# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Alexei Gilchrist and Paul Cochrane
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
PyScript presentation library (posters and talks)
from pyscript.defaults import defaults
from pyscript import Group,Rectangle,Color,TeX,Area,Align,Page,\
VAlign, Page, Text, P, Bbox, Pages
__revision__ = '$Revision: 1.8 $'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# First some useful components
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Box(Group, Rectangle):
Draws a box around an object,
the box can be placed acording to standard Area tags
@cvar pad: padding around object
@cvar width: overide the width of the box
@cvar height: override the height of the box
# set these preferences different from Rectangle:
fg = Color(0)
bg = Color(1)
pad = .2
width = None
height = None
def __init__(self, obj, **options):
Rectangle.__init__(self, **options)
Group.__init__(self, **options)
bbox = obj.bbox()
self.object = obj
w = bbox.width+2*self.pad
h = bbox.height+2*self.pad
# overide the width and height if supplied
if self.width is None:
self.width = options.get('width', w)
if self.height is None:
self.height = options.get('height', h)
Rectangle(width=self.width, height=self.height,
bg=self.bg, fg=self.fg,
c=obj.c, r=self.r,
linewidth=self.linewidth, dash=self.dash),
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class TeXArea(Group):
Typeset some LaTeX within a fixed width minipage environment.
@cvar width: the width of the environment
@type width: float
@cvar iscale: initial scale of the tex
@type iscale: float
@cvar align: alignment of the LaTeX to box if it iss smaller than
the full width
@type align: string (anchor point)
@cvar fg: color of TeX
@type fg: L{Color} object
# has to be different from groups width attribute
width = 9.4
iscale = 1
fg = Color(0)
align = "w"
def __init__(self, text, **options):
Group.__init__(self, **options)
# set up tex width ... this relies on latex notion of
# a point being accurate ... adjust for tex_scale too
width_pp = int(self.width/float(self.iscale)*defaults.units)
t = TeX(r'\begin{minipage}{%dpt}%s\end{minipage}'%(width_pp, text),
fg=self.fg, iscale=self.iscale)
# use this for alignment as the latex bounding box may be smaller
# than the full width
a = Area(width=self.width, height=0)
Align(t, a, a1=self.align, a2=self.align, space=0)
self.append(a, t)
#apply(self, (), options)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Poster class
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Poster(Page, VAlign):
A poster class
@cvar size: the size of the poster eg A0
@cvar orientation: portrait or landscape
@cvar space: space between vertically aligned objects appended to poster
@cvar topspace: initial space at top of poster
@cvar bg: background color of poster (unless background() method
is overiden)
size = "A0"
orientation = "portrait"
bg = Color('DarkSlateBlue')
space = 1
topspace = 2
def __init__(self, *objects, **options):
Page.__init__(self, **options)
VAlign.__init__(self, **options)
back = self.background()
# use Page's append so background doesn't get aligned
Page.append(self, back)
# add invisible area at top to start alignment
a = Area(width=0, height=self.topspace-self.space, n=self.area().n)
def background(self):
Return background for poster
area = self.area()
signature = Text(
'Created with PyScript. http://pyscript.sourceforge.net',
size=14, fg=Color(1))
signature.se = area.se+P(-.5, .5)
return Group(
Rectangle(width=area.width, height=area.height,
fg=None, bg=self.bg),
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Talk Class
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Pause(object):
A marker object to split slides to simulate a pause
can appear anywhere in the talk
def bbox(self):
Return the bounding box
return Bbox()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Talk(Pages):
A Talk class for seminar presentations
def append(self, *slides_raw):
Append slides to the Talk
@param slides_raw: list of slides to append to the talk
@type slides_raw: list
slides = []
pg = 1
for slide in slides_raw:
slide(label = str(pg))
pg += 1
# find any Pauses present
pauses = []
f = slide.flatten()
for ii in range(len(f)):
if isinstance(f[ii][0], Pause):
for pause in pauses:
# create a copy and remove everything from Pause onwards
print "Found Pause(): splitting slide in two"
s = slide.copy()
fs = s.flatten()
for obj, group in fs[pause:]:
for slide in slides:
Pages.append(self, slide)
def write(self, fp, title="PyScriptPS"):
Write the talk out to file
@param fp: the file handle of the file to write to
@type fp: filehandle
@param title: the title to use in the output postscript
@type title: string
tot = len(self)
for pp in range(tot):
self[pp].make(page=pp, total=tot)
Pages.write(self, fp, title)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class EmptySlide(Page):
An empty slide class
title = None
orientation = "Landscape"
size = "screen"
def flatten(self, thegroup=None, objects=[]):
Return a flattened list of objects
if thegroup is None:
objects = []
objects = self.flatten(self.objects, objects)
for obj in thegroup:
objects.append((obj, thegroup))
if isinstance(obj, Group):
objects = self.flatten(obj, objects)
return objects
def append(self, *items, **options):
Append items to the slide
@param items: list of PyScript objects to append
@type items: list
@param options: dictionary of options (where to append object etc)
@type options: dict
a1 = options.get('a1', None)
a2 = options.get('a2', None)
if (a1 is not None) and (a2 is not None) and len(items)>0:
assert a1 in ["n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw", "c"]
assert a2 in ["n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw", "c"]
area = self.main()
setattr(items[0], a1, getattr(area, a2))
return Page.append(self, *items)
def append_n(self, *items):
Append items using the "north" attribute of the objects
@param items: list of objects to append
@type items: list
return apply(self.append, items, {'a1':'n', 'a2':'n'})
def append_s(self, *items):
Append items using the "south" attribute of the objects
@param items: list of objects to append
@type items: list
return apply(self.append, items, {'a1':'s', 'a2':'s'})
def append_e(self, *items):
Append items using the "east" attribute of the objects
@param items: list of objects to append
@type items: list
return apply(self.append, items, {'a1':'e', 'a2':'e'})
def append_w(self, *items):
Append items using the "west" attribute of the objects
@param items: list of objects to append
@type items: list
return apply(self.append, items, {'a1':'w', 'a2':'w'})
def append_c(self, *items):
Append items using the "centre" attribute of the objects
@param items: list of objects to append
@type items: list
return apply(self.append, items, {'a1':'c', 'a2':'c'})
def main(self):
Return the bounding box of the slide
bbox = self.bbox()
return bbox
def make_back(self):
Make the background of the slide
return None
def make_title(self):
Make the title of the slide
return None
def clear(self):
Clear the slide of objects
def make(self, page=1, total=1):
Make the slide
@param page: the page in the sequence of slides to make (default=1)
@type page: int
@param total: the total number of slides in the talk (default=1)
@type total: int
self.page = page
self.total = total
b = self.make_back()
if b is not None:
self.insert(0, b)
t = self.make_title()
if t is not None:
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