# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Alexei Gilchrist and Paul Cochrane
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: electronics.py,v 1.14 2006/04/24 14:24:03 paultcochrane Exp $
PyScript electronics objects library
Thanks to Adrian Jonstone's lcircuit macros from CTAN for the ideas and names
__revision__ = '$Revision: 1.14 $'
from pyscript import P,Group,Path,Circle,C,Rectangle,Color
class Gate(Group):
Generic gate class
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Group.__init__(self, **options)
self.height = 2.0
self.width = 3.0
self.angle = 0.0
self.pinLength = 0.5
self.fg = Color(0)
self.bg = Color(1)
# AND gate
class AndGate(Gate):
Generates an AND gate
@ivar height: gate height
@type height: float
@ivar width: gate width
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of gate
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Gate.__init__(self, **options)
# process the options if any
self.height = options.get("height", self.height)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
# now draw the gate
buff = 0.0
pinEdgeDist = 0.1*self.height
bodyHeight = self.height
pl = self.pinLength
bodyWidth = self.width - 2.0*pl
gateBody = Group(
P(pl, buff+0),
P(pl, buff+bodyHeight),
P(pl+bodyWidth/2.0, buff+bodyHeight)),
Circle(c=P(pl+bodyWidth/2.0, buff+bodyHeight/2.0),
r=bodyHeight/2.0, start=0, end=180),
P(pl+bodyWidth/2.0, buff+0),
P(pl, buff+0)))
gatePinIn1 = Path(
P(0, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist))
gatePinIn2 = Path(
P(0, pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, pinEdgeDist))
gatePinOut = Path(
P(bodyWidth+pl, bodyHeight/2.0),
P(bodyWidth+2.0*pl, bodyHeight/2.0))
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(gateBody, gatePinIn1, gatePinIn2, gatePinOut)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.bbox().c)
# now set the object to myself
# NAND gate
class NandGate(Gate):
Generates a NAND gate
@ivar height: gate height
@type height: float
@ivar width: gate width
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of gate
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Gate.__init__(self, **options)
# process the options if any
self.height = options.get("height", self.height)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
# now draw the gate
buff = 0.0
pinEdgeDist = 0.1*self.height
pl = self.pinLength
bodyHeight = self.height
bodyWidth = self.width - 2.0*pl
rad = 0.1
gateBody = Group(
P(pl, buff+0),
P(pl, buff+bodyHeight),
P(pl+bodyWidth/2., buff+bodyHeight)),
Circle(c=P(pl+bodyWidth/2., buff+bodyHeight/2.),
r=bodyHeight/2., start=0, end=180),
P(pl+bodyWidth/2., buff+0),
P(pl, buff+0)))
gatePinIn1 = Path(
P(0, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist))
gatePinIn2 = Path(
P(0, pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, pinEdgeDist))
gatePinOut = Group(
Circle(c=P(bodyWidth+pl+rad, bodyHeight/2.), r=rad),
P(bodyWidth+pl+2.*rad, bodyHeight/2.),
P(bodyWidth+2.*rad+2.*pl, bodyHeight/2.)))
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(gateBody, gatePinIn1, gatePinIn2, gatePinOut)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# now set the object to myself
# OR gate
class OrGate(Gate):
Generates an OR gate
@ivar height: gate height
@type height: float
@ivar width: gate width
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of gate
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Gate.__init__(self, **options)
# process the options if any
self.height = options.get("height", self.height)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
# now draw the gate
pinEdgeDist = 0.1*self.height
pl = self.pinLength
pinBackDist = -0.08*self.width
bodyHeight = self.height
bodyWidth = self.width - 2.0*pl
gateBody = Group(
P(-pinBackDist, -pinEdgeDist),
C(90, 225),
P(1.25*bodyWidth, bodyHeight/2.0),
C(-45, 90),
P(-pinBackDist, bodyHeight+pinEdgeDist),
C(140, 40),
gatePinIn1 = Path(
P(0, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist))
gatePinIn2 = Path(
P(0, pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, pinEdgeDist))
gatePinOut = Path(
gateBody.e+P(pl, 0))
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(gateBody, gatePinIn1, gatePinIn2, gatePinOut)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# now set the object to myself
# NOR gate
class NorGate(Gate):
Generates a NOR gate
@ivar height: gate height
@type height: float
@ivar width: gate width
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of gate
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Gate.__init__(self, **options)
# process the options if any
self.height = options.get("height", self.height)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
# now draw the gate
pl = self.pinLength
pinEdgeDist = 0.1*self.height
pinBackDist = -0.08*self.width
bodyHeight = self.height
bodyWidth = self.width - 2.0*pl
rad = 0.1
gateBody = Group(
P(-pinBackDist, -pinEdgeDist),
C(90, 225),
P(1.25*bodyWidth, bodyHeight/2.0),
C(-45, 90),
P(-pinBackDist, bodyHeight+pinEdgeDist),
C(140, 40),
gatePinIn1 = Path(
P(0, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist))
gatePinIn2 = Path(
P(0, pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, pinEdgeDist))
gatePinOut = Group(
Circle(w=gateBody.e, r=rad),
gateBody.e+P(0.2, 0),
gateBody.e+P(pl+0.2, 0)),
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(gateBody, gatePinIn1, gatePinIn2, gatePinOut)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# nwo set the object to myself
# XOR gate
class XorGate(Gate):
Generates an XOR gate
@ivar height: gate height
@type height: float
@ivar width: gate width
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of gate
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Gate.__init__(self, **options)
# process the options if any
self.height = options.get("height", self.height)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
# now draw the gate
pinEdgeDist = 0.1*self.height
pinBackDist = -0.08*self.width
xBit = 0.2
pl = self.pinLength
bodyHeight = self.height
bodyWidth = self.width - 2.0*pl
gateBody = Group(
P(-pinBackDist+xBit, -pinEdgeDist),
C(90, 225),
P(1.4*bodyWidth, bodyHeight/2.),
C(-45, 90),
P(-pinBackDist+xBit, bodyHeight+pinEdgeDist),
C(140, 40),
P(-pinBackDist+xBit, -pinEdgeDist),
P(-pinBackDist, bodyHeight+pinEdgeDist),
C(140, 40),
P(-pinBackDist, -pinEdgeDist)
gatePinIn1 = Path(
P(0, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist))
gatePinIn2 = Path(
P(0, pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, pinEdgeDist))
gatePinOut = Path(
gateBody.e+P(pl, 0))
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(gateBody, gatePinIn1, gatePinIn2, gatePinOut)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# now set the object to myself
# NXOR gate
class NxorGate(Gate):
Generates a NXOR gate
@ivar height: gate height
@type height: float
@ivar width: gate width
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of gate
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Gate.__init__(self, **options)
# process the options if any
self.height = options.get("height", self.height)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
# now draw the gate
pinEdgeDist = 0.1*self.height
pinBackDist = -0.08*self.width
xBit = 0.2
rad = 0.1
pl = self.pinLength
bodyHeight = self.height
bodyWidth = self.width - 2.0*pl
gateBody = Group(
P(-pinBackDist+xBit, -pinEdgeDist),
C(90, 225),
P(1.4*bodyWidth, bodyHeight/2.),
C(-45, 90),
P(-pinBackDist+xBit, bodyHeight+pinEdgeDist),
C(140, 40),
P(-pinBackDist+xBit, -pinEdgeDist),
P(-pinBackDist, bodyHeight+pinEdgeDist),
C(140, 40),
P(-pinBackDist, -pinEdgeDist)
gatePinIn1 = Path(
P(0, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist))
gatePinIn2 = Path(
P(0, pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, pinEdgeDist))
gatePinOut = Group(
Circle(w=gateBody.e, r=rad),
gateBody.e+P(0.2, 0),
gateBody.e+P(pl+0.2, 0)),
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(gateBody, gatePinIn1, gatePinIn2, gatePinOut)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# now set the object to myself
# NOT gate
class NotGate(Gate):
Generates a NOT gate
@ivar height: gate height
@type height: float
@ivar width: gate width
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of gate
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# initialise the base class
Gate.__init__(self, **options)
# process the options if any
self.height = options.get("height", self.height)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
# now draw the gate
buff = 0
pl = self.pinLength
pinEdgeDist = 0.1*self.height
bodyHeight = self.height
bodyWidth = self.width - 2.0*pl
rad = 0.1
gateBody = Group(
P(pl, buff+0),
P(pl, buff+bodyHeight),
P(pl+0.707106781*bodyWidth, buff+bodyHeight/2.),
P(pl, buff+0)
gatePinIn1 = Path(
P(0, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, bodyHeight-pinEdgeDist))
gatePinIn2 = Path(
P(0, pinEdgeDist),
P(pl, pinEdgeDist))
gatePinOut = Group(
Circle(w=gateBody.e, r=rad),
gateBody.e+P(2.*rad, 0),
gateBody.e+P(2.*rad+pl, 0))
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(gateBody, gatePinIn1, gatePinIn2, gatePinOut)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# now set the object to myself
# resistor
class Resistor(Group):
Generates a box resistor
@ivar length: length of resistor
@type length: float
@ivar width: width of resistor
@type width: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of resistor
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# intitialise base class
Group.__init__(self, **options)
self.length = 3.0
self.width = 1.0
self.angle = 0.0
self.pinLength = 0.5
self.fg = Color(0)
self.bg = Color(1)
# process the options if any
self.length = options.get("length", self.length)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
pinIn = Group(
P(0, 0),
P(self.pinLength, 0)
resistor = Rectangle(w=pinIn.e, width=self.length, height=self.width)
pinOut = Path(
resistor.e+P(self.pinLength, 0))
# collect the objects together
obj = Group(pinIn, pinOut, resistor)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# return object to myself
# capacitor
class Capacitor(Group):
Generates a capacitor
@ivar width: width of capacitor
@type width: float
@ivar sep: separation of the plates of the capacitor
@type sep: float
@ivar angle: gate angle
@type angle: float
@ivar pinLength: length of pins into and out of capacitor
@type pinLength: float
@ivar fg: foreground colour
@type fg: L{Color} object
@ivar bg: background colour
@type bg: L{Color} object
def __init__(self, **options):
# intitialise base class
Group.__init__(self, **options)
self.sep = 0.25
self.width = 1.0
self.angle = 0.0
self.pinLength = 0.5
self.fg = Color(0)
self.bg = Color(1)
# process the options if any
self.sep = options.get("sep", self.sep)
self.width = options.get("width", self.width)
self.angle = options.get("angle", self.angle)
self.pinLength = options.get("pinLength", self.pinLength)
self.fg = options.get("fg", self.fg)
self.bg = options.get("bg", self.bg)
pinIn = Group(
P(0, 0),
P(self.pinLength, 0),
cap = Group(
Path(pinIn.e+P(0, -self.width/2.0),
pinIn.e+P(0, self.width/2.0)),
Path(pinIn.e+P(self.sep, -self.width/2.0),
pinIn.e+P(self.sep, self.width/2.0)),
pinOut = Path(
cap.e+P(self.pinLength, 0))
# group the objects together
obj = Group(pinIn, pinOut, cap)
# apply the colours
obj.apply(fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)
# rotate if necessary
if self.angle != 0.0:
obj.rotate(self.angle, p=obj.c)
# set the object to myself
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