# A simple setup script for creating a Windows service. See the comments in the
# Config.py and ServiceHandler.py files for more information on how to set this
# up.
# Installing the service is done with the option --install <Name> and
# uninstalling the service is done with the option --uninstall <Name>. The
# value for <Name> is intended to differentiate between different invocations
# of the same service code -- for example for accessing different databases or
# using different configuration files.
from cx_Freeze import setup,Executable
buildOptions = dict(includes = ["ServiceHandler"])
executable = Executable("Config.py", base = "Win32Service",
targetName = "cx_FreezeSampleService.exe")
name = "cx_FreezeSampleService",
version = "0.1",
description = "Sample cx_Freeze Windows serice",
executables = [executable],
options = dict(build_exe = buildOptions))