from rpy2.robjects.robject import RObjectMixin
import rpy2.rinterface as rinterface
import conversion
getmethod = rinterface.baseenv.get("getMethod")
require = rinterface.baseenv.get('require')
require(rinterface.StrSexpVector(('methods', )),
quiet = rinterface.BoolSexpVector((True, )))
class RS4(RObjectMixin, rinterface.SexpS4):
""" Python representation of an R instance of class 'S4'. """
def slotnames(self):
""" Return the 'slots' defined for this object """
return methods_env['slotNames'](self)
def do_slot(self, name):
return conversion.ri2py(super(RS4, self).do_slot(name))
def isclass(name):
""" Return whether the given name is a defined class. """
name = conversion.py2ri(name)
return methods_env['isClass'](name)[0]
def validobject(self, test = False, complete = False):
""" Return whether the instance is 'valid' for its class. """
test = conversion.py2ri(test)
complete = conversion.py2ri(complete)
return methods_env['validObject'](self, test = test,
complete = complete)[0]
class RS4_Type(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, cls_dict):
cls_rname = cls_dict['__rname__']
except KeyError, ke:
cls_rname = name
accessors = cls_dict['__accessors__']
except KeyError, ke:
accessors = []
for rname, where, \
python_name, as_property, \
docstring in accessors:
if where is None:
where = rinterface.globalenv
where = "package:" + str(where)
where = rinterface.StrSexpVector((where, ))
if python_name is None:
python_name = rname
signature = rinterface.StrSexpVector((cls_rname, ))
r_meth = getmethod(rinterface.StrSexpVector((rname, )),
signature = signature,
where = where)
r_meth = conversion.ri2py(r_meth)
if as_property:
cls_dict[python_name] = property(r_meth, None, None,
doc = docstring)
cls_dict[python_name] = lambda self: r_meth(self)
return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, cls_dict)
def set_accessors(cls, cls_name, where, acs):
# set accessors (to be abandonned for the metaclass above ?)
if where is None:
where = rinterface.globalenv
where = "package:" + str(where)
where = rinterface.StrSexpVector((where, ))
for r_name, python_name, as_property, docstring in acs:
if python_name is None:
python_name = r_name
r_meth = getmethod(rinterface.StrSexpVector((r_name, )),
signature = rinterface.StrSexpVector((cls_name, )),
where = where)
r_meth = conversion.ri2py(r_meth)
if as_property:
setattr(cls, python_name, property(r_meth, None, None))
setattr(cls, python_name, lambda self: r_meth(self))
methods_env = rinterface.baseenv.get('as.environment')(rinterface.StrSexpVector(('package:methods', )))