"""Handle the security declarations used in Roundup trackers.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import weakref
from roundup import hyperdb,support
class Permission:
''' Defines a Permission with the attributes
- name
- description
- klass (optional)
- properties (optional)
- check function (optional)
The klass may be unset, indicating that this permission is not
locked to a particular class. That means there may be multiple
Permissions for the same name for different classes.
If property names are set, permission is restricted to those
properties only.
If check function is set, permission is granted only when
the function returns value interpreted as boolean true.
The function is called with arguments db, userid, itemid.
def __init__(self, name='', description='', klass=None,
properties=None, check=None):
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.klass = klass
self.properties = properties
self._properties_dict = support.TruthDict(properties)
self.check = check
def test(self, db, permission, classname, property, userid, itemid):
if permission != self.name:
return 0
# are we checking the correct class
if self.klass is not None and self.klass != classname:
return 0
# what about property?
if property is not None and not self._properties_dict[property]:
return 0
# check code
if itemid is not None and self.check is not None:
if not self.check(db, userid, itemid):
return 0
# we have a winner
return 1
def __repr__(self):
return '<Permission 0x%x %r,%r,%r,%r>'%(id(self), self.name,
self.klass, self.properties, self.check)
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.name != other.name:
return cmp(self.name, other.name)
if self.klass != other.klass: return 1
if self.properties != other.properties: return 1
if self.check != other.check: return 1
# match
return 0
class Role:
''' Defines a Role with the attributes
- name
- description
- permissions
def __init__(self, name='', description='', permissions=None):
self.name = name.lower()
self.description = description
if permissions is None:
permissions = []
self.permissions = permissions
def __repr__(self):
return '<Role 0x%x %r,%r>'%(id(self), self.name, self.permissions)
class Security:
def __init__(self, db):
''' Initialise the permission and role classes, and add in the
base roles (for admin user).
self.db = weakref.proxy(db) # use a weak ref to avoid circularity
# permssions are mapped by name to a list of Permissions by class
self.permission = {}
# roles are mapped by name to the Role
self.role = {}
# the default Roles
self.addRole(name="User", description="A regular user, no privs")
self.addRole(name="Admin", description="An admin user, full privs")
self.addRole(name="Anonymous", description="An anonymous user")
# default permissions - Admin may do anything
for p in 'create edit retire view'.split():
p = self.addPermission(name=p.title(),
description="User may %s everthing"%p)
self.addPermissionToRole('Admin', p)
# initialise the permissions and roles needed for the UIs
from roundup.cgi import client
from roundup import mailgw
def getPermission(self, permission, classname=None, properties=None,
''' Find the Permission matching the name and for the class, if the
classname is specified.
Raise ValueError if there is no exact match.
if not self.permission.has_key(permission):
raise ValueError, 'No permission "%s" defined'%permission
if classname:
except KeyError:
raise ValueError, 'No class "%s" defined'%classname
# look through all the permissions of the given name
tester = Permission(permission, klass=classname, properties=properties,
for perm in self.permission[permission]:
if perm == tester:
return perm
raise ValueError, 'No permission "%s" defined for "%s"'%(permission,
def hasPermission(self, permission, userid, classname=None,
property=None, itemid=None):
'''Look through all the Roles, and hence Permissions, and
see if "permission" exists given the constraints of
classname, property and itemid.
If classname is specified (and only classname) then the
search will match if there is *any* Permission for that
classname, even if the Permission has additional
If property is specified, the Permission matched must have
either no properties listed or the property must appear in
the list.
If itemid is specified, the Permission matched must have
either no check function defined or the check function,
when invoked, must return a True value.
Note that this functionality is actually implemented by the
Permission.test() method.
if itemid and classname is None:
raise ValueError, 'classname must accompany itemid'
for rolename in self.db.user.get_roles(userid):
if not rolename or not self.role.has_key(rolename):
# for each of the user's Roles, check the permissions
for perm in self.role[rolename].permissions:
# permission match?
if perm.test(self.db, permission, classname, property,
userid, itemid):
return 1
return 0
def addPermission(self, **propspec):
''' Create a new Permission with the properties defined in
'propspec'. See the Permission class for the possible
keyword args.
perm = Permission(**propspec)
self.permission.setdefault(perm.name, []).append(perm)
return perm
def addRole(self, **propspec):
''' Create a new Role with the properties defined in 'propspec'
role = Role(**propspec)
self.role[role.name] = role
return role
def addPermissionToRole(self, rolename, permission, classname=None,
properties=None, check=None):
''' Add the permission to the role's permission list.
'rolename' is the name of the role to add the permission to.
'permission' is either a Permission *or* a permission name
accompanied by 'classname' (thus in the second case a Permission
is obtained by passing 'permission' and 'classname' to
if not isinstance(permission, Permission):
permission = self.getPermission(permission, classname,
properties, check)
role = self.role[rolename.lower()]
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