import rpy2.rinterface as rinterface
import rpy2.robjects.lib
import rpy2.robjects.conversion as conversion
from rpy2.robjects.functions import SignatureTranslatedFunction
from rpy2.robjects import NULL
_require = rinterface.baseenv['require']
_as_env = rinterface.baseenv['as.environment']
def quiet_require(name, lib_loc = None):
_parse = rinterface.baseenv['parse']
if lib_loc == None:
lib_loc = "NULL"
expr_txt = "suppressPackageStartupMessages(base::require(%s, lib.loc=%s))" \
%(name, lib_loc)
expr = _parse(text = rinterface.StrSexpVector([expr_txt, ]))
ok = rinterface.baseenv['eval'](expr)
return ok
class Package(object):
""" Models an R package
(and can do so from an arbitrary environment - with the caution
that locked environments should mostly be considered).
def __init__(self, env, name, translation = {}):
""" Create a Python module-like object from an R environment,
using the specified translation if defined. """
self._env = env
self.__rname__ = name
self._translation = translation
mynames = tuple(self.__dict__)
self._rpy2r = {}
def __update_dict__(self):
""" Update the __dict__ according to what is in the R environment """
for elt in self._rpy2r:
self._rpy2r = {}
def __fill_rpy2r__(self):
""" Fill the attribute _rpy2r """
name = self.__rname__
for rname in self._env:
if rname in self._translation:
rpyname = self._translation[rname]
dot_i = rname.find('.')
if dot_i > -1:
rpyname = rname.replace('.', '_')
if rpyname in self._rpy2r:
raise LibraryError(('Conflict in converting R symbol'+\
' to a Python symbol ' +\
'(%s -> %s while there is already'+\
' %s)') %(rname, rpyname,
rpyname = rname
if rpyname in self.__dict__ or rpyname == '__dict__':
raise LibraryError('The symbol ' + rname +\
' in the package ' + name + \
' is conflicting with ' +\
'a Python object attribute')
self._rpy2r[rpyname] = rname
rpyobj = conversion.ri2py(self._env[rname])
rpyobj.__rname__ = rname
#FIXME: shouldn't the original R name be also in the __dict__ ?
self.__dict__[rpyname] = rpyobj
class SignatureTranslatedPackage(Package):
def __fill_rpy2r__(self):
super(SignatureTranslatedPackage, self).__fill_rpy2r__()
for name, robj in self.__dict__.iteritems():
if isinstance(robj, rinterface.Sexp) and robj.typeof == rinterface.CLOSXP:
self.__dict__[name] = SignatureTranslatedFunction(self.__dict__[name])
class LibraryError(ImportError):
""" Error occuring when importing an R library """
def importr(name,
lib_loc = None,
robject_translations = {}, signature_translation = True,
suppress_messages = True):
""" Import an R package (and return a module-like object). """
if suppress_messages:
ok = quiet_require(name, lib_loc = lib_loc)
ok = _require(rinterface.StrSexpVector([name, ]), **{'lib.loc': lib_loc})[0]
if not ok:
raise LibraryError("The R package %s could not be imported" %name)
env = _as_env(rinterface.StrSexpVector(['package:'+name, ]))
if signature_translation:
pack = SignatureTranslatedPackage(env, name,
translation = robject_translations)
pack = Package(env, name, translation = robject_translations)
return pack
def wherefrom(symbol, startenv = rinterface.globalenv):
""" For a given symbol, return the environment
this symbol is first found in, starting from 'startenv'
env = startenv
obj = None
tryagain = True
while tryagain:
obj = env[symbol]
tryagain = False
except LookupError, knf:
env = env.enclos()
if env.rsame(rinterface.emptyenv):
tryagain = False
tryagain = True
return conversion.ri2py(env)