# Created by Leo from: C:\Development\Python22\Lib\site-packages\vb2py\vb2py.leo
from unittest import *
from testframework import *
# << Intrinsic tests >> (1 of 9)
# Concatenation
a = "hello"
b = "there"
c = a & b
""", {"a" : "hello", "b" : "there", "c" : "hellothere"}))
# Lots of Concatenation
a = "hello"
b = "there"
c = a & a & a & b & b & b
""", {"a" : "hello", "b" : "there", "c" : "hellohellohellotheretherethere"}))
# Left
a = "hello"
b = Left(a, 1)
c = Left(a, 2)
d = Left(a, 10)
""", {"a" : "hello", "b" : "h", "c" : "he", "d" : "hello"}))
# Right
a = "hello"
b = Right(a, 1)
c = Right(a, 2)
d = Right(a, 10)
""", {"a" : "hello", "b" : "o", "c" : "lo", "d" : "hello"}))
# Mid with one parameter
a = "hellothere"
b = Mid(a, 1)
c = Mid(a, 2)
d = Mid(a, 5)
""", {"a" : "hellothere", "b" : "hellothere", "c" : "ellothere", "d" : "othere"}))
# Mid with two parameters
a = "hellothere"
b = Mid(a, 1, 3)
c = Mid(a, 2, 4)
d = Mid(a, 5, 20)
""", {"a" : "hellothere", "b" : "hel", "c" : "ello", "d" : "othere"}))
# << Intrinsic tests >> (2 of 9)
('a = Instr("hello", "ll")', {"a" : 3}),
('a = Instr("hello", "lll")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = Instr(4, "hellollo", "ll")', {"a" : 6}),
('a = Instr(4, "hellollo", "lll")', {"a" : 0}),
# InstrB ??
('a = Len("hello")', {"a" : 5}),
('a = Len("")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = LCase("hello")', {"a" : "hello"}),
('a = LCase("HELlo")', {"a" : "hello"}),
('a = LCase("HELLO")', {"a" : "hello"}),
('a = UCase("hello")', {"a" : "HELLO"}),
('a = UCase("HELlo")', {"a" : "HELLO"}),
('a = UCase("HELLO")', {"a" : "HELLO"}),
('a = Space(4)', {"a" : " "}),
('a = Space("4")', {"a" : " "}),
('a = Space("0")', {"a" : ""}),
('a = StrComp("one", "two")', {"a" : -1}),
('a = StrComp("two", "two")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = StrComp("two", "one")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = String(4, "a")', {"a" : "aaaa"}),
('a = String(0, "a")', {"a" : ""}),
('a = String(4, "abc")', {"a" : "aaaa"}),
('a = Ltrim(" hello there ")', {"a" : "hello there "}),
('a = Ltrim("hello there ")', {"a" : "hello there "}),
('a = Rtrim(" hello there ")', {"a" : " hello there"}),
('a = Rtrim(" hello there")', {"a" : " hello there"}),
('a = Trim(" hello there ")', {"a" : "hello there"}),
('a = Trim("hello there")', {"a" : "hello there"}),
('a = IsNumeric("nope")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = IsNumeric("123nope")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = IsNumeric("123.0nope")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = IsNumeric("123.0ne10 ope")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = IsNumeric("1")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("-1")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("-12.45")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("-12.45e5")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("-12.45e-5")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("12.45")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("12.45e5")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("12.45e-5")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("+12.45")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("+12.45e5")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = IsNumeric("+12.45e-5")', {"a" : 1}),
# << Intrinsic tests >> (3 of 9)
('a = Asc("a")', {"a" : 97}),
('a = AscB("a")', {"a" : 97}),
('a = AscW("a")', {"a" : 97}),
('a = Abs(101)', {"a" : 101}),
('a = Abs(-101)', {"a" : 101}),
('a = Chr(97)', {"a" : "a"}),
('a = ChrB(97)', {"a" : "a"}),
('a = ChrW(97)', {"a" : "a"}),
# << Intrinsic tests >> (4 of 9)
('a = CBool(-1)', {"a" : 1}),
('a = CBool(0)', {"a" : 0}),
('a = CBool(-1)', {"a" : 1}),
('a = CByte(-1)', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CByte(67.4)', {"a" : 67}),
('a = CByte("123.8")', {"a" : 124}),
('a = CByte("1023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CByte("1ggg023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CDbl(-1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = CDbl(67.3)', {"a" : 67.3}),
('a = CDbl("123")', {"a" : 123}),
('a = CDbl("1023.1")', {"a" : 1023.1}),
('a = CDbl("1023.8")', {"a" : 1023.8}),
('a = CDbl("1ggg023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CInt(-1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = CInt(67.1)', {"a" : 67}),
('a = CInt("123.3")', {"a" : 123}),
('a = CInt("1023.8")', {"a" : 1024}),
('a = CInt("-331023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CInt("331023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CInt("1ggg023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CLng(-1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = CLng(67.2)', {"a" : 67}),
('a = CLng("123")', {"a" : 123}),
('a = CLng("1023.1")', {"a" : 1023}),
('a = CLng("-331023")', {"a" : -331023}),
('a = CLng("331023.8")', {"a" : 331024}),
('a = CLng("1ggg023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CSng(-1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = CSng(67.3)', {"a" : 67.3}),
('a = CSng("123")', {"a" : 123}),
('a = CSng("1023.1")', {"a" : 1023.1}),
('a = CSng("1023.8")', {"a" : 1023.8}),
('a = CSng("1ggg023")', {"FAIL" : 1}),
('a = CStr(-1)', {"a" : "-1"}),
('a = CStr("hello")', {"a" : "hello"}),
# << Intrinsic tests >> (5 of 9)
('a = Hex(255)', {"a" : "FF"}),
('a = Hex("255")', {"a" : "FF"}),
('a = Hex(0)', {"a" : "0"}),
('a = Hex(12345)', {"a" : "3039"}),
('a = Oct(255)', {"a" : "377"}),
('a = Oct("255")', {"a" : "377"}),
('a = Oct(0)', {"a" : "0"}),
('a = Oct(12345)', {"a" : "30071"}),
('a = Fix(-1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = Fix(67.1)', {"a" : 67}),
('a = Fix("123.3")', {"a" : 123}),
('a = Fix("1023.8")', {"a" : 1023}),
('a = Int(-1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = Int(67.1)', {"a" : 67}),
('a = Int("123.3")', {"a" : 123}),
('a = Int("1023.8")', {"a" : 1023}),
('a = Sgn(-1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = Sgn(0)', {"a" : 0}),
('a = Sgn(1)', {"a" : 1}),
('a = Sgn("-10")', {"a" : -1}),
('a = Sgn("10")', {"a" : 1}),
# << Intrinsic tests >> (6 of 9)
('a = Sin(0)', {"a" : 0}),
('a = Sin("0")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = Cos(0)', {"a" : 1}),
('a = Cos("0")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = Tan(0)', {"a" : 0}),
('a = Tan("0")', {"a" : 0}),
('a = Int(10*Atn(10))', {"a" : 14}),
('a = Int(10*Atn("10"))', {"a" : 14}),
('a = Exp(0)', {"a" : 1}),
('a = Exp("0")', {"a" : 1}),
('a = Int(Log(10))', {"a" : 2}),
('a = Int(Log("10"))', {"a" : 2}),
('a = Sqr(16)', {"a" : 4}),
('a = Sqr("16")', {"a" : 4}),
('a = Round(1.1)', {"a" : 1}),
('a = Round(1.6)', {"a" : 2}),
('a = Round(1.1, 0)', {"a" : 1}),
('a = Round(1.6, 0)', {"a" : 2}),
('a = Round(1.11, 1)', {"a" : 1.1}),
('a = Round(1.16, 1)', {"a" : 1.2}),
('a = Round(-1.1)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = Round(-1.6)', {"a" : -2}),
('a = Round(-1.1, 0)', {"a" : -1}),
('a = Round(-1.6, 0)', {"a" : -2}),
('a = Round(-1.11, 1)', {"a" : -1.1}),
('a = Round(-1.16, 1)', {"a" : -1.2}),
# << Intrinsic tests >> (7 of 9)
Dim _A
b = UBound(_A)
""", {"FAIL" : 1}),
Dim _A(10)
b = UBound(_A)
""", {"b" : 10}),
Dim _A(10, 20)
b = UBound(_A)
c = UBound(_A, 1)
d = UBound(_A, 2)
""", {"b" : 10, "c" : 10, "d" : 20}),
Dim _A(10, 20, 30)
b = UBound(_A)
c = UBound(_A, 1)
d = UBound(_A, 2)
e = UBound(_A, 3)
""", {"b" : 10, "c" : 10, "d" : 20, "e" : 30}),
Dim _A(5 To 10, 10 To 20, 30)
b = UBound(_A)
c = UBound(_A, 1)
d = UBound(_A, 2)
e = UBound(_A, 3)
""", {"b" : 10, "c" : 10, "d" : 20, "e" : 30}),
# << Intrinsic tests >> (8 of 9)
Dim _A
b = LBound(_A)
""", {"FAIL" : 1}),
Dim _A(10)
b = LBound(_A)
""", {"b" : 0}),
Dim _A(10, 20)
b = LBound(_A)
c = LBound(_A, 1)
d = LBound(_A, 2)
""", {"b" : 0, "c" : 0, "d" : 0}),
Dim _A(10, 20, 30)
b = LBound(_A)
c = LBound(_A, 1)
d = LBound(_A, 2)
e = LBound(_A, 3)
""", {"b" : 0, "c" : 0, "d" : 0, "e" : 0}),
Dim _A(5 To 10, 10 To 20, 30)
b = LBound(_A)
c = LBound(_A, 1)
d = LBound(_A, 2)
e = LBound(_A, 3)
""", {"b" : 5, "c" : 5, "d" : 10, "e" : 0}),
# << Intrinsic tests >> (9 of 9)
('a = Val("12")', {"a" : 12}),
('a = Val("12.")', {"a" : 12}),
('a = Val("-12.")', {"a" : -12}),
('a = Val("-12")', {"a" : -12}),
('a = Val("-12.5")', {"a" : -12.5}),
('a = Val("12.5")', {"a" : 12.5}),
('a = Val("12.5e5")', {"a" : 12.5e5}),
('a = Val("-12.5e5")', {"a" : -12.5e5}),
('a = Val("-12.5e-5")', {"a" : -12.5e-5}),
('a = Val("12.5e-5")', {"a" : 12.5e-5}),
('a = Val("12.5e-5 mdmdmf")', {"a" : 12.5e-5}),
('a = Val("12 mdmdmf")', {"a" : 12}),
('a = Val("12+mdmdmf")', {"a" : 12}),
('a = Val("12-mdmdmf")', {"a" : 12}),
('a = Val(" 12-mdmdmf")', {"a" : 12}),
('a = Val("ccc 12-mdmdmf")', {"a" : 0}),
# -- end -- << Intrinsic tests >>
import vb2py.vbparser
vb2py.vbparser.log.setLevel(0) # Don't print all logging stuff
TestClass = addTestsTo(BasicTest, tests)
if __name__ == "__main__":