# Created by Leo from: C:\Development\Python22\Lib\site-packages\vb2py\vb2py.leo
# Turn off logging in extensions (too loud!)
import vb2py.extensions
from unittest import *
from vb2py.vbparser import convertVBtoPython
import vb2py.vbfunctions as vbfunctions
import vb2py.vbfunctions
# Private data hiding may obscure some of the testing so we turn it off
import vb2py.config
Config = vb2py.config.VB2PYConfig()
Config.setLocalOveride("General", "RespectPrivateStatus", "No")
Config.setLocalOveride("General", "ReportPartialConversion", "No")
tests = []
def BasicTest():
"""Return a new class - we do it this way to allow this to work properly for multiple tests"""
class _BasicTest(TestCase):
"""Holder class which gets built into a whole test case"""
return _BasicTest
def getTestMethod(vb, result):
"""Create a test method"""
def testMethod(self):
local_dict = {"convertVBtoPython" : convertVBtoPython,
"vbfunctions" : vbfunctions}
# << Parse VB >>
python = convertVBtoPython(vb.replace("\r\n", "\n"))
except Exception, err:
self.fail("Error while parsing (%s)\n%s" % (err, vb))
# -- end -- << Parse VB >>
# << Execute the Python code >>
exec "from vb2py.vbfunctions import *" in local_dict
exec python in local_dict
except Exception, err:
if not result.has_key("FAIL"):
self.fail("Error (%s):\n%s\n....\n%s" % (err, vb, python))
if result.has_key("FAIL"):
self.fail("Should have failed:%s\n\n%s" % (vb, python))
# -- end -- << Execute the Python code >>
# << Work out what is expected >>
expected = {}
exec "" in expected
expected["convertVBtoPython"] = convertVBtoPython
expected["vbfunctions"] = vbfunctions
# -- end -- << Work out what is expected >>
# << Check for discrepancies >>
reason = ""
for key in local_dict:
if not (key.startswith("_") or hasattr(vb2py.vbfunctions, key)):
if expected[key] <> local_dict[key]:
reason += "%s: '%s' <> '%s'\n" % (key, expected[key], local_dict[key])
except KeyError:
reason += "Variable didn't exist: '%s'\n" % key
# -- end -- << Check for discrepancies >>
self.assert_(reason == "", "Failed: %s\n%s\n\n%s" % (reason, vb, python))
return testMethod
# Add tests to main test class
def addTestsTo(TestClassFactory, tests):
"""Add all the tests to the test class"""
TestClass = TestClassFactory()
for idx in range(len(tests)):
setattr(TestClass, "test%d" % idx, getTestMethod(*tests[idx]))
return TestClass