import mdp
from mdp import ClassifierNode
from mdp import numx
import operator
import random
import itertools
class SignumClassifier(ClassifierNode):
"""This classifier node classifies as 1, if the sum of the data points is
positive and as -1, if the data point is negative"""
def is_trainable(self):
return False
def _label(self, x):
ret = [xi.sum() for xi in x]
return numx.sign(ret)
class PerceptronClassifier(ClassifierNode):
"""A simple perceptron with input_dim input nodes."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, dtype=None):
super(PerceptronClassifier, self).__init__(input_dim, None, dtype)
self.weights = []
self.offset_weight = 0
self.learning_rate = 0.1
def _check_train_args(self, x, labels):
if (isinstance(labels, (list, tuple, numx.ndarray)) and
len(labels) != x.shape[0]):
msg = ("The number of labels should be equal to the number of "
"datapoints (%d != %d)" % (len(labels), x.shape[0]))
raise mdp.TrainingException(msg)
if (not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple, numx.ndarray))):
labels = [labels]
if (not numx.all(map(lambda x: abs(x) == 1, labels))):
msg = "The labels must be either -1 or 1."
raise mdp.TrainingException(msg)
def _train(self, x, labels):
"""Update the internal structures according to the input data 'x'.
x -- a matrix having different variables on different columns
and observations on the rows.
labels -- can be a list, tuple or array of labels (one for each data point)
or a single label, in which case all input data is assigned to
the same class.
# if weights are not yet initialised, initialise them
if not len(self.weights):
self.weights = numx.ones(self.input_dim)
for xi, labeli in mdp.utils.izip_stretched(x, labels):
new_weights = self.weights
new_offset = self.offset_weight
rate = self.learning_rate * (labeli - self._label(xi))
for j in range(self.input_dim):
new_weights[j] = self.weights[j] + rate * xi[j]
# the offset corresponds to a node with input 1 all the time
new_offset = self.offset_weight + rate * 1
self.weights = new_weights
self.offset_weight = new_offset
def _label(self, x):
"""Returns an array with class labels from the perceptron.
return numx.sign(, self.weights) + self.offset_weight)
class SimpleMarkovClassifier(ClassifierNode):
"""A simple version of a Markov classifier.
It can be trained on a vector of tuples the label being the next element
in the testing data.
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, dtype=None):
super(SimpleMarkovClassifier, self).__init__(input_dim, None, dtype)
self.ntotal_connections = 0
self.features = {}
self.labels = {}
self.connections = {}
def _check_train_args(self, x, labels):
if (isinstance(labels, (list, tuple, numx.ndarray)) and
len(labels) != x.shape[0]):
msg = ("The number of labels should be equal to the number of "
"datapoints (%d != %d)" % (len(labels), x.shape[0]))
raise mdp.TrainingException(msg)
if (not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple, numx.ndarray))):
labels = [labels]
def _train(self, x, labels):
"""Update the internal structures according to the input data 'x'.
x -- a matrix having different variables on different columns
and observations on the rows.
labels -- can be a list, tuple or array of labels (one for each data point)
or a single label, in which case all input data is assigned to
the same class.
# if labels is a number, all x's belong to the same class
for xi, labeli in mdp.utils.izip_stretched(x, labels):
self._learn(xi, labeli)
def _learn(self, feature, label):
feature = tuple(feature)
self.ntotal_connections += 1
if label in self.labels:
self.labels[label] += 1
self.labels[label] = 1
if feature in self.features:
self.features[feature] += 1
self.features[feature] = 1
connection = (feature, label)
if connection in self.connections:
self.connections[connection] += 1
self.connections[connection] = 1
def _prob(self, features):
return [self._prob_one(feature) for feature in features]
def _prob_one(self, feature):
feature = tuple(feature)
probabilities = {}
n_feature_connections = self.features[feature]
except KeyError:
n_feature_connections = 0
# if n_feature_connections == 0, we get a division by zero
# we could throw here, but maybe it's best to simply return
# an empty dict object
return {}
for label in self.labels:
conn = (feature, label)
n_conn = self.connections[conn]
except KeyError:
n_conn = 0
n_label_connections = self.labels[label]
except KeyError:
n_label_connections = 0
p_feature_given_label = 1.0 * n_conn / n_label_connections
p_label = 1.0 * n_label_connections / self.ntotal_connections
p_feature = 1.0 * n_feature_connections / self.ntotal_connections
prob = 1.0 * p_feature_given_label * p_label / p_feature
probabilities[label] = prob
return probabilities
class DiscreteHopfieldClassifier(ClassifierNode):
"""Node for simulating a simple discrete Hopfield model"""
# TODO: It is unclear if this belongs to classifiers or is a general node
# because label space is a subset of feature space
def __init__(self, input_dim=None):
dtype = bool
super(DiscreteHopfieldClassifier, self).__init__(input_dim, input_dim, dtype)
self._weight_matrix = 0 # assigning zero to ease addition
self._num_patterns = 0
self._shuffled_update = True
def _train(self, x):
"""Provide the hopfield net with the possible states.
x -- a matrix having different variables on different columns
and observations on rows.
for pattern in x:
def _train_one(self, pattern):
pattern = mdp.utils.bool_to_sign(pattern)
weights = numx.outer(pattern, pattern)
self._weight_matrix += weights / float(self.input_dim)
self._num_patterns += 1
def memory_size(self):
"""Returns the Hopfield net's memory size"""
return self.input_dim
def load_parameter(self):
"""Returns the load parameter of the Hopfield net.
The quality of memory recall for a Hopfield net breaks down when the
load parameter is larger than 0.14."""
return self._num_patterns / float(self.input_dim)
def _stop_training(self):
# remove self-feedback
# we could use numx.fill_diagonal, but thats numpy 1.4 only
for i in range(self.input_dim):
self._weight_matrix[i][i] = 0
def _label(self, x, threshold = 0):
"""Retrieves patterns from the associative memory.
threshold = numx.zeros(self.input_dim) + threshold
return numx.array([self._label_one(pattern, threshold) for pattern in x])
def _label_one(self, pattern, threshold):
pattern = mdp.utils.bool_to_sign(pattern)
has_converged = False
while not has_converged:
has_converged = True
iter_order = range(len(self._weight_matrix))
if self._shuffled_update:
for row in iter_order:
w_row = self._weight_matrix[row]
thresh_row = threshold[row]
new_pattern_row = numx.sign(, pattern) - thresh_row)
if new_pattern_row == 0:
# Following McKay, Neural Networks, we do nothing
# when the new pattern is zero
elif pattern[row] != new_pattern_row:
has_converged = False
pattern[row] = new_pattern_row
return mdp.utils.sign_to_bool(pattern)
class KMeansClassifier(ClassifierNode):
def __init__(self, num_clusters, max_iter=10000, input_dim=None, dtype=None):
"""Employs K-Means Clustering for a given number of centroids.
num_clusters -- number of centroids to use = number of clusters
max_iter -- if the algorithm does not reach convergence (for some
numerical reason), stop after max_iter iterations
super(KMeansClassifier, self).__init__(input_dim, None, dtype)
self._num_clusters = num_clusters = []
self.tlen = 0
self._centroids = None
self.max_iter = max_iter
def _train(self, x):
# append all data
# we could use a Cumulator class here
self.tlen += x.shape[0]
def _stop_training(self): = numx.array(, dtype = self.dtype) = (self.tlen, self.input_dim)
# choose initial centroids unless they are already given
if not self._centroids:
centr_idx = random.sample(xrange(self.tlen), self._num_clusters)
centroids =[centr_idx]
centroids = self._centroids
for step in xrange(self.max_iter):
# list of (sum_position, num_clusters)
new_centroids = [(0, 0)] * len(centroids)
# cluster
for x in
idx = self._nearest_centroid_idx(x, centroids)
# update position and count
pos_count = (new_centroids[idx][0] + x, new_centroids[idx][1] + 1)
new_centroids[idx] = pos_count
# get new centroid position
new_centroids = numx.array([c[0] / c[1] for c in new_centroids])
# check if we are stable
if numx.all(new_centroids == centroids):
self._centroids = centroids
centroids = new_centroids
def _nearest_centroid_idx(self, data, centroids):
dists = [numx.linalg.norm(data - c) for c in centroids]
# return index
return min(zip(dists, itertools.count()))[1]
def _label(self, x):
"""For a set of feature vectors x, this classifier returns
a list of centroids.
return [self._nearest_centroid_idx(xi, self._centroids) for xi in x]