# Copyright (c) 2001 Bizar Software Pty Ltd (http://www.bizarsoftware.com.au/)
# This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify
# under the same terms as Python, so long as this copyright message and
# disclaimer are retained in their original form.
# $Id: date.py,v 1.94 2007-12-23 00:23:23 richard Exp $
"""Date, time and time interval handling.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import calendar
import datetime
import time
import re
import pytz
except ImportError:
pytz = None
from roundup import i18n
# no, I don't know why we must anchor the date RE when we only ever use it
# in a match()
date_re = re.compile(r'''^
((?P<y>\d\d\d\d)([/-](?P<m>\d\d?)([/-](?P<d>\d\d?))?)? # yyyy[-mm[-dd]]
|(?P<a>\d\d?)[/-](?P<b>\d\d?))? # or mm-dd
(?P<n>\.)? # .
(((?P<H>\d?\d):(?P<M>\d\d))?(:(?P<S>\d\d?(\.\d+)?))?)? # hh:mm:ss
(?P<o>[\d\smywd\-+]+)? # offset
$''', re.VERBOSE)
serialised_date_re = re.compile(r'''
''', re.VERBOSE)
_timedelta0 = datetime.timedelta(0)
# load UTC tzinfo
if pytz:
UTC = pytz.utc
# fallback implementation from Python Library Reference
class _UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
"""Universal Coordinated Time zoneinfo"""
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return _timedelta0
def tzname(self, dt):
return "UTC"
def dst(self, dt):
return _timedelta0
def __repr__(self):
return "<UTC>"
# pytz adjustments interface
# Note: pytz verifies that dt is naive datetime for localize()
# and not naive datetime for normalize().
# In this implementation, we don't care.
def normalize(self, dt, is_dst=False):
return dt.replace(tzinfo=self)
def localize(self, dt, is_dst=False):
return dt.replace(tzinfo=self)
UTC = _UTC()
# integral hours offsets were available in Roundup versions prior to 1.1.3
# and still are supported as a fallback if pytz module is not installed
class SimpleTimezone(datetime.tzinfo):
"""Simple zoneinfo with fixed numeric offset and no daylight savings"""
def __init__(self, offset=0, name=None):
super(SimpleTimezone, self).__init__()
self.offset = offset
if name:
self.name = name
self.name = "Etc/GMT%+d" % self.offset
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return datetime.timedelta(hours=self.offset)
def tzname(self, dt):
return self.name
def dst(self, dt):
return _timedelta0
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
# pytz adjustments interface
def normalize(self, dt):
return dt.replace(tzinfo=self)
def localize(self, dt, is_dst=False):
return dt.replace(tzinfo=self)
# simple timezones with fixed offset
_tzoffsets = dict(GMT=0, UCT=0, EST=5, MST=7, HST=10)
def get_timezone(tz):
# if tz is None, return None (will result in naive datetimes)
# XXX should we return UTC for None?
if tz is None:
return None
# try integer offset first for backward compatibility
utcoffset = int(tz)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
if utcoffset == 0:
return UTC
return SimpleTimezone(utcoffset)
# tz is a timezone name
if pytz:
return pytz.timezone(tz)
elif tz == "UTC":
return UTC
elif tz in _tzoffsets:
return SimpleTimezone(_tzoffsets[tz], tz)
raise KeyError, tz
def _utc_to_local(y,m,d,H,M,S,tz):
TZ = get_timezone(tz)
frac = S - int(S)
dt = datetime.datetime(y, m, d, H, M, int(S), tzinfo=UTC)
y,m,d,H,M,S = dt.astimezone(TZ).timetuple()[:6]
S = S + frac
return (y,m,d,H,M,S)
def _local_to_utc(y,m,d,H,M,S,tz):
TZ = get_timezone(tz)
dt = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,H,M,int(S))
y,m,d,H,M,S = TZ.localize(dt).utctimetuple()[:6]
return (y,m,d,H,M,S)
class Date:
As strings, date-and-time stamps are specified with the date in
international standard format (yyyy-mm-dd) joined to the time
(hh:mm:ss) by a period ("."). Dates in this form can be easily compared
and are fairly readable when printed. An example of a valid stamp is
"2000-06-24.13:03:59". We'll call this the "full date format". When
Timestamp objects are printed as strings, they appear in the full date
format with the time always given in GMT. The full date format is
always exactly 19 characters long.
For user input, some partial forms are also permitted: the whole time
or just the seconds may be omitted; and the whole date may be omitted
or just the year may be omitted. If the time is given, the time is
interpreted in the user's local time zone. The Date constructor takes
care of these conversions. In the following examples, suppose that yyyy
is the current year, mm is the current month, and dd is the current day
of the month; and suppose that the user is on Eastern Standard Time.
"2000-04-17" means <Date 2000-04-17.00:00:00>
"01-25" means <Date yyyy-01-25.00:00:00>
"2000-04-17.03:45" means <Date 2000-04-17.08:45:00>
"08-13.22:13" means <Date yyyy-08-14.03:13:00>
"11-07.09:32:43" means <Date yyyy-11-07.14:32:43>
"14:25" means <Date yyyy-mm-dd.19:25:00>
"8:47:11" means <Date yyyy-mm-dd.13:47:11>
"2003" means <Date 2003-01-01.00:00:00>
"2003-06" means <Date 2003-06-01.00:00:00>
"." means "right now"
The Date class should understand simple date expressions of the form
stamp + interval and stamp - interval. When adding or subtracting
intervals involving months or years, the components are handled
separately. For example, when evaluating "2000-06-25 + 1m 10d", we
first add one month to get 2000-07-25, then add 10 days to get
2000-08-04 (rather than trying to decide whether 1m 10d means 38 or 40
or 41 days). Example usage::
>>> Date(".")
<Date 2000-06-26.00:34:02>
>>> _.local(-5)
>>> Date(". + 2d")
<Date 2000-06-28.00:34:02>
>>> Date("1997-04-17", -5)
<Date 1997-04-17.00:00:00>
>>> Date("01-25", -5)
<Date 2000-01-25.00:00:00>
>>> Date("08-13.22:13", -5)
<Date 2000-08-14.03:13:00>
>>> Date("14:25", -5)
<Date 2000-06-25.19:25:00>
The date format 'yyyymmddHHMMSS' (year, month, day, hour,
minute, second) is the serialisation format returned by the serialise()
method, and is accepted as an argument on instatiation.
The date class handles basic arithmetic::
>>> d1=Date('.')
>>> d1
<Date 2004-04-06.22:04:20.766830>
>>> d2=Date('2003-07-01')
>>> d2
<Date 2003-07-01.00:00:0.000000>
>>> d1-d2
<Interval + 280d 22:04:20>
>>> i1=_
>>> d2+i1
<Date 2004-04-06.22:04:20.000000>
>>> d1-i1
<Date 2003-07-01.00:00:0.000000>
def __init__(self, spec='.', offset=0, add_granularity=False,
"""Construct a date given a specification and a time zone offset.
is a full date or a partial form, with an optional added or
subtracted interval. Or a date 9-tuple.
is the local time zone offset from GMT in hours.
is i18n module or one of gettext translation classes.
It must have attributes 'gettext' and 'ngettext',
serving as translation functions.
if type(spec) == type(''):
self.set(spec, offset=offset, add_granularity=add_granularity)
elif isinstance(spec, datetime.datetime):
# Python 2.3+ datetime object
y,m,d,H,M,S,x,x,x = spec.timetuple()
S += spec.microsecond/1000000.
spec = (y,m,d,H,M,S,x,x,x)
elif hasattr(spec, 'tuple'):
spec = spec.tuple()
elif isinstance(spec, Date):
spec = spec.get_tuple()
y,m,d,H,M,S,x,x,x = spec
frac = S - int(S)
self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, \
self.second = _local_to_utc(y, m, d, H, M, S, offset)
# we lost the fractional part
self.second = self.second + frac
if str(self.second) == '60.0': self.second = 59.9
raise ValueError, 'Unknown spec %r' % (spec,)
def set(self, spec, offset=0, date_re=date_re,
serialised_re=serialised_date_re, add_granularity=False):
''' set the date to the value in spec
m = serialised_re.match(spec)
if m is not None:
# we're serialised - easy!
g = m.groups()
(self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute) = \
map(int, g[:5])
self.second = float(g[5])
# not serialised data, try usual format
m = date_re.match(spec)
if m is None:
raise ValueError, self._('Not a date spec: '
'"yyyy-mm-dd", "mm-dd", "HH:MM", "HH:MM:SS" or '
info = m.groupdict()
# If add_granularity is true, construct the maximum time given
# the precision of the input. For example, given the input
# "12:15", construct "12:15:59". Or, for "2008", construct
# "2008-12-31.23:59:59".
if add_granularity:
for gran in 'SMHdmy':
if info[gran] is not None:
if gran == 'S':
raise ValueError
elif gran == 'M':
add_granularity = Interval('00:01')
elif gran == 'H':
add_granularity = Interval('01:00')
add_granularity = Interval('+1%s'%gran)
raise ValueError(self._('Could not determine granularity'))
# get the current date as our default
dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
y,m,d,H,M,S,x,x,x = dt.timetuple()
S += dt.microsecond/1000000.
# whether we need to convert to UTC
adjust = False
if info['y'] is not None or info['a'] is not None:
if info['y'] is not None:
y = int(info['y'])
m,d = (1,1)
if info['m'] is not None:
m = int(info['m'])
if info['d'] is not None:
d = int(info['d'])
if info['a'] is not None:
m = int(info['a'])
d = int(info['b'])
H = 0
M = S = 0
adjust = True
# override hour, minute, second parts
if info['H'] is not None and info['M'] is not None:
H = int(info['H'])
M = int(info['M'])
S = 0
if info['S'] is not None:
S = float(info['S'])
adjust = True
# now handle the adjustment of hour
frac = S - int(S)
dt = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,H,M,int(S), int(frac * 1000000.))
y, m, d, H, M, S, x, x, x = dt.timetuple()
if adjust:
y, m, d, H, M, S = _local_to_utc(y, m, d, H, M, S, offset)
self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, \
self.second = y, m, d, H, M, S
# we lost the fractional part along the way
self.second += dt.microsecond/1000000.
if info.get('o', None):
self.applyInterval(Interval(info['o'], allowdate=0))
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, self._('%r not a date / time spec '
'"yyyy-mm-dd", "mm-dd", "HH:MM", "HH:MM:SS" or '
# adjust by added granularity
if add_granularity:
self.applyInterval(Interval('- 00:00:01'))
def addInterval(self, interval):
''' Add the interval to this date, returning the date tuple
# do the basic calc
sign = interval.sign
year = self.year + sign * interval.year
month = self.month + sign * interval.month
day = self.day + sign * interval.day
hour = self.hour + sign * interval.hour
minute = self.minute + sign * interval.minute
# Intervals work on whole seconds
second = int(self.second) + sign * interval.second
# now cope with under- and over-flow
# first do the time
while (second < 0 or second > 59 or minute < 0 or minute > 59 or
hour < 0 or hour > 23):
if second < 0: minute -= 1; second += 60
elif second > 59: minute += 1; second -= 60
if minute < 0: hour -= 1; minute += 60
elif minute > 59: hour += 1; minute -= 60
if hour < 0: day -= 1; hour += 24
elif hour > 23: day += 1; hour -= 24
# fix up the month so we're within range
while month < 1 or month > 12:
if month < 1: year -= 1; month += 12
if month > 12: year += 1; month -= 12
# now do the days, now that we know what month we're in
def get_mdays(year, month):
if month == 2 and calendar.isleap(year): return 29
else: return calendar.mdays[month]
while month < 1 or month > 12 or day < 1 or day > get_mdays(year,month):
# now to day under/over
if day < 1:
# When going backwards, decrement month, then increment days
month -= 1
day += get_mdays(year,month)
elif day > get_mdays(year,month):
# When going forwards, decrement days, then increment month
day -= get_mdays(year,month)
month += 1
# possibly fix up the month so we're within range
while month < 1 or month > 12:
if month < 1: year -= 1; month += 12 ; day += 31
if month > 12: year += 1; month -= 12
return (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, 0, 0)
def differenceDate(self, other):
"Return the difference between this date and another date"
return self - other
def applyInterval(self, interval):
''' Apply the interval to this date
self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, \
self.second, x, x, x = self.addInterval(interval)
def __add__(self, interval):
"""Add an interval to this date to produce another date.
return Date(self.addInterval(interval), translator=self.translator)
# deviates from spec to allow subtraction of dates as well
def __sub__(self, other):
""" Subtract:
1. an interval from this date to produce another date.
2. a date from this date to produce an interval.
if isinstance(other, Interval):
other = Interval(other.get_tuple())
other.sign *= -1
return self.__add__(other)
assert isinstance(other, Date), 'May only subtract Dates or Intervals'
return self.dateDelta(other)
def dateDelta(self, other):
""" Produce an Interval of the difference between this date
and another date. Only returns days:hours:minutes:seconds.
# Returning intervals larger than a day is almost
# impossible - months, years, weeks, are all so imprecise.
a = calendar.timegm((self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour,
self.minute, self.second, 0, 0, 0))
b = calendar.timegm((other.year, other.month, other.day,
other.hour, other.minute, other.second, 0, 0, 0))
# intervals work in whole seconds
diff = int(a - b)
if diff > 0:
sign = 1
sign = -1
diff = -diff
S = diff%60
M = (diff/60)%60
H = (diff/(60*60))%24
d = diff/(24*60*60)
return Interval((0, 0, d, H, M, S), sign=sign,
def __cmp__(self, other, int_seconds=0):
"""Compare this date to another date."""
if other is None:
return 1
for attr in ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute'):
if not hasattr(other, attr):
return 1
r = cmp(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr))
if r: return r
if not hasattr(other, 'second'):
return 1
if int_seconds:
return cmp(int(self.second), int(other.second))
return cmp(self.second, other.second)
def __str__(self):
"""Return this date as a string in the yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss format."""
return self.formal()
def formal(self, sep='.', sec='%02d'):
f = '%%04d-%%02d-%%02d%s%%02d:%%02d:%s'%(sep, sec)
return f%(self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute,
def pretty(self, format='%d %B %Y'):
''' print up the date date using a pretty format...
Note that if the day is zero, and the day appears first in the
format, then the day number will be removed from output. import
dt = datetime.datetime(self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour,
self.minute, int(self.second),
int ((self.second - int (self.second)) * 1000000.))
str = dt.strftime(format)
# handle zero day by removing it
if format.startswith('%d') and str[0] == '0':
return ' ' + str[1:]
return str
def __repr__(self):
return '<Date %s>'%self.formal(sec='%06.3f')
def local(self, offset):
""" Return this date as yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss in a local time zone.
y, m, d, H, M, S = _utc_to_local(self.year, self.month, self.day,
self.hour, self.minute, self.second, offset)
return Date((y, m, d, H, M, S, 0, 0, 0), translator=self.translator)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return Date((self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour,
self.minute, self.second, 0, 0, 0), translator=self.translator)
def get_tuple(self):
return (self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute,
self.second, 0, 0, 0)
def serialise(self):
return '%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06.3f'%(self.year, self.month,
self.day, self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
def timestamp(self):
''' return a UNIX timestamp for this date '''
frac = self.second - int(self.second)
ts = calendar.timegm((self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour,
self.minute, self.second, 0, 0, 0))
# we lose the fractional part
return ts + frac
def setTranslator(self, translator):
"""Replace the translation engine
is i18n module or one of gettext translation classes.
It must have attributes 'gettext' and 'ngettext',
serving as translation functions.
self.translator = translator
self._ = translator.gettext
self.ngettext = translator.ngettext
def fromtimestamp(cls, ts):
"""Create a date object from a timestamp.
The timestamp may be outside the gmtime year-range of
usec = int((ts - int(ts)) * 1000000.)
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(ts), microseconds = usec)
return cls(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + delta)
fromtimestamp = classmethod(fromtimestamp)
class Interval:
Date intervals are specified using the suffixes "y", "m", and "d". The
suffix "w" (for "week") means 7 days. Time intervals are specified in
hh:mm:ss format (the seconds may be omitted, but the hours and minutes
may not).
"3y" means three years
"2y 1m" means two years and one month
"1m 25d" means one month and 25 days
"2w 3d" means two weeks and three days
"1d 2:50" means one day, two hours, and 50 minutes
"14:00" means 14 hours
"0:04:33" means four minutes and 33 seconds
Example usage:
>>> Interval(" 3w 1 d 2:00")
<Interval + 22d 2:00>
>>> Date(". + 2d") + Interval("- 3w")
<Date 2000-06-07.00:34:02>
>>> Interval('1:59:59') + Interval('00:00:01')
<Interval + 2:00>
>>> Interval('2:00') + Interval('- 00:00:01')
<Interval + 1:59:59>
>>> Interval('1y')/2
<Interval + 6m>
>>> Interval('1:00')/2
<Interval + 0:30>
>>> Interval('2003-03-18')
<Interval + [number of days between now and 2003-03-18]>
>>> Interval('-4d 2003-03-18')
<Interval + [number of days between now and 2003-03-14]>
Interval arithmetic is handled in a couple of special ways, trying
to cater for the most common cases. Fundamentally, Intervals which
have both date and time parts will result in strange results in
arithmetic - because of the impossibility of handling day->month->year
over- and under-flows. Intervals may also be divided by some number.
Intervals are added to Dates in order of:
seconds, minutes, hours, years, months, days
Calculations involving months (eg '+2m') have no effect on days - only
days (or over/underflow from hoursminssecswilldothat import
days-per-month and leap years are accounted for. Leap seconds are not.
The interval format 'syyyymmddHHMMSS' (sign, year, month, day, hour,
minute, second) is the serialisation format returned by the serialise()
method, and is accepted as an argument on instatiation.
TODO: more examples, showing the order of addition operation
def __init__(self, spec, sign=1, allowdate=1, add_granularity=False,
"""Construct an interval given a specification."""
if isinstance(spec, (int, float, long)):
elif isinstance(spec, basestring):
self.set(spec, allowdate=allowdate, add_granularity=add_granularity)
elif isinstance(spec, Interval):
(self.sign, self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour,
self.minute, self.second) = spec.get_tuple()
if len(spec) == 7:
self.sign, self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, \
self.minute, self.second = spec
self.second = int(self.second)
# old, buggy spec form
self.sign = sign
self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, \
self.second = spec
self.second = int(self.second)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return Interval((self.sign, self.year, self.month, self.day,
self.hour, self.minute, self.second), translator=self.translator)
def set(self, spec, allowdate=1, interval_re=re.compile('''
\s*(?P<s>[-+])? # + or -
\s*((?P<y>\d+\s*)y)? # year
\s*((?P<m>\d+\s*)m)? # month
\s*((?P<w>\d+\s*)w)? # week
\s*((?P<d>\d+\s*)d)? # day
\s*(((?P<H>\d+):(?P<M>\d+))?(:(?P<S>\d+))?)? # time
(\d\d\d\d[/-])?(\d\d?)?[/-](\d\d?)? # [yyyy-]mm-dd
\.? # .
(\d?\d:\d\d)?(:\d\d)? # hh:mm:ss
)?''', re.VERBOSE), serialised_re=re.compile('''
(?P<s>[+-])?1?(?P<y>([ ]{3}\d|\d{4}))(?P<m>\d{2})(?P<d>\d{2})
(?P<H>\d{2})(?P<M>\d{2})(?P<S>\d{2})''', re.VERBOSE),
''' set the date to the value in spec
self.year = self.month = self.week = self.day = self.hour = \
self.minute = self.second = 0
self.sign = 1
m = serialised_re.match(spec)
if not m:
m = interval_re.match(spec)
if not m:
raise ValueError, self._('Not an interval spec:'
' [+-] [#y] [#m] [#w] [#d] [[[H]H:MM]:SS] [date spec]')
allowdate = 0
# pull out all the info specified
info = m.groupdict()
if add_granularity:
for gran in 'SMHdwmy':
if info[gran] is not None:
info[gran] = int(info[gran]) + (info['s']=='-' and -1 or 1)
valid = 0
for group, attr in {'y':'year', 'm':'month', 'w':'week', 'd':'day',
'H':'hour', 'M':'minute', 'S':'second'}.items():
if info.get(group, None) is not None:
valid = 1
setattr(self, attr, int(info[group]))
# make sure it's valid
if not valid and not info['D']:
raise ValueError, self._('Not an interval spec:'
' [+-] [#y] [#m] [#w] [#d] [[[H]H:MM]:SS]')
if self.week:
self.day = self.day + self.week*7
if info['s'] is not None:
self.sign = {'+':1, '-':-1}[info['s']]
# use a date spec if one is given
if allowdate and info['D'] is not None:
now = Date('.')
date = Date(info['D'])
# if no time part was specified, nuke it in the "now" date
if not date.hour or date.minute or date.second:
now.hour = now.minute = now.second = 0
if date != now:
y = now - (date + self)
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Compare this interval to another interval."""
if other is None:
# we are always larger than None
return 1
for attr in 'sign year month day hour minute second'.split():
r = cmp(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr))
if r:
return r
return 0
def __str__(self):
"""Return this interval as a string."""
l = []
if self.year: l.append('%sy'%self.year)
if self.month: l.append('%sm'%self.month)
if self.day: l.append('%sd'%self.day)
if self.second:
l.append('%d:%02d:%02d'%(self.hour, self.minute, self.second))
elif self.hour or self.minute:
l.append('%d:%02d'%(self.hour, self.minute))
if l:
l.insert(0, {1:'+', -1:'-'}[self.sign])
return ' '.join(l)
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Date):
# the other is a Date - produce a Date
return Date(other.addInterval(self), translator=self.translator)
elif isinstance(other, Interval):
# add the other Interval to this one
a = self.get_tuple()
asgn = a[0]
b = other.get_tuple()
bsgn = b[0]
i = [asgn*x + bsgn*y for x,y in zip(a[1:],b[1:])]
i.insert(0, 1)
i = fixTimeOverflow(i)
return Interval(i, translator=self.translator)
# nope, no idea what to do with this other...
raise TypeError, "Can't add %r"%other
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Date):
# the other is a Date - produce a Date
interval = Interval(self.get_tuple())
interval.sign *= -1
return Date(other.addInterval(interval),
elif isinstance(other, Interval):
# add the other Interval to this one
a = self.get_tuple()
asgn = a[0]
b = other.get_tuple()
bsgn = b[0]
i = [asgn*x - bsgn*y for x,y in zip(a[1:],b[1:])]
i.insert(0, 1)
i = fixTimeOverflow(i)
return Interval(i, translator=self.translator)
# nope, no idea what to do with this other...
raise TypeError, "Can't add %r"%other
def __div__(self, other):
""" Divide this interval by an int value.
Can't divide years and months sensibly in the _same_
calculation as days/time, so raise an error in that situation.
other = float(other)
except TypeError:
raise ValueError, "Can only divide Intervals by numbers"
y, m, d, H, M, S = (self.year, self.month, self.day,
self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
if y or m:
if d or H or M or S:
raise ValueError, "Can't divide Interval with date and time"
months = self.year*12 + self.month
months *= self.sign
months = int(months/other)
sign = months<0 and -1 or 1
m = months%12
y = months / 12
return Interval((sign, y, m, 0, 0, 0, 0),
# handle a day/time division
seconds = S + M*60 + H*60*60 + d*60*60*24
seconds *= self.sign
seconds = int(seconds/other)
sign = seconds<0 and -1 or 1
seconds *= sign
S = seconds%60
seconds /= 60
M = seconds%60
seconds /= 60
H = seconds%24
d = seconds / 24
return Interval((sign, 0, 0, d, H, M, S),
def __repr__(self):
return '<Interval %s>'%self.__str__()
def pretty(self):
''' print up the date date using one of these nice formats..
_quarters = self.minute / 15
if self.year:
s = self.ngettext("%(number)s year", "%(number)s years",
self.year) % {'number': self.year}
elif self.month or self.day > 28:
_months = max(1, int(((self.month * 30) + self.day) / 30))
s = self.ngettext("%(number)s month", "%(number)s months",
_months) % {'number': _months}
elif self.day > 7:
_weeks = int(self.day / 7)
s = self.ngettext("%(number)s week", "%(number)s weeks",
_weeks) % {'number': _weeks}
elif self.day > 1:
# Note: singular form is not used
s = self.ngettext('%(number)s day', '%(number)s days',
self.day) % {'number': self.day}
elif self.day == 1 or self.hour > 12:
if self.sign > 0:
return self._('tomorrow')
return self._('yesterday')
elif self.hour > 1:
# Note: singular form is not used
s = self.ngettext('%(number)s hour', '%(number)s hours',
self.hour) % {'number': self.hour}
elif self.hour == 1:
if self.minute < 15:
s = self._('an hour')
elif _quarters == 2:
s = self._('1 1/2 hours')
s = self.ngettext('1 %(number)s/4 hours',
'1 %(number)s/4 hours', _quarters)%{'number': _quarters}
elif self.minute < 1:
if self.sign > 0:
return self._('in a moment')
return self._('just now')
elif self.minute == 1:
# Note: used in expressions "in 1 minute" or "1 minute ago"
s = self._('1 minute')
elif self.minute < 15:
# Note: used in expressions "in 2 minutes" or "2 minutes ago"
s = self.ngettext('%(number)s minute', '%(number)s minutes',
self.minute) % {'number': self.minute}
elif _quarters == 2:
s = self._('1/2 an hour')
s = self.ngettext('%(number)s/4 hour', '%(number)s/4 hours',
_quarters) % {'number': _quarters}
# XXX this is internationally broken
if self.sign < 0:
s = self._('%s ago') % s
s = self._('in %s') % s
return s
def get_tuple(self):
return (self.sign, self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour,
self.minute, self.second)
def serialise(self):
sign = self.sign > 0 and '+' or '-'
return '%s%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d'%(sign, self.year, self.month,
self.day, self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
def as_seconds(self):
'''Calculate the Interval as a number of seconds.
Months are counted as 30 days, years as 365 days. Returns a Long
n = self.year * 365L
n = n + self.month * 30
n = n + self.day
n = n * 24
n = n + self.hour
n = n * 60
n = n + self.minute
n = n * 60
n = n + self.second
return n * self.sign
def from_seconds(self, val):
'''Figure my second, minute, hour and day values using a seconds
val = int(val)
if val < 0:
self.sign = -1
val = -val
self.sign = 1
self.second = val % 60
val = val / 60
self.minute = val % 60
val = val / 60
self.hour = val % 24
val = val / 24
self.day = val
self.month = self.year = 0
def setTranslator(self, translator):
"""Replace the translation engine
is i18n module or one of gettext translation classes.
It must have attributes 'gettext' and 'ngettext',
serving as translation functions.
self.translator = translator
self._ = translator.gettext
self.ngettext = translator.ngettext
def fixTimeOverflow(time):
""" Handle the overflow in the time portion (H, M, S) of "time":
(sign, y,m,d,H,M,S)
Overflow and underflow will at most affect the _days_ portion of
the date. We do not overflow days to months as we don't know _how_
to, generally.
# XXX we could conceivably use this function for handling regular dates
# XXX too - we just need to interrogate the month/year for the day
# XXX overflow...
sign, y, m, d, H, M, S = time
seconds = sign * (S + M*60 + H*60*60 + d*60*60*24)
if seconds:
sign = seconds<0 and -1 or 1
seconds *= sign
S = seconds%60
seconds /= 60
M = seconds%60
seconds /= 60
H = seconds%24
d = seconds / 24
months = y*12 + m
sign = months<0 and -1 or 1
months *= sign
m = months%12
y = months/12
return (sign, y, m, d, H, M, S)
class Range:
"""Represents range between two values
Ranges can be created using one of theese two alternative syntaxes:
1. Native english syntax::
[[From] <value>][ To <value>]
Keywords "From" and "To" are case insensitive. Keyword "From" is
2. "Geek" syntax::
[<value>][; <value>]
Either first or second <value> can be omitted in both syntaxes.
Examples (consider local time is Sat Mar 8 22:07:48 EET 2003)::
>>> Range("from 2-12 to 4-2")
<Range from 2003-02-12.00:00:00 to 2003-04-02.00:00:00>
>>> Range("18:00 TO +2m")
<Range from 2003-03-08.18:00:00 to 2003-05-08.20:07:48>
>>> Range("12:00")
<Range from 2003-03-08.12:00:00 to None>
>>> Range("tO +3d")
<Range from None to 2003-03-11.20:07:48>
>>> Range("2002-11-10; 2002-12-12")
<Range from 2002-11-10.00:00:00 to 2002-12-12.00:00:00>
>>> Range("; 20:00 +1d")
<Range from None to 2003-03-09.20:00:00>
def __init__(self, spec, Type, allow_granularity=True, **params):
"""Initializes Range of type <Type> from given <spec> string.
Sets two properties - from_value and to_value. None assigned to any of
this properties means "infinitum" (-infinitum to from_value and
+infinitum to to_value)
The Type parameter here should be class itself (e.g. Date), not a
class instance.
self.range_type = Type
re_range = r'(?:^|from(.+?))(?:to(.+?)$|$)'
re_geek_range = r'(?:^|(.+?));(?:(.+?)$|$)'
# Check which syntax to use
if ';' in spec:
# Geek
m = re.search(re_geek_range, spec.strip())
# Native english
m = re.search(re_range, spec.strip(), re.IGNORECASE)
if m:
self.from_value, self.to_value = m.groups()
if self.from_value:
self.from_value = Type(self.from_value.strip(), **params)
if self.to_value:
self.to_value = Type(self.to_value.strip(), **params)
if allow_granularity:
self.from_value = Type(spec, **params)
self.to_value = Type(spec, add_granularity=True, **params)
raise ValueError, "Invalid range"
def __str__(self):
return "from %s to %s" % (self.from_value, self.to_value)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Range %s>" % self.__str__()
def test_range():
rspecs = ("from 2-12 to 4-2", "from 18:00 TO +2m", "12:00;", "tO +3d",
"2002-11-10; 2002-12-12", "; 20:00 +1d", '2002-10-12')
rispecs = ('from -1w 2d 4:32 to 4d', '-2w 1d')
for rspec in rspecs:
print '>>> Range("%s")' % rspec
print `Range(rspec, Date)`
for rspec in rispecs:
print '>>> Range("%s")' % rspec
print `Range(rspec, Interval)`
def test():
intervals = (" 3w 1 d 2:00", " + 2d", "3w")
for interval in intervals:
print '>>> Interval("%s")'%interval
print `Interval(interval)`
dates = (".", "2000-06-25.19:34:02", ". + 2d", "1997-04-17", "01-25",
"08-13.22:13", "14:25", '2002-12')
for date in dates:
print '>>> Date("%s")'%date
print `Date(date)`
sums = ((". + 2d", "3w"), (".", " 3w 1 d 2:00"))
for date, interval in sums:
print '>>> Date("%s") + Interval("%s")'%(date, interval)
print `Date(date) + Interval(interval)`
if __name__ == '__main__':
# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 et si :