"""Sending Roundup-specific mail over SMTP.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import time, quopri, os, socket, smtplib, re, sys, traceback, email
from cStringIO import StringIO
from roundup import __version__
from roundup.date import get_timezone
from email.Utils import formatdate,formataddr,specialsre,escapesre
from email.Message import Message
from email.Header import Header
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
class MessageSendError(RuntimeError):
def encode_quopri(msg):
orig = msg.get_payload()
encdata = quopri.encodestring(orig)
del msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding']
msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'quoted-printable'
def nice_sender_header(name, address, charset):
# construct an address header so it's as human-readable as possible
# even in the presence of a non-ASCII name part
if not name:
return address
encname = name.encode('ASCII')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# use Header to encode correctly.
encname = Header(name, charset=charset).encode()
# the important bits of formataddr()
if specialsre.search(encname):
encname = '"%s"'%escapesre.sub(r'\\\g<0>', encname)
# now format the header as a string - don't return a Header as anonymous
# headers play poorly with Messages (eg. won't get wrapped properly)
return '%s <%s>'%(encname, address)
class Mailer:
"""Roundup-specific mail sending."""
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
# set to indicate to roundup not to actually _send_ email
# this var must contain a file to write the mail to
self.debug = os.environ.get('SENDMAILDEBUG', '') \
or config["MAIL_DEBUG"]
# set timezone so that things like formatdate(localtime=True)
# use the configured timezone
# apparently tzset doesn't exist in python under Windows, my bad.
# my pathetic attempts at googling a Windows-solution failed
# so if you're on Windows your mail won't use your configured
# timezone.
if hasattr(time, 'tzset'):
os.environ['TZ'] = get_timezone(self.config.TIMEZONE).tzname(None)
def get_standard_message(self, to, subject, author=None, multipart=False):
'''Form a standard email message from Roundup. import
"to" - recipients list
"subject" - Subject
"author" - (name, address) tuple or None for admin email
Subject and author are encoded using the EMAIL_CHARSET from the import
config (default UTF-8).
Returns a Message object.
# encode header values if they need to be
charset = getattr(self.config, 'EMAIL_CHARSET', 'utf-8')
tracker_name = unicode(self.config.TRACKER_NAME, 'utf-8')
if not author:
author = (tracker_name, self.config.ADMIN_EMAIL)
name = author[0]
name = unicode(author[0], 'utf-8')
author = nice_sender_header(name, author[1], charset)
if multipart:
message = MIMEMultipart()
message = MIMEText("")
message['Subject'] = subject.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeError:
message['Subject'] = Header(subject, charset)
message['To'] = ', '.join(to)
message['From'] = author
message['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
# add a Precedence header so autoresponders ignore us
message['Precedence'] = 'bulk'
# Add a unique Roundup header to help filtering
message['X-Roundup-Name'] = tracker_name.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeError:
message['X-Roundup-Name'] = Header(tracker_name, charset)
# and another one to avoid loops
message['X-Roundup-Loop'] = 'hello'
# finally, an aid to debugging problems
message['X-Roundup-Version'] = __version__
return message
def standard_message(self, to, subject, content, author=None):
"""Send a standard message.
- to: a list of addresses usable by rfc822.parseaddr().
- subject: the subject as a string.
- content: the body of the message as a string.
- author: the sender as a (name, address) tuple
All strings are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.
message = self.get_standard_message(to, subject, author)
self.smtp_send(to, message.as_string())
def bounce_message(self, bounced_message, to, error,
subject='Failed issue tracker submission'):
"""Bounce a message, attaching the failed submission.
- bounced_message: an RFC822 Message object.
- to: a list of addresses usable by rfc822.parseaddr(). Might be
extended or overridden according to the config
- error: the reason of failure as a string.
- subject: the subject as a string.
# see whether we should send to the dispatcher or not
dispatcher_email = getattr(self.config, "DISPATCHER_EMAIL",
getattr(self.config, "ADMIN_EMAIL"))
error_messages_to = getattr(self.config, "ERROR_MESSAGES_TO", "user")
if error_messages_to == "dispatcher":
to = [dispatcher_email]
elif error_messages_to == "both":
message = self.get_standard_message(to, subject, multipart=True)
# add the error text
part = MIMEText('\n'.join(error))
# attach the original message to the returned message
body = []
for header in bounced_message.headers:
except IOError, errmessage:
body.append("*** couldn't include message body: %s ***" %
part = MIMEText(''.join(body))
# send
self.smtp_send(to, message.as_string())
except MessageSendError:
# squash mail sending errors when bouncing mail
# TODO this *could* be better, as we could notify admin of the
# problem (even though the vast majority of bounce errors are
# because of spam)
def exception_message(self):
'''Send a message to the admins with information about the latest
subject = '%s: %s'%(self.config.TRACKER_NAME, sys.exc_info()[1])
to = [self.config.ADMIN_EMAIL]
content = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
self.standard_message(to, subject, content)
def smtp_send(self, to, message, sender=None):
"""Send a message over SMTP, using roundup's config.
- to: a list of addresses usable by rfc822.parseaddr().
- message: a StringIO instance with a full message.
- sender: if not 'None', the email address to use as the
envelope sender. If 'None', the admin email is used.
if not sender:
sender = self.config.ADMIN_EMAIL
if self.debug:
# don't send - just write to a file
open(self.debug, 'a').write('FROM: %s\nTO: %s\n%s\n' %
', '.join(to), message))
# now try to send the message
# send the message as admin so bounces are sent there
# instead of to roundup
smtp = SMTPConnection(self.config)
smtp.sendmail(sender, to, message)
except socket.error, value:
raise MessageSendError("Error: couldn't send email: "
"mailhost %s"%value)
except smtplib.SMTPException, msg:
raise MessageSendError("Error: couldn't send email: %s"%msg)
class SMTPConnection(smtplib.SMTP):
''' Open an SMTP connection to the mailhost specified in the config
def __init__(self, config):
smtplib.SMTP.__init__(self, config.MAILHOST, port=config['MAIL_PORT'],
# start the TLS if requested
if config["MAIL_TLS"]:
# ok, now do we also need to log in?
mailuser = config["MAIL_USERNAME"]
if mailuser:
self.login(mailuser, config["MAIL_PASSWORD"])
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