Module to trace and document the training and execution of a BiFlow.
The BiMDPTraceInspector class is used to decorate a flow for inspection, the
snapshots are created with the TraceBiMDPHTMLTranslator class.
This module also supports (Bi)HiNet structures. Monkey patching is used to
inject the tracing code into the Flow.
import os
import new
import cPickle as pickle
import fnmatch
import copy
import traceback
import numpy as n
import mdp.hinet as hinet
from bimdp import BiNode
from bimdp import BiFlow
from bimdp.hinet import BiFlowNode,CloneBiLayer
from bihinet_translator import BiHTMLTranslator
from utils import robust_pickle
# TODO: wrap inner methods (e.g. _train) to document effective arguments?
PICKLE_EXT = ".pckl"
SLIDE_CSS_FILENAME = "inspect.css"
CLICKABLE_NODE_ID = "clickable_node_%d"
NODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES = ["execute", "train", "stop_training"]
BINODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES = ["stop_message"]
TRACING_WRAP_FLAG = "_insp_is_wrapped_for_tracing_"
ORIGINAL_METHOD_PREFIX = "_insp_original_"
# additions to the BINET_STYLE for marking the currently traced nodes
table.current_node {
background-color: #D1FFC7;
table.training_node {
background-color: #FFFFCC;
table.clickable {
cursor: pointer;
#inspect_biflow_td {
vertical-align: top;
padding: 0 100 0 0;
#inspect_result_td {
vertical-align: top;
#displayed {
border-top: 1px solid #003399;
table.inspect_io_data {
font-family: monospace;
table.inspect_io_data td {
vertical-align: top;
table.inspect_io_data pre {
font-weight: bold;
span.inactive_section {
color: #0000EE;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
div.error {
color: #FF0000;
text-align: left;
div.error h3 {
font-size: large;
color: #FF0000;
html {
overflow-y : scroll;
class TraceDebugException(Exception):
"""Exception for return the information when debug is True."""
def __init__(self, result, exception):
"""Store the information necessary to finish the tracing.
result -- The result that would otherwise be returned by the method.
exception -- The original caufght exception.
self.result = result
self.exception = exception
class TraceHTMLInspector(hinet.HiNetTranslator):
"""Class for inspecting a single pass through a provided flow.
This class is based on a translator that decorates the flow elements with
tracing wrappers. It also provides a callback function for the tracers
and stores everything else needed for the inspection.
This class is already specialized for creating HTML slides in the callback
Note that a flow decorated for tracing is not compatible with pickling
or parallel training and execution. But normally the decorated flow is
only used in trace_training or trace_execution anyway.
def __init__(self, trace_translator, css_filename=SLIDE_CSS_FILENAME):
"""Prepare for tracing and create the HTML translator.
trace_translator -- TraceBiMDPHTMLTranslator instance, with a write
method to create the status visualization on each slide.
css_filename -- CSS file used for all the slides.
super(TraceHTMLInspector, self).__init__()
self._css_filename = css_filename
self._trace_path = None # path for the current trace
self._trace_name = None # name for the current trace
self._flow = None # needed for the callback HTML translation
self.trace_translator = trace_translator
# step counter used in the callback, is reset automatically
self._slide_index = None
self._slide_filenames = None
self._section_ids = None # can be used during execution
self._slide_node_ids = None # active node for each slide index
self._undecorate_mode = None # if True undecorate nodes
def _reset(self):
"""Reset the internal variables for a new tracing.
Should be called before 'train', 'stop_training' or 'execute' is called
on the flow.
self._slide_index = 0
self._slide_filenames = []
self._section_ids = []
self._slide_node_ids = []
self._undecorate_mode = False
def trace_training(self, path, flow, x, msg=None, stop_msg=None,
trace_name="training", debug=False, **kwargs):
"""Trace a single training phase and the stop_training.
Return a tuple containing a list of the training slide filenames, the
training node ids and the same for stop_training.
path -- Path were the inspection files will be stored.
trace_name -- Name prefix for this inspection (default is training).
**kwargs -- Additional arguments for flow.train can be specified
as keyword arguments.
self._trace_path = path
# train and stop filenames must be different
self._trace_name = trace_name + "_t"
self._flow = flow
biflownode = BiFlowNode(BiFlow(flow.flow))
biflownode.train(x=x, msg=msg, **kwargs)
# reset is important for the following stop_training
except Exception, exception:
if debug:
# insert the error slide and encapsulate the exception
result = (self._slide_filenames, self._slide_node_ids,
None, None)
raise TraceDebugException(result=result, exception=exception)
train_filenames = self._slide_filenames
train_node_ids = self._slide_node_ids
self._trace_name = trace_name + "_s"
except Exception, exception:
if debug:
# insert the error slide and encapsulate the exception
result = (train_filenames, train_node_ids,
self._slide_filenames, self._slide_node_ids)
raise TraceDebugException(result=result, exception=exception)
stop_filenames = self._slide_filenames
stop_node_ids = self._slide_node_ids
# restore undecoreted flow
self._undecorate_mode = True
return train_filenames, train_node_ids, stop_filenames, stop_node_ids
def trace_execution(self, path, trace_name, flow, x, msg=None, target=None,
debug=False, **kwargs):
"""Trace a single execution.
The return value is a tuple containing a list of the slide filenames,
the node ids, the section_ids for a slideshow with sections
(or None if no section_ids were used) and the execution output value.
path -- Path were the inspection files will be stored.
trace_name -- Name prefix for this inspection.
**kwargs -- Additional arguments for flow.execute can be specified
as keyword arguments.
self._trace_path = path
self._trace_name = trace_name
self._flow = flow
if (not (isinstance(flow, BiFlow) or isinstance(flow, BiNode)) and
(msg is not None)):
# a msg would be interpreted as nodenr by a Flow, so check this
err = "A msg was given for a normal Flow (need BiFlow)."
raise Exception(err)
if msg is None:
y = self._flow.execute(x, **kwargs)
y = self._flow.execute(x, msg, target, **kwargs)
except Exception, exception:
if debug:
# insert the error slide and encapsulate the exception
if not self._section_ids:
self._section_ids = None
result = (self._slide_filenames, self._slide_node_ids,
raise TraceDebugException(result=result, exception=exception)
self._undecorate_mode = True
if not self._section_ids:
self._section_ids = None
if len(self._section_ids) != len(self._slide_filenames):
err = ("Mismatch between number of section_ids and number of "
raise Exception(err)
return (self._slide_filenames, self._slide_node_ids,
self._section_ids, y)
def _tracer_callback(self, node, method_name, method_result, method_args,
"""This method is called by the tracers.
The calling tracer also provides this method with the needed state
information and the method arguments.
node -- The node from which the callback was initiated.
method_name -- Name of the method from which the callback was initiated.
result -- Return value of the method.
args, kwargs -- The arguments of the method call.
## write visualization to html_file
html_file = self._begin_HTML_frame()
section_id, node_id = self.trace_translator.write_flow_to_file(
self._slide_index += 1
if section_id is not None:
## HTML decoration ##
def _begin_HTML_frame(self):
"""Return the HTML file for a trace frame including the header.
The file should then be finished via _end_HTML_frame.
path = self._trace_path
filename = self._trace_name + "_%d.html" % self._slide_index
html_file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), "w")
html_file = hinet.NewlineWriteFile(html_file)
html_file.write('<html>\n<head>\n<title>Inspection Slide</title>')
if self._css_filename:
html_file.write('<style type="text/css" media="screen">')
html_file.write('@import url("%s");' % self._css_filename)
return html_file
def _end_HTML_frame(self, html_file):
"""Complete and close the HTML file for a trace frame.
The method should always be used after _begin_HTML_frame.
def _write_error_frame(self):
html_file = self._begin_HTML_frame()
html_file.write('<div class="error">')
html_file.write('<h3>Encountered Exception</h3>')
traceback_html = traceback.format_exc().replace('\n', '<br>')
# # get HTML traceback
# import StringIO as stringio
# import cgitb
# import mdp
# exception_type, exception, tb = sys.exc_info()
# # Problem: only the text of the original exception is stored in
# # mdp.FlowExceptionCR, and the text is not even correctpy displayed.
## if exception_type is mdp.FlowExceptionCR:
## exception.args = tuple()
## exception.message = None
# buffer = stringio.StringIO()
# handler = cgitb.Hook(file=buffer)
# handler.handle((exception_type, exception, tb))
# traceback_html = buffer.getvalue()
## translation methods ##
# note that via the _undecorate_mode flag the translation undecorates,
# this is required for clonelayer, where only one instance is decorated
def _translate_flow(self, flow):
"""Wrap the flow in place and return it."""
super(TraceHTMLInspector, self)._translate_flow(flow)
return flow
# TODO: enable the use of a shallow copy to save memory,
# but this requires to implement __copy__ in Node etc. for recursive
# shallow copying
def _translate_clonelayer(self, clonelayer):
"""Add a special wrapper for switch_to_copies."""
if self._undecorate_mode:
if isinstance(clonelayer, CloneBiLayer):
# check that clonelayer is actually decorated
if not hasattr(clonelayer, "_original_set_use_copies"):
del clonelayer._set_use_copies
del clonelayer._original_set_use_copies
del clonelayer.__getstate__
if not clonelayer.use_copies:
clonelayer.nodes = ((clonelayer.node,) *
clonelayer.nodes = (clonelayer.node,) * len(clonelayer.nodes)
# undecoration is complete
## decorate clonelayer
if ((not isinstance(clonelayer, CloneBiLayer)) or
(not clonelayer.use_copies)):
# use a decorated deep copy for the first node
clonelayer.node = clonelayer.nodes[0].copy()
clonelayer.nodes = (clonelayer.node,) + clonelayer.nodes[1:]
# only decorate the first node
if isinstance(clonelayer, CloneBiLayer):
# add a wrapper to _set_use_copies,
# otherwise all nodes in layer would get decorated
clonelayer._original_set_use_copies = clonelayer._set_use_copies
trace_inspector = self
def wrapped_use_copies(self, use_copies):
# undecorate internal nodes to allow copy operation
trace_inspector._undecorate_mode = True
trace_inspector._undecorate_mode = False
if use_copies and not self.use_copies:
# switch to node copies, no problem
elif not use_copies and self.use_copies:
# switch to a single node instance
# but use a (decorated) deep copy for first node
clonelayer.node = clonelayer.nodes[0].copy()
clonelayer.nodes = (clonelayer.node,) + clonelayer.nodes[1:]
clonelayer._set_use_copies = new.instancemethod(wrapped_use_copies,
# modify getstate to enable pickling (get rid of the instance methods)
def wrapped_getstate(self):
result = self.__dict__.copy()
# delete instance methods
del result["_original_set_use_copies"]
del result["_set_use_copies"]
del result["__getstate__"]
return result
clonelayer.__getstate__ = new.instancemethod(wrapped_getstate,
def _translate_standard_node(self, node):
"""Wrap the node."""
if not self._undecorate_mode:
## monkey patching methods ##
def _standard_tracer_decorate(self, node):
"""Adds a tracer wrapper to the node via monkey patching."""
# add a marker to show that this node is wrapped
setattr(node, TRACING_WRAP_FLAG, True)
trace_method_names = list(NODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES)
if isinstance(node, BiNode):
trace_method_names += BINODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES
for method_name in trace_method_names:
new_method_name = ORIGINAL_METHOD_PREFIX + method_name
# create a reference to the original method
setattr(node, new_method_name, getattr(node, method_name))
# use nested scopes lexical closure to get proper wrapper
def get_wrapper(_method_name, _inspector):
_new_method_name = ORIGINAL_METHOD_PREFIX + method_name
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
args_copy = copy.deepcopy(args)
kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
result = getattr(self, _new_method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
_inspector._tracer_callback(self, _method_name, result,
args_copy, kwargs_copy)
return result
return wrapper
# hide the original method in this instance behind the wrapper
setattr(node, method_name,
new.instancemethod(get_wrapper(method_name, self), node))
# modify getstate to enable pickling (get rid of the instance methods)
def wrapped_getstate(self):
result = self.__dict__.copy()
if not hasattr(node, TRACING_WRAP_FLAG):
return result
# delete all instance methods
trace_method_names = list(NODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES)
if isinstance(self, BiNode):
trace_method_names += BINODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES
for method_name in trace_method_names:
del result[method_name]
old_method_name = ORIGINAL_METHOD_PREFIX + method_name
del result[old_method_name]
del result["__getstate__"]
return result
node.__getstate__ = new.instancemethod(wrapped_getstate, node)
def _standard_tracer_undecorate(self, node):
"""Remove a tracer wrapper from the node."""
if not hasattr(node, TRACING_WRAP_FLAG):
delattr(node, TRACING_WRAP_FLAG)
trace_method_names = list(NODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES)
if isinstance(node, BiNode):
trace_method_names += BINODE_TRACE_METHOD_NAMES
for method_name in trace_method_names:
# delete the wrapped method in the instance to unhide the original
delattr(node, method_name)
# delete the no longer used reference to the original method
old_method_name = ORIGINAL_METHOD_PREFIX + method_name
delattr(node, old_method_name)
# restore normal getstate
delattr(node, "__getstate__")
class TraceHTMLTranslator(BiHTMLTranslator):
"""Class to visualize the state of a BiFlow during execution or training.
The single snapshot is a beefed up version of the standard HTML view.
Capturing the data to make this possible is not the responsibility of this
def __init__(self, show_size=False):
"""Initialize the internal variables."""
super(TraceHTMLTranslator, self).__init__(show_size=show_size)
self._current_node = None
self._method_name = None
self._result = None
# this the HTML node id, not the Node attribute
# this might change in the future
self._current_node_id = None
self._node_id_index = None # counter for nodes to give them an id
def _array_pretty_html(ar):
"""Return a nice HTML representation of the given numpy array."""
ar_str = 'shape: %s<br>\n' % str(ar.shape)
# TODO: use np.savetxt instead?
ar_str += (str(ar).replace(' [', '<br>\n[').
replace(']\n ...', ']<br>\n...'))
return ar_str
def _dict_pretty_html(dic):
"""Return a nice HTML representation of the given numpy array."""
# TODO: use an stringio buffer for efficency
dic_str = '{'
first = True
for key, value in dic.items():
if first:
first = False
dic_str += ',<br>\n'
dic_str += repr(key) + ': '
if isinstance(value, str):
dic_str += repr(value)
dic_str += str(value)
dic_str += '}'
return dic_str
def reset(self):
"""Reset internal variables for a new trace.
It is called (by TraceHTMLInspector) before calling 'train',
'stop_training' or 'execute' on the flow.
This method can be overridden by derived that need to keep track of the
training or execution phase.
def write_flow_to_file(self, path, html_file, flow, node, method_name,
method_result, method_args, method_kwargs):
"""Write the HTML translation of the flow into the provided file.
Return value is the section_id and the HTML/CSS id of the active node.
The section id is ignored during training.
path -- Path of the slide (e.h. to store additional images).
html_file -- File of current slide, where the translation is written.
flow -- The overall flow.
node -- The node that was called last.
method_name -- The method that was called on the last node.
method_result -- The result from the last call.
method_args -- args that were given to the method
method_kwargs -- kwargs that were given to the method
self._html_file = hinet.NewlineWriteFile(html_file)
f = self._html_file
## create table, left side for the flow, right side for data
f.write('<table><tr><td id="inspect_biflow_td">')
f.write("<h3>flow state</h3>")
self._translate_flow(flow, node)
# now the argument / result part of the table
f.write('</td><td id="inspect_result_td">')
section_id = self._write_right_side(
path=path, html_file=html_file, flow=flow,
node=node, method_name=method_name,
self._html_file = None
return section_id, self._current_node_id
def _write_right_side(self, path, html_file, flow, node, method_name,
method_result, method_args, method_kwargs):
"""Write the result part of the translation.
Return value can be a section_id or None. The section_id is ignored
during training (since the slideshow sections are used for the
training phases).
This method can be overriden for custom visualisations. Usually this
original method should still be called via super.
f = self._html_file
if not method_name == "stop_training":
f.write('<h3>%s arguments</h3>' % method_name)
f.write('<table class="inspect_io_data">')
if (method_name in ["execute", "train"]) and method_args:
# deal with x separately
x = method_args[0]
method_args = method_args[1:]
if isinstance(x, n.ndarray):
f.write('<tr><td><pre>x = </pre></td>' +
'<td>' + self._array_pretty_html(x) + '</td></tr>')
f.write('<tr><td><pre>x = </pre></td><td>' + str(x) +
# remaining arg is message
if method_args and method_args[0] is not None:
f.write('<tr><td><pre>msg = </pre></td><td>' +
self._dict_pretty_html(method_args[0]) + '</td></tr>')
# normally the kwargs should be empty
for arg_key in method_kwargs:
f.write('<tr><td><pre>' + arg_key + ' = </pre></td><td>' +
str(method_kwargs[arg_key]) + '</td></tr>')
## print results
f.write("<h3>%s result</h3>" % method_name)
f.write('<table class="inspect_io_data">')
if method_result is None:
elif isinstance(method_result, n.ndarray):
f.write('<tr><td><pre>x = </pre></td><td>' +
self._array_pretty_html(method_result) + '</td></tr>')
elif isinstance(method_result, dict):
f.write('<tr><td><pre>msg = </pre></td><td>' +
self._dict_pretty_html(method_result) + '</td></tr>')
elif isinstance(method_result, tuple):
# interpret the results depending on the method name
if method_name == "execute" or method_name == "train":
result_names = ["x", "msg", "target"]
result_names = ["msg", "target"]
for i_result_part, result_part in enumerate(method_result):
f.write('<tr><td><pre>' + result_names[i_result_part] +
' = </pre></td><td>')
if isinstance(result_part, n.ndarray):
f.write(self._array_pretty_html(result_part) +
elif isinstance(result_part, dict):
f.write(self._dict_pretty_html(result_part) +
f.write(str(result_part) + '</td></tr>')
f.write('<tr><td><pre>unknown result type: </pre></td><td>' +
str(method_result) + '</td></tr>')
# overwrite private methods
def _translate_flow(self, flow, current_node=None):
"""Translate the flow into HTML and write it into the internal file.
Use write_flow_to_file instead of calling this method directly.
This method only takes care of the BiFlow structure graph (the left
part of the slide).
current_node -- The current_node that was called last.
These arguments are stored as attributes and are then used in
self._current_node = current_node
self._node_id_index = 0
self._current_node_id = None
super(TraceHTMLTranslator, self)._translate_flow(flow)
def _open_node_env(self, node, type_id="node"):
"""Open the HTML environment for the node internals.
This special version highlights the nodes involved in the trace.
node -- The node itself.
type_id -- The id string as used in the CSS.
f = self._html_file
html_line = '<table class="'
trace_class = None
if node is self._current_node:
trace_class = "current_node"
elif type_id == "node" and node._train_phase_started:
trace_class = "training_node"
if trace_class:
html_line += ' %s' % trace_class
html_line += ' %s' % type_id
# assign id only to nodes which trigger a slide creation,
# i.e. only if the node can become active
if hasattr(node, TRACING_WRAP_FLAG):
node_id = CLICKABLE_NODE_ID % self._node_id_index
if node is self._current_node:
self._current_node_id = node_id
self._node_id_index += 1
html_line += ' clickable" id="%s">' % node_id
html_line += '">'
self._write_node_header(node, type_id)
## Functions to capture pickled biflow snapshots during training. ##
def prepare_training_inspection(flow, path):
"""Use hook in the BiFlow to store a snapshot in each training phase.
path -- Path were the snapshots are stored.
This is done by wrapping the _stop_training_hook method of biflow.
Some attributes are added to the biflow which store all information needed
for the pickling (like filename). To enable pickling we use the
__getstate__ slot, since some attributes cannot be pickled.
# add attributes to biflow which are used in wrapper_method
flow._snapshot_counter_ = 0
flow._snapshot_path_ = path
flow._snapshot_name_ = SNAPSHOT_FILENAME
flow._snapshot_instance_methods_ = []
### wrap _stop_training_hook to store biflow snapshots ###
def pickle_wrap_method(_flow, _method_name):
new_method_name = ORIGINAL_METHOD_PREFIX + _method_name
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = getattr(self, new_method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
# pickle biflow
filename = (self._snapshot_name_ + "_%d" % self._snapshot_counter_ +
robust_pickle(self._snapshot_path_, filename, self)
self._snapshot_counter_ += 1
return result
# create a reference to the original method
setattr(_flow, new_method_name, getattr(_flow, _method_name))
# hide the original method in this instance behind the wrapper
setattr(_flow, _method_name, new.instancemethod(wrapper, _flow))
pickle_wrap_method(flow, "_stop_training_hook")
### wrap __getstate__ to enable pickling ###
# note that in the pickled flow no trace of the wrapping remains
def wrapped_biflow_getstate(self):
result = self.__dict__.copy()
# delete all instancemethods
for method_name in self._snapshot_instance_methods_:
del result[method_name]
# delete the special attributes which were inserted by the wrapper
# (not really necessary)
del result["_snapshot_counter_"]
del result["_snapshot_path_"]
del result["_snapshot_name_"]
del result["_snapshot_instance_methods_"]
# remove data attributes (generators cannot be pickled)
# pop with default value also works when key is not present in dict
result.pop("_train_data_iterables", None)
result.pop("_train_data_iterator", None)
result.pop("_train_msg_iterables", None)
result.pop("_train_msg_iterator", None)
result.pop("_stop_messages", None)
result.pop("_exec_data_iterator", None)
result.pop("_exec_msg_iterator", None)
result.pop("_exec_target_iterator", None)
return result
flow.__getstate__ = new.instancemethod(wrapped_biflow_getstate, flow)
def remove_inspection_residues(flow):
"""Remove all the changes made by prepare_training_inspection."""
for method_name in flow._snapshot_instance_methods_:
delattr(flow, method_name)
del flow._snapshot_counter_
del flow._snapshot_path_
del flow._snapshot_name_
del flow._snapshot_instance_methods_
# probably the hooks were already removed, so do nothing
## Further helper functions ##
def _trace_biflow_training(snapshot_path, inspection_path, css_filename,
x_samples, msg_samples=None, stop_messages=None,
debug=False, show_size=False, verbose=True,
"""Load flow snapshots and perform the inspection with the given data.
The return value consists of the slide filenames, the slide node ids,
and an index table (index of last slide of section indexed by node,
phase, train and stop). If no snapshots were found the return value is
snapshot_path -- Path were the flow training snapshots are stored.
inspection_path -- Path were the slides are stored.
css_filename -- Filename of the CSS file for the slides.
x_samples, msg_samples -- Lists with the input data for the training trace.
stop_messages -- The stop msg for the training trace.
trace_inspector -- Instance of HTMLTraceInspector, can be None for
default class.
debug -- If True (default is False) then any exception will be
caught and the gathered data up to that point is returned in the
normal way. This is useful for bimdp debugging.
show_size -- Show the approximate memory footprint of all nodes.
verbose -- If True (default value) a status message is printed for each
loaded snapshot.
**kwargs -- Additional arguments for flow.train can be specified
as keyword arguments.
if not trace_inspector:
trace_translator = TraceHTMLTranslator(show_size=show_size)
trace_inspector = TraceHTMLInspector(
i_train_node = 0 # index of the training node
i_snapshot = 0 # snapshot counter
index_table = [[]] # last slide indexed by [node, phase, train 0 or stop 1]
slide_filenames = []
slide_node_ids = []
# search for the snapshot files
for file_path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(snapshot_path)):
files = fnmatch.filter(files, SNAPSHOT_FILENAME + "*" + PICKLE_EXT)
for filename in files:
filename = os.path.join(file_path, filename)
# load the flow snapshot
pickle_file = open(filename, "rb")
biflow = None # free memory
biflow = pickle.load(pickle_file)
# determine which node is training and set the indices
for node in biflow[i_train_node:]:
if node.get_remaining_train_phase() > 0:
i_train_node += 1
# inspect the training
x = x_samples[i_train_node]
if msg_samples:
msg = msg_samples[i_train_node]
msg = None
if stop_messages:
stop_msg = stop_messages[i_train_node]
stop_msg = None
trace_name = "%d_%d" % (i_snapshot, i_train_node)
train_files, train_ids, stop_files, stop_ids = \
x=x, msg=msg, stop_msg=stop_msg,
slide_filenames += train_files
train_index = len(slide_filenames) - 1
slide_filenames += stop_files
stop_index = len(slide_filenames) - 1
index_table[i_train_node].append((train_index, stop_index))
slide_node_ids += train_ids
slide_node_ids += stop_ids
if verbose:
print "got traces for snapshot %d" % (i_snapshot + 1)
i_snapshot += 1
except TraceDebugException, debug_exception:
train_files, train_ids, stop_files, stop_ids = debug_exception.result
slide_filenames += train_files
train_index = len(slide_filenames) - 1
if stop_files:
slide_filenames += stop_files
stop_index = len(slide_filenames) - 1
index_table[i_train_node].append((train_index, stop_index))
slide_node_ids += train_ids
if stop_ids:
slide_node_ids += stop_ids
debug_exception.result = (slide_filenames, slide_node_ids, index_table)
if i_snapshot == 0:
return None # no snapshots were found
return slide_filenames, slide_node_ids, index_table