# Created by Leo from: C:\Development\Python22\Lib\site-packages\vb2py\vb2py.leo
from unittest import *
from testframework import *
# << Type tests >> (1 of 2)
# Simple test
Type _Point
X As Single
Y As Single
End Type
Dim _a As _Point
_a.X = 10
_a.Y = 20
b = _a.X + _a.Y
""", {"b" : 30}))
# Nested Types
Type _Point
X As Single
Y As Single
End Type
Type _Line
P1 As _Point
P2 As _Point
End Type
Dim _a As _Line
_a.P1.X = 10
_a.P2.X = 20
_a.P1.Y = 1
_a.P2.Y = 2
b = _a.P1.X + _a.P1.Y
c = _a.P2.X + _a.P2.Y
""", {"b" : 11, "c" : 22}))
# Empty type
Type _Point
End Type
Dim _a As _Point
""", {}))
# << Type tests >> (2 of 2)
# Arrays of a type
Type _Point
X As Single
Y As Single
End Type
Dim _p(5) As _Point
tx = 0
ty = 0
For _i = 1 To 5
_p(_i).X = _i
_p(_i).Y = 2*_i
tx = tx + _p(_i).X
ty = ty + _p(_i).Y
Next _i
""", {"tx" : 15, "ty" : 30}))
# -- end -- << Type tests >>
import vb2py.vbparser
vb2py.vbparser.log.setLevel(0) # Don't print all logging stuff
TestClass = addTestsTo(BasicTest, tests)
if __name__ == "__main__":