import mdp
from mdp import numx
from svm_classifiers import _SVMClassifier,_LabelNormalizer
import shogun.Kernel as sgKernel
import shogun.Features as sgFeatures
import shogun.Classifier as sgClassifier
# We need to have at least SHOGUN 0.9, as we rely on
# SHOGUN's CClassifier::classify() method.
# (It makes our code much nicer, by the way.)
version = sgKernel._Kernel.Version_get_version_release()
except AttributeError:
version = ""
if not (version.startswith('v0.9') or version.startswith('v1.')):
msg = "We need at least SHOGUN version 0.9."
raise ImportError(msg)
# switch off spurious warnings from shogun
import warnings
'.*Perceptron algorithm did not converge after.*',
# maybe integrate to the class
def is_shogun_classifier(test_classifier):
"""Check, if a class is a subclass of a SHOGUN classifier."""
return issubclass(test_classifier, sgClassifier.Classifier)
except (TypeError, NameError):
# need to fetch NameError for some swig reasons
return False
default_shogun_classifiers = []
for labels in dir(sgClassifier):
test_classifier = getattr(sgClassifier, labels)
if is_shogun_classifier(test_classifier):
shogun_classifier_types = {}
for ct in dir(sgClassifier):
if ct.startswith("CT_"):
shogun_classifier_types[getattr(sgClassifier, ct)] = ct
class _OrderedDict(object):
"""Very simple version of an ordered dict."""
def __init__(self, items):
self._keys = []
self._vals = []
def update(self, other):
"""Update an ordered dict with new values."""
for entry in other:
if isinstance(other, dict):
new_key = entry
new_val = other[entry]
new_key = entry[0]
if len(entry) > 1:
new_val = entry[1]
if new_key in self._keys:
i = self._keys.index(new_key)
self._vals[i] = new_val
def values(self):
return self._vals
class Classifier(object):
"""This Classifier class hides the logic of setting a classifier and kernel
from the main classifier node.
It is currently not intended to be used on its own and might, in fact, get
completely integrated into the ShogunSVMClassifier class."""
def __init__(self):
self._class = None
self._instance = None
def set_classifier(self, classifier, args=None):
"""Sets and initialises the classifier. If a classifier is reset
by the user, the parameters will have to be set again.
'classifier' can be a string, a subclass of shogun.Classifier
or an instance of such a class.
Note that some classifiers require initialisation arguments
while others don't. Also note that neither labels nor feature
vectors should be given with 'args'.
classifier -- the SHOGUN classifier to use
args -- the list of arguments needed for the SHOGUN
constructor method of the classifier
if args is None:
args = []
self._class = None
self._instance = None
# If name is a classifier instance: Take it
if isinstance(classifier, sgClassifier.Classifier):
self._class = classifier.__class__
self._instance = classifier
# If name is a class: Make an instance
elif classifier.__class__ == type:
if is_shogun_classifier(classifier):
self._class = classifier
self._instance = self._class(*args)
except AttributeError:
msg = "Library '%s' could not be instantiated. Abstract class?" % classifier
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
msg = "The classifier '%s' is no subclass of CClassifier." % self._class.__name__
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
# If classifier is a string: Check, if it's the name of a default library
elif isinstance(classifier, basestring):
possibleClasses = [labels for labels in default_shogun_classifiers
if labels.__name__.lower() == classifier.lower()]
if not len(possibleClasses):
msg = "Library '%s' is not a known subclass of CClassifier." % classifier
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
# Take the first classifier which works
for labels in possibleClasses:
self._instance = labels(*args)
self._class = labels
except AttributeError:
# we might have a virtual class here
if not self._instance:
msg = "Library '%s' could not be instantiated. Abstract class?" % classifier
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
if not self._class or not self._instance:
msg = "The classifier '%s' is not supported." % classifier
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
if self.classifier_type() == "CT_NONE":
msg = "The classifier '%s' is not valid." % classifier
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
def classifier_type(self):
"""Returns the SHOGUN classifier type as a string."""
return shogun_classifier_types[self._instance.get_classifier_type()]
def set_param(self, param, *value):
"""Sets parameters for the classifier.
This calls set_param(*value) on the classifier instance.
# Non-standard cases
if param == "C" and len(value) == 1:
# set_C needs two arguments, but if we get only one,
# we call set_C(arg, arg)
value += value
# get the parameter setting method
meth = getattr(self._instance, "set_" + param)
# call it
def get_param(self, param, *args):
"""Returns the parameter for a with a given name.
This calls get_param(*args) on the classifier instance.
meth = getattr(self._instance, "get_" + param)
return meth(*args)
def set_train_features(self, features, labels):
if issubclass(self._class, sgClassifier.LinearClassifier):
elif issubclass(self._class, sgClassifier.CKernelMachine):
self.kernel.init(features, features)
except AttributeError:
msg = "You must assign a kernel before training."
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
msg = "Sorry, SHOGUN classifiers of this type are not yet implemented"
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
def train(self):
def label(self, test_features):
return self._instance.classify(test_features).get_labels()
def takes_kernel(self):
"""Returns true, if the current classifier is a kernel machine."""
return issubclass(self._class, sgClassifier.CKernelMachine)
def _get_kernel(self):
"""Retrieve the currently set kernel from the classifier instance."""
return self._instance.get_kernel()
except AttributeError:
msg = "Error retrieving kernel. The classifier might not support kernels."
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
def _set_kernel(self, kernel):
"""Set the kernel in the current classifier instance"""
except AttributeError:
msg = "Error setting kernel. The classifier might not support kernels."
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
kernel = property(_get_kernel, _set_kernel)
def __str__(self):
str = self._instance.__class__.__name__
str = str + " with %s kernel" % self.kernel.get_name()
except (mdp.NodeException, AttributeError):
return str
class ShogunSVMClassifier(_SVMClassifier):
"""The ShogunSVMClassifier works as a wrapper class for accessing
the SHOGUN machine learning toolbox for support vector machines.
Most kernel machines and linear classifier should work with this class.
Currently, distance machines such as the K-means classifier
are not supported yet.
Information to paramters and additional options can be found on
Note that some parts in this classifier might receive some
refinement in the future.
default_parameters = {
'C': 1,
'epsilon': 1e-3,
# Swig-code does not work with named parameters, so we have to define an order
kernel_parameters = {
# Simple float64t kernels
'Chi2Kernel': [('size', 10), ('width', 1.4)],
'GaussianKernel': [('size', 10), ('width', 1.9)],
'LinearKernel': [],
'PolyKernel': [('size', 10), ('degree', 3), ('inhomogene', True)],
'PyramidChi2': [('size',), ('num_cells2',),
('weights_foreach_cell2',), ('width_computation_type2',),
'SigmoidKernel': [('size', 10), ('gamma', 1), ('coef0', 0)]
def __init__(self, classifier="libsvmmulticlass", classifier_arguments=(),
num_threads="autodetect", input_dim=None, dtype=None):
Initialises a new ShogunSVMClassifier.
Keyword arguments:
classifier -- The classifier to use
classifier_arguments -- Arguments needed for the constructor of the classifier
classifier_options -- Options for the classifier
num_threads -- The number of threads, SHOGUN should use
can be set to "autodetect", then SHOGUN will use
the number of CPU cores.
Attention: this could crash on windows
super(ShogunSVMClassifier, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, dtype=dtype)
if classifier_options is None:
classifier_options = {}
self.classifier = Classifier()
self.classifier.set_classifier(classifier, classifier_arguments)
self.classifier_options = self.default_parameters
for p in self.classifier_options.keys():
self.set_classifier_param(p, self.classifier_options[p])
self._num_threads = num_threads
def _set_num_threads(self):
# init number of threads
if self._num_threads == "autodetect":
self._num_threads = self.classifier._instance.parallel.get_num_cpus()
except SystemError:
# We're helping shogun here
self._num_threads = 1
def set_classifier_param(self, param, *value):
"""Sets parameters for the classifier.
self.classifier.set_param(param, *value)
def set_kernel(self, kernel_name, kernel_options=None):
"""Sets the Kernel along with options.
'options' must be a tuple with the arguments of the kernel constructor
We try to guess it right in many cases but in general, you will have to
consult the SHOGUN documentation.
kernel -- The kernel to use. Default parameters are specified for
Further kernels are possible if they are included in
SHOGUN and if kernel_options provides the correct init
kernel_options -- For known kernels, a dict specifying the options is
possible. Options not included take a default value.
Unknown kernels need an ordered list of constructor
if kernel_options is None:
kernel_options = {}
if kernel_name in ShogunSVMClassifier.kernel_parameters \
and not isinstance(kernel_options, list):
default_opts = _OrderedDict(ShogunSVMClassifier.kernel_parameters[kernel_name])
options = default_opts.values
kernel_meth = getattr(sgKernel, kernel_name)
kernel = kernel_meth(*options)
except NotImplementedError, msg:
msg = ("Tried to call %s with arguments %s\n" %
(kernel_meth.__module__ + '.' + kernel_meth.__name__,
tuple(options).__repr__()) +
"Got the following error message:\n" + msg.__str__())
raise mdp.NodeException(msg)
self.classifier.kernel = kernel
def _stop_training(self):
super(ShogunSVMClassifier, self)._stop_training()
self.normalizer = _LabelNormalizer(self.labels)
labels = self.normalizer.normalize(self.labels)
# shogun expects float labels
labels = sgFeatures.Labels(labels.astype(float))
features = sgFeatures.RealFeatures(
self.classifier.set_train_features(features, labels)
def training_set(self, ordered=False):
"""Shows the set of data that has been inserted to be trained."""
if ordered:
labels = set(self.labels)
data = {}
for l in labels:
data[l] = []
for k, v in zip(self.labels,
return data
return zip(self.labels,
def _label(self, x):
"""Classify the input data 'x'
test_features = sgFeatures.RealFeatures(x.transpose())
labels = self.classifier.label(test_features)
if self.normalizer:
return self.normalizer.revert(labels)
return labels