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"""Suite Finder Basics: Commonly-used Finder commands and object classes
Level 1, version 1

Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'fndr'

class Finder_Basics_Events:

  _argmap_computer = {
    'has' : 'has ',

  def computer(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """computer: Test attributes of this computer
    Required argument: the attribute to test
    Keyword argument has: test specific bits of response
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    Returns: the result of the query
    _code = 'fndr'
    _subcode = 'gstl'

    aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_computer)
    _arguments['----'] = _object

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  def copy(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """copy: Copy the selected items to the clipboard (the Finder must be the front application)
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    _code = 'misc'
    _subcode = 'copy'

    if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
    if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  def restart(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """restart: Restart the computer
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    _code = 'fndr'
    _subcode = 'rest'

    if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
    if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  def shut_down(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """shut down: Shut Down the computer
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    _code = 'fndr'
    _subcode = 'shut'

    if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
    if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  def sleep(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """sleep: Put the computer to sleep
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    _code = 'fndr'
    _subcode = 'slep'

    if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
    if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

  _argmap_sort = {
    'by' : 'by  ',

  def sort(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
    """sort: Return the specified object(s) in a sorted list
    Required argument: a list of finder objects to sort
    Keyword argument by: the property to sort the items by (name, index, date, etc.)
    Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
    Returns: the sorted items in their new order
    _code = 'DATA'
    _subcode = 'SORT'

    aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_sort)
    _arguments['----'] = _object

    _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
        _arguments, _attributes)
    if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
      raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
    # XXXX Optionally decode result
    if _arguments.has_key('----'):
      return _arguments['----']

class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """application - The Finder """
  want = 'capp'
class clipboard(aetools.NProperty):
  """clipboard - the Finders clipboard window """
  which = 'pcli'
  want = 'obj '
class largest_free_block(aetools.NProperty):
  """largest free block - the largest free block of process memory available to launch an application """
  which = 'mfre'
  want = 'long'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
  """name - the Finders name """
  which = 'pnam'
  want = 'itxt'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
  """visible - Is the Finders layer visible? """
  which = 'pvis'
  want = 'bool'
class frontmost(aetools.NProperty):
  """frontmost - Is the Finder the frontmost process? """
  which = 'pisf'
  want = 'bool'
class selection(aetools.NProperty):
  """selection - the selection visible to the user """
  which = 'sele'
  want = 'obj '
class insertion_location(aetools.NProperty):
  """insertion location - the container in which a new folder would appear if New Folder was selected """
  which = 'pins'
  want = 'obj '
class file_sharing(aetools.NProperty):
  """file sharing - Is file sharing on? """
  which = 'fshr'
  want = 'bool'
class sharing_starting_up(aetools.NProperty):
  """sharing starting up - Is file sharing in the process of starting up? """
  which = 'fsup'
  want = 'bool'
class product_version(aetools.NProperty):
  """product version - the version of the System software running on this computer """
  which = 'ver2'
  want = 'itxt'
class version(aetools.NProperty):
  """version - the version of the Finder """
  which = 'vers'
  want = 'itxt'
class about_this_computer(aetools.NProperty):
  """about this computer - the About this Computer dialog and the list of running processes displayed in it """
  which = 'abbx'
  want = 'obj '
class desktop(aetools.NProperty):
  """desktop - the desktop """
  which = 'desk'
  want = 'cdsk'
class Finder_preferences(aetools.NProperty):
  """Finder preferences - Various preferences that apply to the Finder as a whole """
  which = 'pfrp'
  want = 'cprf'
#        element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'cdis' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID  ']
#        element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID  ']
#        element 'file' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID  ']
#        element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'inlf' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'clpf' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'pack' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'prcs' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'pcap' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'pcda' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'cwin' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'cwnd' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'iwnd' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'lwnd' as ['indx', 'name']
#        element 'dwnd' as ['indx', 'name']

class special_folders(aetools.ComponentItem):
  """special folders - The special folders used by the Mac OS """
  want = 'spfl'
class system_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """system folder - the System folder """
  which = 'macs'
  want = 'obj '
class apple_menu_items_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """apple menu items folder - the special folder named Apple Menu Items, the contents of which appear in the Apple menu """
  which = 'amnu'
  want = 'obj '
class control_panels_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """control panels folder - the special folder named Control Panels """
  which = 'ctrl'
  want = 'obj '
class extensions_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """extensions folder - the special folder named Extensions """
  which = 'extn'
  want = 'obj '
class fonts_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """fonts folder - the special folder named Fonts """
  which = 'font'
  want = 'obj '
class preferences_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """preferences folder - the special folder named Preferences """
  which = 'pref'
  want = 'obj '
class shutdown_items_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """shutdown items folder - the special folder named Shutdown Items """
  which = 'shdf'
  want = 'obj '
class startup_items_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """startup items folder - the special folder named Startup Items """
  which = 'strt'
  want = 'obj '
class temporary_items_folder(aetools.NProperty):
  """temporary items folder - the special folder named Temporary Items (invisible) """
  which = 'temp'
  want = 'obj '
import Earlier_terms
import Containers_and_folders
import Files_and_suitcases
import Process_classes
import Window_classes
application._propdict = {
  'clipboard' : clipboard,
  'largest_free_block' : largest_free_block,
  'name' : name,
  'visible' : visible,
  'frontmost' : frontmost,
  'selection' : selection,
  'insertion_location' : insertion_location,
  'file_sharing' : file_sharing,
  'sharing_starting_up' : sharing_starting_up,
  'product_version' : product_version,
  'version' : version,
  'about_this_computer' : about_this_computer,
  'desktop' : desktop,
  'Finder_preferences' : Finder_preferences,
application._elemdict = {
  'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
  'container' : Containers_and_folders.container,
  'sharable_container' : Earlier_terms.sharable_container,
  'disk' : Containers_and_folders.disk,
  'folder' : Containers_and_folders.folder,
  'file' : Files_and_suitcases.file,
  'alias_file' : Files_and_suitcases.alias_file,
  'application_file' : Earlier_terms.application_file,
  'document_file' : Files_and_suitcases.document_file,
  'font_file' : Files_and_suitcases.font_file,
  'desk_accessory_file' : Files_and_suitcases.desk_accessory_file,
  'internet_location' : Earlier_terms.internet_location,
  'sound_file' : Files_and_suitcases.sound_file,
  'clipping' : Files_and_suitcases.clipping,
  'package' : Files_and_suitcases.package,
  'suitcase' : Files_and_suitcases.suitcase,
  'font_suitcase' : Files_and_suitcases.font_suitcase,
  'accessory_suitcase' : Earlier_terms.accessory_suitcase,
  'process' : Earlier_terms.process,
  'application_process' : Process_classes.application_process,
  'accessory_process' : Earlier_terms.accessory_process,
  'window' : Earlier_terms.window,
  'container_window' : Earlier_terms.container_window,
  'information_window' : Earlier_terms.information_window,
  'clipping_window' : Window_classes.clipping_window,
  'content_space' : Window_classes.content_space,
special_folders._propdict = {
  'system_folder' : system_folder,
  'apple_menu_items_folder' : apple_menu_items_folder,
  'control_panels_folder' : control_panels_folder,
  'extensions_folder' : extensions_folder,
  'fonts_folder' : fonts_folder,
  'preferences_folder' : preferences_folder,
  'shutdown_items_folder' : shutdown_items_folder,
  'startup_items_folder' : startup_items_folder,
  'temporary_items_folder' : temporary_items_folder,
special_folders._elemdict = {

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
  'spfl' : special_folders,
  'capp' : application,

_propdeclarations = {
  'amnu' : apple_menu_items_folder,
  'extn' : extensions_folder,
  'pnam' : name,
  'fshr' : file_sharing,
  'pcli' : clipboard,
  'strt' : startup_items_folder,
  'pref' : preferences_folder,
  'pisf' : frontmost,
  'pins' : insertion_location,
  'pvis' : visible,
  'abbx' : about_this_computer,
  'temp' : temporary_items_folder,
  'font' : fonts_folder,
  'pfrp' : Finder_preferences,
  'desk' : desktop,
  'fsup' : sharing_starting_up,
  'mfre' : largest_free_block,
  'ctrl' : control_panels_folder,
  'sele' : selection,
  'shdf' : shutdown_items_folder,
  'macs' : system_folder,
  'ver2' : product_version,
  'vers' : version,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
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