Implements a simple service using cx_Freeze.
This sample makes use of cx_PyGenLib (http://cx-pygenlib.sourceforge.net) and
cx_Logging (http://cx-logging.sourceforge.net).
See below for more information on what methods must be implemented and how they
are called.
import cx_Logging
import cx_Threads
import sys
class Handler(object):
# no parameters are permitted; all configuration should be placed in the
# configuration file and handled in the Initialize() method
def __init__(self):
cx_Logging.Info("creating handler instance")
self.stopEvent = cx_Threads.Event()
# called when the service is starting
def Initialize(self, configFileName):
cx_Logging.Info("initializing: config file name is %r", configFileName)
# called when the service is starting immediately after Initialize()
# use this to perform the work of the service; don't forget to set or check
# for the stop event or the service GUI will not respond to requests to
# stop the service
def Run(self):
cx_Logging.Info("running service....")
# called when the service is being stopped by the service manager GUI
def Stop(self):
cx_Logging.Info("stopping service...")