Edit and run autogen.py instead to overwrite this module.
import mdp.nodes
from bimdp import BiNode
class AdaptiveCutoffBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.AdaptiveCutoffNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of AdaptiveCutoffNode."""
def __init__(self, lower_cutoff_fraction=None, upper_cutoff_fraction=None, hist_fraction=1.0, hist_filename=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""Initialize the node.
lower_cutoff_fraction -- Fraction of data that will be cut off after
the training phase (assuming the data distribution does not
change). If set to None (default value) no cutoff is performed.
upper_cutoff_fraction -- Works like lower_cutoff_fraction.
hist_fraction -- Defines the fraction of the data that is stored for the
hist_filename -- Filename for the file to which the data history will
be pickled after training. The data is pickled when stop_training
is called and data_hist is then cleared (to free memory).
If filename is None (default value) then data_hist is not cleared
and can be directly used after training.
super(AdaptiveCutoffBiNode, self).__init__(lower_cutoff_fraction=lower_cutoff_fraction, upper_cutoff_fraction=upper_cutoff_fraction, hist_fraction=hist_fraction, hist_filename=hist_filename, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class CuBICABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.CuBICANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of CuBICANode."""
def __init__(self, limit=0.001, telescope=False, verbose=False, whitened=False, white_comp=None, white_parm=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
whitened -- Set whitened is True if input data are already whitened.
Otherwise the node will whiten the data itself.
white_comp -- If whitened is False, you can set 'white_comp' to the
number of whitened components to keep during the
calculation (i.e., the input dimensions are reduced to
white_comp by keeping the components of largest variance).
white_parm -- a dictionary with additional parameters for whitening.
It is passed directly to the WhiteningNode constructor.
Ex: white_parm = { 'svd' : True }
limit -- convergence threshold.
telescope -- If telescope == True, use Telescope mode: Instead of
using all input data in a single batch try larger and larger chunks
of the input data until convergence is achieved. This should lead to
significantly faster convergence for stationary statistics. This mode
has not been thoroughly tested and must be considered beta.
super(CuBICABiNode, self).__init__(limit=limit, telescope=telescope, verbose=verbose, whitened=whitened, white_comp=white_comp, white_parm=white_parm, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class CutoffBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.CutoffNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of CutoffNode."""
def __init__(self, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""Initialize node.
lower_bound -- Data values below this are cut to the lower_bound value.
If lower_bound is None no cutoff is performed.
upper_bound -- Works like lower_bound.
super(CutoffBiNode, self).__init__(lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class EtaComputerBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.EtaComputerNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of EtaComputerNode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(EtaComputerBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class FABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.FANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of FANode."""
def __init__(self, tol=0.0001, max_cycles=100, verbose=False, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(FABiNode, self).__init__(tol=tol, max_cycles=max_cycles, verbose=verbose, input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class FDABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.FDANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of FDANode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(FDABiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class FastICABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.FastICANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of FastICANode."""
def __init__(self, approach='defl', g='pow3', guess=None, fine_g='pow3', mu=1, stabilization=False, sample_size=1, fine_tanh=1, fine_gaus=1, max_it=1000, max_it_fine=100, failures=5, limit=0.001, verbose=False, whitened=False, white_comp=None, white_parm=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
whitened -- Set whitened == True if input data are already whitened.
Otherwise the node will whiten the data itself
white_comp -- If whitened == False, you can set 'white_comp' to the
number of whitened components to keep during the
calculation (i.e., the input dimensions are reduced to
white_comp by keeping the components of largest variance).
white_parm -- a dictionary with additional parameters for whitening.
It is passed directly to the WhiteningNode constructor.
Ex: white_parm = { 'svd' : True }
limit -- convergence threshold.
Specific for FastICA:
approach -- Approach to use. Possible values are:
'defl' --> deflation
'symm' --> symmetric
g -- Nonlinearity to use. Possible values are:
'pow3' --> x^3
'tanh' --> tanh(fine_tanh*x)
'gaus' --> x*exp(-fine_gaus*x^2/2)
'skew' --> x^2 (for skewed signals)
fine_g -- Nonlinearity for fine tuning. Possible values
are the same as for 'g'. Set it to None to disable fine
mu -- Step size
stabilization -- Enable stabilization procedure: the value of mu can
momentarily be halved if the algorithm is stuck between
two points (this is called a stroke). Also if there is no
convergence before half of the maximum number of
iterations has been reached then mu will be halved for
the rest of the rounds.
sample_size -- Percentage of samples used in one iteration. If
sample_size < 1, samples are chosen in random order.
fine_tanh -- parameter for 'tanh' nonlinearity
fine_gaus -- parameter for 'gaus' nonlinearity
guess -- initial guess for the mixing matrix (ignored if None)
max_it -- maximum number of iterations
max_it_fine -- maximum number of iterations for fine tuning
failures -- maximum number of failures to allow in deflation mode
super(FastICABiNode, self).__init__(approach=approach, g=g, guess=guess, fine_g=fine_g, mu=mu, stabilization=stabilization, sample_size=sample_size, fine_tanh=fine_tanh, fine_gaus=fine_gaus, max_it=max_it, max_it_fine=max_it_fine, failures=failures, limit=limit, verbose=verbose, whitened=whitened, white_comp=white_comp, white_parm=white_parm, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class GrowingNeuralGasExpansionBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.GrowingNeuralGasExpansionNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of GrowingNeuralGasExpansionNode."""
def __init__(self, start_poss=None, eps_b=0.20000000000000001, eps_n=0.0060000000000000001, max_age=50, lambda_=100, alpha=0.5, d=0.995, max_nodes=100, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
For a full list of input arguments please check the documentation
of GrowingNeuralGasNode.
max_nodes (default 100) : maximum number of nodes in the
neural gas, therefore an upper bound
to the output dimension of the
super(GrowingNeuralGasExpansionBiNode, self).__init__(start_poss=start_poss, eps_b=eps_b, eps_n=eps_n, max_age=max_age, lambda_=lambda_, alpha=alpha, d=d, max_nodes=max_nodes, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class GrowingNeuralGasBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.GrowingNeuralGasNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of GrowingNeuralGasNode."""
def __init__(self, start_poss=None, eps_b=0.20000000000000001, eps_n=0.0060000000000000001, max_age=50, lambda_=100, alpha=0.5, d=0.995, max_nodes=2147483647, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""Growing Neural Gas algorithm.
Input arguments:
start_pos -- sequence of two arrays containing the position of the
first two nodes in the GNG graph. In unspecified, the
initial nodes are chosen with a random position generated
from a gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit
eps_b -- coefficient of movement of the nearest node to a new
data point. Typical values are 0 < eps_b << 1 .
Default: 0.2
eps_n -- coefficient of movement of the neighbours of the nearest
node to a new data point. Typical values are
0 < eps_n << eps_b .
Default: 0.006
max_age -- remove an edge after 'max_age' updates. Typical values are
10 < max_age < lambda .
Default: 50
lambda_ -- insert a new node after 'lambda_' steps. Typical values
are O(100).
Default: 100
alpha -- when a new node is inserted, multiply the error of the
nodes from which it generated by 0<alpha<1. A typical
value is 0.5.
Default: 0.5
d -- each step the error of the nodes are multiplied by 0<d<1.
Typical values are close to 1.
Default: 0.995
max_nodes -- maximal number of nodes in the graph.
Default: 2^31 - 1
super(GrowingNeuralGasBiNode, self).__init__(start_poss=start_poss, eps_b=eps_b, eps_n=eps_n, max_age=max_age, lambda_=lambda_, alpha=alpha, d=d, max_nodes=max_nodes, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class HLLEBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.HLLENode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of HLLENode."""
def __init__(self, k, r=0.001, svd=False, verbose=False, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Keyword Arguments:
k -- number of nearest neighbors to use; the node will raise
an MDPWarning if k is smaller than
k >= 1 + output_dim + output_dim*(output_dim+1)/2,
because in this case a less efficient computation must be
used, and the ablgorithm can become unstable
r -- regularization constant; as opposed to LLENode, it is
not possible to compute this constant automatically; it is
only used during execution
svd -- if True, use SVD to compute the projection matrix;
SVD is slower but more stable
verbose -- if True, displays information about the progress
of the algorithm
output_dim -- number of dimensions to output
or a float between 0.0 and 1.0. In the latter case,
output_dim specifies the desired fraction of variance
to be exaplained, and the final number of output
dimensions is known at the end of training
(e.g., for 'output_dim=0.95' the algorithm will keep
as many dimensions as necessary in order to explain
95% of the input variance)
super(HLLEBiNode, self).__init__(k=k, r=r, svd=svd, verbose=verbose, input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class HistogramBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.HistogramNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of HistogramNode."""
def __init__(self, hist_fraction=1.0, hist_filename=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""Initialize the node.
hist_fraction -- Defines the fraction of the data that is stored
hist_filename -- Filename for the file to which the data history will
be pickled after training. The data is pickled when stop_training
is called and data_hist is then cleared (to free memory).
If filename is None (default value) then data_hist is not cleared
and can be directly used after training.
super(HistogramBiNode, self).__init__(hist_fraction=hist_fraction, hist_filename=hist_filename, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class HitParadeBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.HitParadeNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of HitParadeNode."""
def __init__(self, n, d=1, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
n -- Number of maxima and minima to store
d -- Minimum gap between two maxima or two minima
super(HitParadeBiNode, self).__init__(n=n, d=d, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class ICABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.ICANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of ICANode."""
def __init__(self, limit=0.001, telescope=False, verbose=False, whitened=False, white_comp=None, white_parm=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
whitened -- Set whitened is True if input data are already whitened.
Otherwise the node will whiten the data itself.
white_comp -- If whitened is False, you can set 'white_comp' to the
number of whitened components to keep during the
calculation (i.e., the input dimensions are reduced to
white_comp by keeping the components of largest variance).
white_parm -- a dictionary with additional parameters for whitening.
It is passed directly to the WhiteningNode constructor.
Ex: white_parm = { 'svd' : True }
limit -- convergence threshold.
telescope -- If telescope == True, use Telescope mode: Instead of
using all input data in a single batch try larger and larger chunks
of the input data until convergence is achieved. This should lead to
significantly faster convergence for stationary statistics. This mode
has not been thoroughly tested and must be considered beta.
super(ICABiNode, self).__init__(limit=limit, telescope=telescope, verbose=verbose, whitened=whitened, white_comp=white_comp, white_parm=white_parm, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class ISFABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.ISFANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of ISFANode."""
def __init__(self, lags=1, sfa_ica_coeff=(1.0, 1.0), icaweights=None, sfaweights=None, whitened=False, white_comp=None, white_parm=None, eps_contrast=9.9999999999999995e-07, max_iter=10000, RP=None, verbose=False, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Perform Independent Slow Feature Analysis.
The notation is the same used in the paper by Blaschke et al. Please
refer to the paper for more information.
Keyword arguments:
lags -- list of time-lags to generate the time-delayed covariance
matrices (in the paper this is the set of au). If
lags is an integer, time-lags 1,2,...,'lags' are used.
Note that time-lag == 0 (instantaneous correlation) is
always implicitly used.
sfa_ica_coeff -- a list of float with two entries, which defines the
weights of the SFA and ICA part of the
objective function. They are called b_{SFA} and
b_{ICA} in the paper.
sfaweights -- weighting factors for the covariance matrices relative
to the SFA part of the objective function (called
\kappa_{SFA}^{ au} in the paper). Default is
[1., 0., ..., 0.]
For possible values see the description of icaweights.
icaweights -- weighting factors for the cov matrices relative
to the ICA part of the objective function (called
\kappa_{ICA}^{ au} in the paper). Default is 1.
Possible values are:
an integer n: all matrices are weighted the same
(note that it does not make sense to
have n != 1)
a list or array of floats of len == len(lags): each
element of the list is used for
weighting the corresponding matrix
None: use the default values.
whitened -- True if input data is already white, False otherwise (the
data will be whitened internally).
white_comp -- If whitened is False, you can set 'white_comp' to the
number of whitened components to keep during the
calculation (i.e., the input dimensions are reduced to
white_comp by keeping the components of largest variance).
white_parm -- a dictionary with additional parameters for whitening.
It is passed directly to the WhiteningNode constructor.
Ex: white_parm = { 'svd' : True }
eps_contrast -- Convergence is achieved when the relative
improvement in the contrast is below this threshold.
Values in the range [1E-4, 1E-10] are usually
max_iter -- If the algorithms does not achieve convergence within
max_iter iterations raise an Exception. Should be
larger than 100.
RP -- Starting rotation-permutation matrix. It is an
input_dim x input_dim matrix used to initially rotate the
input components. If not set, the identity matrix is used.
In the paper this is used to start the algorithm at the
SFA solution (which is often quite near to the optimum).
verbose -- print progress information during convergence. This can
slow down the algorithm, but it's the only way to see
the rate of improvement and immediately spot if something
is going wrong.
output_dim -- sets the number of independent components that have to
be extracted. Note that if this is not smaller than
input_dim, the problem is solved linearly and SFA
would give the same solution only much faster.
super(ISFABiNode, self).__init__(lags=lags, sfa_ica_coeff=sfa_ica_coeff, icaweights=icaweights, sfaweights=sfaweights, whitened=whitened, white_comp=white_comp, white_parm=white_parm, eps_contrast=eps_contrast, max_iter=max_iter, RP=RP, verbose=verbose, input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class IdentityBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.IdentityNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of IdentityNode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""If the input dimension and the output dimension are
unspecified, they will be set when the 'train' or 'execute'
method is called for the first time.
If dtype is unspecified, it will be inherited from the data
it receives at the first call of 'train' or 'execute'.
Every subclass must take care of up- or down-casting the internal
structures to match this argument (use _refcast private
method when possible).
super(IdentityBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class JADEBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.JADENode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of JADENode."""
def __init__(self, limit=0.001, max_it=1000, verbose=False, whitened=False, white_comp=None, white_parm=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
whitened -- Set whitened == True if input data are already whitened.
Otherwise the node will whiten the data itself
white_comp -- If whitened == False, you can set 'white_comp' to the
number of whitened components to keep during the
calculation (i.e., the input dimensions are reduced to
white_comp by keeping the components of largest variance).
white_parm -- a dictionary with additional parameters for whitening.
It is passed directly to the WhiteningNode constructor.
Ex: white_parm = { 'svd' : True }
limit -- convergence threshold.
Specific for JADE:
max_it -- maximum number of iterations
super(JADEBiNode, self).__init__(limit=limit, max_it=max_it, verbose=verbose, whitened=whitened, white_comp=white_comp, white_parm=white_parm, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class LLEBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.LLENode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of LLENode."""
def __init__(self, k, r=0.001, svd=False, verbose=False, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Keyword Arguments:
k -- number of nearest neighbors to use
r -- regularization constant; if None, r is automatically
computed using the method presented in deRidder and Duin;
this method involves solving an eigenvalue problem for
every data point, and can slow down the algorithm
If specified, it multiplies the trace of the local covariance
matrix of the distances, as in Saul & Roweis (faster)
svd -- if True, use SVD to compute the projection matrix;
SVD is slower but more stable
verbose -- if True, displays information about the progress
of the algorithm
output_dim -- number of dimensions to output
or a float between 0.0 and 1.0. In the latter case,
output_dim specifies the desired fraction of variance
to be exaplained, and the final number of output
dimensions is known at the end of training
(e.g., for 'output_dim=0.95' the algorithm will keep
as many dimensions as necessary in order to explain
95% of the input variance)
super(LLEBiNode, self).__init__(k=k, r=r, svd=svd, verbose=verbose, input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class LinearRegressionBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.LinearRegressionNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of LinearRegressionNode."""
def __init__(self, with_bias=True, use_pinv=False, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
with_bias -- If True, the linear model includes a constant term
True: y_i = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + ... b_N x_N
False: y_i = b_1 x_1 + ... b_N x_N
If present, the constant term is stored in the first
column of self.beta
use_pinv -- If true, uses the pseudo-inverse function to compute
the linear regression coefficients, which is more robust
in some cases
super(LinearRegressionBiNode, self).__init__(with_bias=with_bias, use_pinv=use_pinv, input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class NIPALSBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.NIPALSNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of NIPALSNode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, conv=1e-08, max_it=100000, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
The number of principal components to be kept can be specified as
'output_dim' directly (e.g. 'output_dim=10' means 10 components
are kept) or by the fraction of variance to be explained
(e.g. 'output_dim=0.95' means that as many components as necessary
will be kept in order to explain 95% of the input variance).
Other Arguments:
conv - convergence threshold for the residual error.
max_it - maximum number of iterations
super(NIPALSBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, conv=conv, max_it=max_it, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class NormalNoiseBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.NormalNoiseNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of NormalNoiseNode."""
def __init__(self, noise_args=(0, 1), input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""Set the noise parameters.
noise_args -- Tuple of (mean, standard deviation) for the normal
distribution, default is (0,1).
super(NormalNoiseBiNode, self).__init__(noise_args=noise_args, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class PCABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.PCANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of PCANode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, svd=False, reduce=False, var_rel=9.9999999999999998e-13, var_abs=1.0000000000000001e-15, var_part=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""The number of principal components to be kept can be specified as
'output_dim' directly (e.g. 'output_dim=10' means 10 components
are kept) or by the fraction of variance to be explained
(e.g. 'output_dim=0.95' means that as many components as necessary
will be kept in order to explain 95% of the input variance).
Other Keyword Arguments:
svd -- if True use Singular Value Decomposition instead of the
standard eigenvalue problem solver. Use it when PCANode
complains about singular covariance matrices
reduce -- Keep only those principal components which have a variance
larger than 'var_abs' and a variance relative to the
first principal component larger than 'var_rel' and a
variance relative to total variance larger than 'var_part'
(set var_part to None or 0 for no filtering).
Note: when the 'reduce' switch is enabled, the actual number
of principal components (self.output_dim) may be different
from that set when creating the instance.
super(PCABiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, svd=svd, reduce=reduce, var_rel=var_rel, var_abs=var_abs, var_part=var_part, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class PerceptronClassiBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.PerceptronClassifier):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of PerceptronClassifier."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(PerceptronClassiBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class PolynomialExpansionBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.PolynomialExpansionNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of PolynomialExpansionNode."""
def __init__(self, degree, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
degree -- degree of the polynomial space where the input is expanded
super(PolynomialExpansionBiNode, self).__init__(degree=degree, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class QuadraticExpansionBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.QuadraticExpansionNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of QuadraticExpansionNode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(QuadraticExpansionBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class RBFExpansionBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.RBFExpansionNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of RBFExpansionNode."""
def __init__(self, centers, sizes, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
centers -- Centers of the RBFs. The dimensionality
of the centers determines the input dimensionality;
the number of centers determines the output
sizes -- Radius of the RBFs.
'sizes' is a list with one element for each RBF, either
a scalar (the variance of the RBFs for isotropic RBFs)
or a covariance matrix (for anisotropic RBFs).
If 'sizes' is not a list, the same variance/covariance
is used for all RBFs.
super(RBFExpansionBiNode, self).__init__(centers=centers, sizes=sizes, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class RBMBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.RBMNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of RBMNode."""
def __init__(self, hidden_dim, visible_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
hidden_dim -- number of hidden variables
visible_dim -- number of observed variables
super(RBMBiNode, self).__init__(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, visible_dim=visible_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class RBMWithLabelsBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.RBMWithLabelsNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of RBMWithLabelsNode."""
def __init__(self, hidden_dim, labels_dim, visible_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(RBMWithLabelsBiNode, self).__init__(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, labels_dim=labels_dim, visible_dim=visible_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class SFA2BiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.SFA2Node):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of SFA2Node."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(SFA2BiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class SFABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.SFANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of SFANode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(SFABiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class SignumClassiBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.SignumClassifier):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of SignumClassifier."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""If the input dimension and the output dimension are
unspecified, they will be set when the 'train' or 'execute'
method is called for the first time.
If dtype is unspecified, it will be inherited from the data
it receives at the first call of 'train' or 'execute'.
Every subclass must take care of up- or down-casting the internal
structures to match this argument (use _refcast private
method when possible).
super(SignumClassiBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class SimpleMarkovClassiBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.SimpleMarkovClassifier):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of SimpleMarkovClassifier."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
super(SimpleMarkovClassiBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class TDSEPBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.TDSEPNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of TDSEPNode."""
def __init__(self, lags=1, limit=1.0000000000000001e-05, max_iter=10000, verbose=False, whitened=False, white_comp=None, white_parm=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
lags -- list of time-lags to generate the time-delayed covariance
matrices. If lags is an integer, time-lags 1,2,...,'lags'
are used.
Note that time-lag == 0 (instantaneous correlation) is
always implicitly used.
whitened -- Set whitened is True if input data are already whitened.
Otherwise the node will whiten the data itself.
white_comp -- If whitened is False, you can set 'white_comp' to the
number of whitened components to keep during the
calculation (i.e., the input dimensions are reduced to
white_comp by keeping the components of largest variance).
white_parm -- a dictionary with additional parameters for whitening.
It is passed directly to the WhiteningNode constructor.
Ex: white_parm = { 'svd' : True }
limit -- convergence threshold.
max_iter -- If the algorithms does not achieve convergence within
max_iter iterations raise an Exception. Should be
larger than 100.
super(TDSEPBiNode, self).__init__(lags=lags, limit=limit, max_iter=max_iter, verbose=verbose, whitened=whitened, white_comp=white_comp, white_parm=white_parm, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class TimeFramesBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.TimeFramesNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of TimeFramesNode."""
def __init__(self, time_frames, gap=1, input_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Input arguments:
time_frames -- Number of delayed copies
gap -- Time delay between the copies
super(TimeFramesBiNode, self).__init__(time_frames=time_frames, gap=gap, input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class WhiteningBiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.WhiteningNode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of WhiteningNode."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, svd=False, reduce=False, var_rel=9.9999999999999998e-13, var_abs=1.0000000000000001e-15, var_part=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
"""The number of principal components to be kept can be specified as
'output_dim' directly (e.g. 'output_dim=10' means 10 components
are kept) or by the fraction of variance to be explained
(e.g. 'output_dim=0.95' means that as many components as necessary
will be kept in order to explain 95% of the input variance).
Other Keyword Arguments:
svd -- if True use Singular Value Decomposition instead of the
standard eigenvalue problem solver. Use it when PCANode
complains about singular covariance matrices
reduce -- Keep only those principal components which have a variance
larger than 'var_abs' and a variance relative to the
first principal component larger than 'var_rel' and a
variance relative to total variance larger than 'var_part'
(set var_part to None or 0 for no filtering).
Note: when the 'reduce' switch is enabled, the actual number
of principal components (self.output_dim) may be different
from that set when creating the instance.
super(WhiteningBiNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, svd=svd, reduce=reduce, var_rel=var_rel, var_abs=var_abs, var_part=var_part, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)
class XSFABiNode(BiNode, mdp.nodes.XSFANode):
"""Automatically created BiNode version of XSFANode."""
def __init__(self, basic_exp=None, intern_exp=None, svd=False, verbose=False, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, node_id=None, stop_result=None):
Keyword arguments:
basic_exp -- a tuple (node, args, kwargs) defining the node
used for the basic nonlinear expansion. It is
assumed that the mixture is linearly invertible
after this expansion. The higher the complexity
of the nonlinearity, the higher are the chances
of inverting the unknown mixture. On the other
hand, high complexity of the nonlinear
expansion increases the danger of numeric
instabilities, which can cause singularities in
the simulation or errors in the source
estimation. The trade-off has to be evaluated
carefully. Default:
(mdp.nodes.PolynomialExpansionNode, (2, ), {})
intern_exp -- a tuple (node, args, kwargs) defining the node
used for the internal nonlinear expansion of
the estimated sources to be removed from the input space.
The same trade-off as for basic_exp is valid here.
(mdp.nodes.PolynomialExpansionNode, (10, ), {})
svd -- enable Singular Value Decomposition for normalization
and regularization. Use it if the node complains about
singular covariance matrices.
verbose -- show some progress during training.
super(XSFABiNode, self).__init__(basic_exp=basic_exp, intern_exp=intern_exp, svd=svd, verbose=verbose, input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype, node_id=node_id, stop_result=stop_result)