#! /usr/bin/python
# Schema diagram generator contributed by Stefan Seefeld of the fresco
# project http://www.fresco.org/.
# It generates a 'dot file' that is then fed into the 'dot'
# tool (http://www.graphviz.org) to generate a graph:
# %> ./schema.py
# %> dot -Tps schema.dot -o schema.ps
# %> gv schema.ps
import sys
import roundup.instance
# open the instance
instance = roundup.instance.open(sys.argv[1])
db = instance.open()
# diagram preamble
print 'digraph schema {'
print 'size="8,6"'
print 'node [shape="record" bgcolor="#ffe4c4" style=filled]'
print 'edge [taillabel="1" headlabel="1" dir=back arrowtail=ediamond]'
# get all the classes
types = db.classes.keys()
# one record node per class
for i in range(len(types)):
print 'node%d [label=\"{%s|}"]'%(i, types[i])
# now draw in the relations
for name in db.classes.keys():
type = db.classes[name]
attributes = type.getprops()
for a in attributes.keys():
attribute = attributes[a]
if isinstance(attribute, roundup.hyperdb.Link):
print 'node%d -> node%d [label=%s]'%(types.index(name),
elif isinstance(attribute, roundup.hyperdb.Multilink):
print 'node%d -> node%d [taillabel="*" label=%s]'%(types.index(name),
# all done
print '}'