from mdp import numx,Node,NodeException,MDPWarning
from mdp.utils import (mult,symeig,nongeneral_svd,CovarianceMatrix
import warnings as _warnings
class PCANode(Node):
"""Filter the input data through the most significatives of its
principal components.
Internal variables of interest:
self.avg -- Mean of the input data (available after training)
self.v -- Transposed of the projection matrix (available after training)
self.d -- Variance corresponding to the PCA components
(eigenvalues of the covariance matrix)
self.explained_variance -- When output_dim has been specified as a fraction
of the total variance, this is the fraction
of the total variance that is actually explained
More information about Principal Component Analysis, a.k.a. discrete
Karhunen-Loeve transform can be found among others in
I.T. Jolliffe, Principal Component Analysis, Springer-Verlag (1986).
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None,
svd=False, reduce=False, var_rel=1E-12, var_abs=1E-15,
"""The number of principal components to be kept can be specified as
'output_dim' directly (e.g. 'output_dim=10' means 10 components
are kept) or by the fraction of variance to be explained
(e.g. 'output_dim=0.95' means that as many components as necessary
will be kept in order to explain 95% of the input variance).
Other Keyword Arguments:
svd -- if True use Singular Value Decomposition instead of the
standard eigenvalue problem solver. Use it when PCANode
complains about singular covariance matrices
reduce -- Keep only those principal components which have a variance
larger than 'var_abs' and a variance relative to the
first principal component larger than 'var_rel' and a
variance relative to total variance larger than 'var_part'
(set var_part to None or 0 for no filtering).
Note: when the 'reduce' switch is enabled, the actual number
of principal components (self.output_dim) may be different
from that set when creating the instance.
# this must occur *before* calling super!
self.desired_variance = None
super(PCANode, self).__init__(input_dim, output_dim, dtype)
self.svd = svd
# set routine for eigenproblem
if svd:
self._symeig = nongeneral_svd
self._symeig = symeig
self.var_abs = var_abs
self.var_rel = var_rel
self.var_part = var_part
self.reduce = reduce
# empirical covariance matrix, updated during the training phase
self._cov_mtx = CovarianceMatrix(dtype)
# attributes that defined in stop_training
self.d = None # eigenvalues
self.v = None # eigenvectors, first index for coordinates
self.total_variance = None
self.tlen = None
self.avg = None
self.explained_variance = None
def _set_output_dim(self, n):
if n <= 1 and isinstance(n, float):
# set the output dim after training, when the variances are known
self.desired_variance = n
self._output_dim = n
def _check_output(self, y):
# check output rank
if not y.ndim == 2:
error_str = "y has rank %d, should be 2" % (y.ndim)
raise NodeException(error_str)
if y.shape[1] == 0 or y.shape[1] > self.output_dim:
error_str = ("y has dimension %d"
", should be 0<y<=%d" % (y.shape[1], self.output_dim))
raise NodeException(error_str)
def _get_supported_dtypes(self):
return ['float32', 'float64']
def get_explained_variance(self):
"""Return the fraction of the original variance that can be
explained by self._output_dim PCA components.
If for example output_dim has been set to 0.95, the explained
variance could be something like 0.958...
Note that if output_dim was explicitly set to be a fixed number
of components, there is no way to calculate the explained variance.
return self.explained_variance
def _train(self, x):
# update the covariance matrix
def _adjust_output_dim(self):
"""Return the eigenvector range and set the output dim if required.
This is used if the output dimensions is smaller than the input
dimension (so only the larger eigenvectors have to be kept).
# if the number of principal components to keep is not specified,
# keep all components
if self.desired_variance is None and self.output_dim is None:
self.output_dim = self.input_dim
return None
## define the range of eigenvalues to compute
# if the number of principal components to keep has been
# specified directly
if self.output_dim is not None and self.output_dim >= 1:
# (eigenvalues sorted in ascending order)
return (self.input_dim - self.output_dim + 1,
# otherwise, the number of principal components to keep has been
# specified by the fraction of variance to be explained
return None
def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
"""Stop the training phase.
Keyword arguments:
debug=True if stop_training fails because of singular cov
matrices, the singular matrices itselves are stored in
self.cov_mtx and self.dcov_mtx to be examined.
# request the covariance matrix and clean up
self.cov_mtx, avg, self.tlen = self._cov_mtx.fix()
del self._cov_mtx
# this is a bit counterintuitive, as it reshapes the average vector to
# be a matrix. in this way, however, we spare the reshape
# operation every time that 'execute' is called.
self.avg = avg.reshape(1, avg.shape[0])
# range for the eigenvalues
rng = self._adjust_output_dim()
# if we have more variables then observations we are bound to fail here
# suggest to use the NIPALSNode instead.
if debug and self.tlen < self.input_dim:
wrn = ('The number of observations (%d) '
'is larger than the number of input variables '
'(%d). You may want to use '
'the NIPALSNode instead.' % (self.tlen, self.input_dim))
_warnings.warn(wrn, MDPWarning)
# total variance can be computed at this point:
# note that vartot == d.sum()
vartot = numx.diag(self.cov_mtx).sum()
## compute and sort the eigenvalues
# compute the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix (inplace)
# (eigenvalues sorted in ascending order)
d, v = self._symeig(self.cov_mtx, range=rng, overwrite=(not debug))
# if reduce=False and svd=False. we should check for
# negative eigenvalues and fail
if not (self.reduce or self.svd or (self.desired_variance is
not None)):
if d.min() < 0:
raise NodeException("Got negative eigenvalues: "
"You may either set output_dim to be"
" smaller, or set reduce=True and/or "
"svd=True" % str(d))
except SymeigException, exception:
err = str(exception)+("\nCovariance matrix may be singular."
"Try setting svd=True.")
raise NodeException(err)
# delete covariance matrix if no exception occurred
if not debug:
del self.cov_mtx
# sort by descending order
d = numx.take(d, range(d.shape[0]-1, -1, -1))
v = v[:, ::-1]
if self.desired_variance is not None:
# throw away immediately negative eigenvalues
d = d[ d > 0 ]
# the number of principal components to keep has
# been specified by the fraction of variance to be explained
varcum = (d / vartot).cumsum(axis=0)
# select only the relevant eigenvalues
# number of relevant eigenvalues
neigval = varcum.searchsorted(self.desired_variance) + 1.
#self.explained_variance = varcum[neigval-1]
# cut
d = d[0:neigval]
v = v[:, 0:neigval]
# define the new output dimension
self.output_dim = int(neigval)
# automatic dimensionality reduction
if self.reduce:
# remove entries that are smaller then var_abs and
# smaller then var_rel relative to the maximum
d = d[ d > self.var_abs ]
d = d[ d / d.max() > self.var_rel ]
# filter for variance relative to total variance
if self.var_part:
d = d[ d / vartot > self.var_part ]
v = v[:, 0:d.shape[0]]
self._output_dim = d.shape[0]
# set explained variance
self.explained_variance = d.sum() / vartot
# store the eigenvalues
self.d = d
# store the eigenvectors
self.v = v
# store the total variance
self.total_variance = vartot
def get_projmatrix(self, transposed=1):
"""Return the projection matrix."""
if transposed:
return self.v
return self.v.T
def get_recmatrix(self, transposed=1):
"""Return the back-projection matrix (i.e. the reconstruction matrix).
if transposed:
return self.v.T
return self.v
def _execute(self, x, n = None):
"""Project the input on the first 'n' principal components.
If 'n' is not set, use all available components."""
if n is not None:
return mult(x-self.avg, self.v[:, :n])
return mult(x-self.avg, self.v)
def _inverse(self, y, n = None):
"""Project 'y' to the input space using the first 'n' components.
If 'n' is not set, use all available components."""
if n is None:
n = y.shape[1]
if n > self.output_dim:
error_str = ("y has dimension %d,"
" should be at most %d" % (n, self.output_dim))
raise NodeException(error_str)
v = self.get_recmatrix()
return mult(y, v[:n, :])+self.avg
class WhiteningNode(PCANode):
"""'Whiten' the input data by filtering it through the most
significatives of its principal components. All output
signals have zero mean, unit variance and are decorrelated.
Internal variables of interest:
self.avg -- Mean of the input data (available after training)
self.v -- Transpose of the projection matrix (available after training)
self.d -- Variance corresponding to the PCA components
(eigenvalues of the covariance matrix).
self.explained_variance -- When output_dim has been specified as a fraction
of the total variance, this is the fraction
of the total variance that is actually explained
def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
super(WhiteningNode, self)._stop_training(debug)
##### whiten the filters
# self.v is now the _whitening_ matrix
self.v = self.v / numx.sqrt(self.d)
def get_eigenvectors(self):
"""Return the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix."""
return numx.sqrt(self.d)*self.v
def get_recmatrix(self, transposed=1):
"""Return the back-projection matrix (i.e. the reconstruction matrix).
v_inverse = self.v*self.d
if transposed:
return v_inverse.T
return v_inverse