# Created by Leo from: C:\Development\Python22\Lib\site-packages\vb2py\vb2py.leo
from unittest import *
from complexframework import *
# << CodeModule tests >>
# Module level variables should be global (in the Python sense of the word)
Public my_a As String
Public Sub SetA(Value As Integer)
my_a = Value
End Sub
Public Function GetA()
GetA = my_a
End Function
"assert GetA() == 'hello', 'GetA was (%s)' % (GetA(),)\n",)
# -- end -- << CodeModule tests >>
import vb2py.vbparser
vb2py.vbparser.log.setLevel(0) # Don't print all logging stuff
TestClass = addTestsTo(BasicTest, tests)
if __name__ == "__main__":