Module for HTML trace slideshows.
The individual slides are the HTML files generated via the trace_inspection
module (the body of the HTML files is extracted and makes up a slide).
from mdp.utils import HTMLSlideShow,SectionHTMLSlideShow
div.slideshow {
text-align: center;
table.slideshow, table.slideshow td, table.slideshow th {
border-collapse: collapse;
padding: 1 2 1 2;
font-size: small;
border: 1px solid;
table.slideshow {
border: 2px solid;
margin: 0 auto;
table.slideshow td {
text-align: center;
/* style for slideshow with sections (like for training) */
span.inactive_section:hover {
color: #6666FF;
span.active_section {
color: #0000EE;
background-color: #55FF55;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
span.active_section:hover {
color: #6666FF;
class ExecuteHTMLSlideShow(HTMLSlideShow):
def __init__(self, filenames, node_ids, delay=500, delay_delta=100,
loop=False, **kwargs):
"""Return the complete HTML code for the slideshow.
filenames -- Sequence of strings, containing the path for each slide.
node_ids -- Sequence of the active node ids for each slide.
# create a list of the possible node ids
unique_node_ids = list(set(node_ids))
kwargs["unique_node_ids"] = unique_node_ids
del kwargs["self"]
super(ExecuteHTMLSlideShow, self).__init__(**kwargs)
js_loadslide_template = r'''
// maps slide index to active node id
var slide_node_ids = $node_ids;
// list of all node ids that are available
var unique_node_ids = $unique_node_ids;
that.loadSlide = function () {
// is called by loadPage after the loading has happened
function makeNodesClickable() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < unique_node_ids.length; i += 1) {
addEventListener("click", nodeClickCallback, false);
function nodeClickCallback() {
// TODO: use event.srcElement for IE (event.target for W3C)
var node_id = this.id;
// search for next occurance of this node id
var i;
for (i = current_slide + 1; i < slide_node_ids.length; i += 1) {
if (slide_node_ids[i] === node_id) {
current_slide = i;
// alert("Node is not reached after this slide.");
js_loadhtml_template = r'''
* Code to load the body content from HTMlfilesinjectit. import
* inspired by http://www.xul.fr/ajax/responseHTML-attribute.html
// Extract body content from htmlcontent. import
function getBody(content) {
var lowContent = content.toLowerCase(); // eliminate case sensitivity
// deal with attributes
var i_start = lowContent.indexOf("<body");
if (i_start === -1) {
return "";
i_start = lowContent.indexOf(">", i_start);
if (i_start === -1) {
return "";
var i_end = lowContent.lastIndexOf("</body>");
if (i_end === -1) {
i_end = lowContent.lastIndexOf("</html>");
// if no HTML then just grab everything till end.
if (i_end === -1) {
i_end = content.length;
return content.slice(i_start + 1, i_end);
// Return a XMLHttpRequest object (browser independent).
function getXHR()
var request = false;
try {
request = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
catch (err2) {
try {
request = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
catch (err3) {
try {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (err1) {
request = false;
return request;
// Load an HTML page and inject the content.
function loadPage(url) {
var target = document.getElementById("html_display");
var xhr = getXHR();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState == 4) {
target.innerHTML = getBody(xhr.responseText);
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
# Note: We do not use an id prefix, since there is only one slideshow.
html_bottom_template = r'''
<div id="html_display"></div>
class SectExecuteHTMLSlideShow(SectionHTMLSlideShow, ExecuteHTMLSlideShow):
"""Execute slideshow with support for sections."""
class TrainHTMLSlideShow(SectionHTMLSlideShow, ExecuteHTMLSlideShow):
def __init__(self, filenames, node_ids, index_table, **kwargs):
"""Return the complete HTML code for the slideshow.
filenames -- Sequence of strings, containing the path for each slide.
node_ids -- Sequence of the active node ids for each slide.
index_table -- Nested lists with the index data generated by
inspect_biflow_training (last slide indexed by node, phase, train
and stop).
slideshow_id = self._get_random_id()
n_nodes = len(index_table)
n_phases = max([len(phase_indices)
for phase_indices in index_table])
# create the table and mapping between slide index and phase and node
train_id = 0 # id indexing phase, node and train or stop
start_index = 0 # first slide index for the current phase
end_index = 0 # last slide index for the current phase
section_ids = []
train_table = [[None for _ in range(n_nodes + 1)]
for _ in range(n_phases + 1)]
# create labels for table
train_table[0] = [' '] + ['layer %d' % (i+1)
for i in range(n_nodes)]
for i_phase in range(n_phases):
train_table[i_phase+1][0] = 'phase %d' % (i_phase + 1)
for i_node in range(n_nodes):
for i_phase in range(len(index_table[i_node])):
end_index = index_table[i_node][i_phase][0]
# train link stuff
html_string = ('<span class="inactive_section" ' +
'id="%s_section_id_%d" ' % (slideshow_id, train_id) +
'onClick="%s.setSlide(%d);">train</span>' %
(slideshow_id, start_index) +
' ')
section_ids += [train_id,] * (end_index - start_index + 1)
train_id += 1
# stop link stuff
start_index = end_index + 1
end_index = index_table[i_node][i_phase][1]
if start_index > end_index:
# this can happen due to an exception during training
start_index = end_index
html_string += ('<span class="inactive_section" ' +
'id="%s_section_id_%d" ' % (slideshow_id, train_id) +
'onClick="%s.setSlide(%d);">stop</span>' %
(slideshow_id, start_index))
train_table[i_phase+1][i_node+1] = html_string
section_ids += [train_id,] * (end_index - start_index + 1)
train_id += 1
start_index = end_index + 1
kwargs["control_table"] = train_table
kwargs["section_ids"] = section_ids
kwargs["filenames"] = filenames
del kwargs["self"]
del kwargs["index_table"]
super(TrainHTMLSlideShow, self).__init__(**kwargs)
html_top_template = r'''
<table class="slideshow">
for row in control_table:
for cell in row:
self.write('<td> %s </td>\n' % cell)
html_controls_template = r'''
${{super(SectionHTMLSlideShow, self).html_controls_template(vars())}}