink property') % {
'class':cn, 'property':propname}
all_links.append((cn, nodeid, propname, value))
# detect the special ":required" variable
if d['required']:
for entry in self.extractFormList(form[key]):
m = self.FV_SPECIAL.match(entry)
if not m:
raise FormError, self._('The form action claims to '
'require property "%(property)s" '
'which doesn\'t exist') % {
this = ('classname'),'id'))
entry ='propname')
if not all_required.has_key(this):
all_required[this] = []
# see if we're performing a special multilink action
mlaction = 'set'
if d['remove']:
mlaction = 'remove'
elif d['add']:
mlaction = 'add'
# does the property exist?
if not propdef.has_key(propname):
if mlaction != 'set':
raise FormError, self._('You have submitted a %(action)s '
'action for the property "%(property)s" '
'which doesn\'t exist') % {
'action': mlaction, 'property':propname}
# the form element is probably just something we don't care
# about - ignore it
proptype = propdef[propname]
# Get the form value. This value may be a MiniFieldStorage
# or a list of MiniFieldStorages.
value = form[key]
# handle unpacking of the MiniFieldStorage / list form value
if isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Multilink):
value = self.extractFormList(value)
# multiple values are not OK
if isinstance(value, type([])):
raise FormError, self._('You have submitted more than one '
'value for the %s property') % propname
# value might be a file upload...
if not hasattr(value, 'filename') or value.filename is None:
# nope, pull out the value and strip it
value = value.value.strip()
# now that we have the props field, we need a teensy little
# extra bit of help for the old :note field...
if d['note'] and value:
props['author'] = self.db.getuid()
props['date'] = date.Date()
# handle by type now
if isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Password):
if not value:
# ignore empty password values
for key, d in matches:
if d['confirm'] and d['propname'] == propname:
confirm = form[key]
raise FormError, self._('Password and confirmation text '
'do not match')
if isinstance(confirm, type([])):
raise FormError, self._('You have submitted more than one '
'value for the %s property') % propname
if value != confirm.value:
raise FormError, self._('Password and confirmation text '
'do not match')
value = password.Password(value)
except hyperdb.HyperdbValueError, msg:
raise FormError, msg
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Multilink):
# convert input to list of ids
l = hyperdb.rawToHyperdb(self.db, cl, nodeid,
propname, value)
except hyperdb.HyperdbValueError, msg:
raise FormError, msg
# now use that list of ids to modify the multilink
if mlaction == 'set':
value = l
# we're modifying the list - get the current list of ids
if props.has_key(propname):
existing = props[propname]
elif nodeid and not nodeid.startswith('-'):
existing = cl.get(nodeid, propname, [])
existing = []
# now either remove or add
if mlaction == 'remove':
# remove - handle situation where the id isn't in
# the list
for entry in l:
except ValueError:
raise FormError, self._('property '
'"%(propname)s": "%(value)s" '
'not currently in list') % {
'propname': propname, 'value': entry}
# add - easy, just don't dupe
for entry in l:
if entry not in existing:
value = existing
# Sort the value in the same order used by
# Multilink.from_raw.
value.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x),int(y)))
elif value == '':
# other types should be None'd if there's no value
value = None
# handle all other types
if isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.String):
if (hasattr(value, 'filename') and
value.filename is not None):
# skip if the upload is empty
if not value.filename:
# this String is actually a _file_
# try to determine the file content-type
fn = value.filename.split('\\')[-1]
if propdef.has_key('name'):
props['name'] = fn
# use this info as the type/filename properties
if propdef.has_key('type'):
if hasattr(value, 'type') and value.type:
props['type'] = value.type
elif mimetypes.guess_type(fn)[0]:
props['type'] = mimetypes.guess_type(fn)[0]
props['type'] = "application/octet-stream"
# finally, read the content RAW
value = value.value
value = hyperdb.rawToHyperdb(self.db, cl,
nodeid, propname, value)
value = hyperdb.rawToHyperdb(self.db, cl, nodeid,
propname, value)
except hyperdb.HyperdbValueError, msg:
raise FormError, msg
# register that we got this property
if isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Multilink):
if value != []:
got_props[this][propname] = 1
elif value is not None:
got_props[this][propname] = 1
# get the old value
if nodeid and not nodeid.startswith('-'):
existing = cl.get(nodeid, propname)
except KeyError:
# this might be a new property for which there is
# no existing value
if not propdef.has_key(propname):
except IndexError, message:
raise FormError(str(message))
# make sure the existing multilink is sorted. We must
# be sure to use the same sort order in all places,
# since we want to compare values with "=" or "!=".
# The canonical order (given in Multilink.from_raw) is
# by the numeric value of the IDs.
if isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Multilink):
existing.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x),int(y)))
# "missing" existing values may not be None
if not existing:
if isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.String):
# some backends store "missing" Strings as empty strings
if existing == self.db.BACKEND_MISSING_STRING:
existing = None
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Number):
# some backends store "missing" Numbers as 0 :(
if existing == self.db.BACKEND_MISSING_NUMBER:
existing = None
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Boolean):
# likewise Booleans
if existing == self.db.BACKEND_MISSING_BOOLEAN:
existing = None
# if changed, set it
if value != existing:
props[propname] = value
# don't bother setting empty/unset values
if value is None:
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Multilink) and value == []:
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.String) and value == '':
props[propname] = value
# check to see if we need to specially link a file to the note
if have_note and have_file:
all_links.append(('msg', '-1', 'files', [('file', '-1')]))
# see if all the required properties have been supplied
s = []
for thing, required in all_required.items():
# register the values we got
got = got_props.get(thing, {})
for entry in required[:]:
if got.has_key(entry):
# If a user doesn't have edit permission for a given property,
# but the property is already set in the database, we don't
# require a value.
if not (create or nodeid is None):
for entry in required[:]:
if not'Edit',
cl = self.db.classes[self.classname]
if cl.get(nodeid, entry) is not None:
# any required values not present?
if not required:
# tell the user to entry the values required
'Required %(class)s property %(property)s not supplied',
'Required %(class)s properties %(property)s not supplied',
) % {
'class': self._(thing[0]),
'property': ', '.join(map(self.gettext, required))
if s:
raise FormError, '\n'.join(s)
# When creating a FileClass node, it should have a non-empty content
# property to be created. When editing a FileClass node, it should
# either have a non-empty content property or no property at all. In
# the latter case, nothing will change.
for (cn, id), props in all_props.items():
if id is not None and id.startswith('-') and not props:
# new item (any class) with no content - ignore
del all_props[(cn, id)]
elif isinstance(self.db.classes[cn], hyperdb.FileClass):
if id is not None and id.startswith('-'):
if not props.get('content', ''):
del all_props[(cn, id)]
elif props.has_key('content') and not props['content']:
raise FormError, self._('File is empty')
return all_props, all_links
def extractFormList(self, value):
''' Extract a list of values from theformvalue. import
It may be one of:
[MiniFieldStorage('value'), MiniFieldStorage('value','value',...), ...]
# multiple values are OK
if isinstance(value, type([])):
# it's a list of MiniFieldStorages - join then into
values = ','.join([i.value.strip() for i in value])
# it's a MiniFieldStorage, but may be a comma-separated list
# of values
values = value.value
value = [i.strip() for i in values.split(',')]
# filter out the empty bits
return filter(None, value)
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