#!/usr/bin/env pyscript
# $Id: bifurcate.py,v 1.2 2006/02/14 14:23:08 paultcochrane Exp $
bifurcate.py - a bifurcation diagram
As lambda increases to some critical value the function becomes
multivalued and bifurcates giving the fork structure after \lambda_c.
# import the pyscript objects
from pyscript import *
# define the default units to use
defaults.units = UNITS['cm']
# define the axes
Arrow( P(0,0), P(0,4) ),
Arrow( P(0,0), P(5,0) ),
# dashed vertical line at lambda_c
Path( P(2,3.8), P(2,0), dash=Dash(2), fg=Color(.5) ),
# solid line before bifurcation point
Path( P(.5,2), P(2,2), linewidth=1 ),
# multi-valued part of function after bifurcation
Path( P(4,3.7),
C(P(3,3.5), P(2,3)),
C(P(2,1), P(3,.5)),
P(4,.3), linewidth=1),
# dashed horizontal line after lambda_c
Path( P(2,2), P(4,2), dash=Dash(3), linewidth=1 ),
# axes labels
TeX(r'$\bar{\lambda}_c$', n=P(2,-.1)),
TeX(r'$\bar{\lambda}$', ne=P(4.8,-.1)),
# the output file
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: