from mdp import numx,numx_linalg,utils,Node,NodeException,TrainingException
from mdp.utils import mult
# ??? For the future: add an optional second phase to compute
# residuals, significance of the slope.
class LinearRegressionNode(Node):
"""Compute least-square, multivariate linear regression on the input
data, i.e., learn coefficients b_j so that
y_i = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + ... b_N x_N ,
for i = 1 ... M, minimizes the square error given the training x's
and y's.
This is a supervised learning node, and requires input data x and
target data y to be supplied during training (see 'train'
Internal variables of interest:
self.beta -- the coefficients of the linear regression
def __init__(self, with_bias=True, use_pinv=False,
input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None):
Input arguments:
with_bias -- If True, the linear model includes a constant term
True: y_i = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + ... b_N x_N
False: y_i = b_1 x_1 + ... b_N x_N
If present, the constant term is stored in the first
column of self.beta
use_pinv -- If true, uses the pseudo-inverse function to compute
the linear regression coefficients, which is more robust
in some cases
super(LinearRegressionNode, self).__init__(input_dim, output_dim, dtype)
self.with_bias = with_bias
self.use_pinv = use_pinv
# for the linear regression estimator we need two terms
# the first one is X^T X
self._xTx = None
# the second one is X^T Y
self._xTy = None
# keep track of how many data points have been sent
self._tlen = 0
# final regression coefficients
# if with_bias=True, beta includes the bias term in the first column
self.beta = None
def _get_supported_dtypes(self):
return ['float32', 'float64']
def is_invertible(self):
return False
def _check_train_args(self, x, y):
# set output_dim if necessary
if self._output_dim is None:
# check output dimensionality
if y.shape[0] != x.shape[0]:
msg = ("The number of output points should be equal to the "
"number of datapoints (%d != %d)" % (y.shape[0], x.shape[0]))
raise TrainingException(msg)
def _train(self, x, y):
Additional input arguments:
y -- array of size (x.shape[0], output_dim) that contains the observed
output to the input x's.
# initialize internal vars if necessary
if self._xTx is None:
if self.with_bias:
x_size = self._input_dim + 1
x_size = self._input_dim
self._xTx = numx.zeros((x_size, x_size), self._dtype)
self._xTy = numx.zeros((x_size, self._output_dim), self._dtype)
if self.with_bias:
x = self._add_constant(x)
# update internal variables
self._xTx += mult(x.T, x)
self._xTy += mult(x.T, y)
self._tlen += x.shape[0]
def _stop_training(self):
if self.use_pinv:
invfun = utils.pinv
invfun = utils.inv
inv_xTx = invfun(self._xTx)
except numx_linalg.LinAlgError, exception:
errstr = (str(exception) +
"\n Input data may be redundant (i.e., some of the " +
"variables may be linearly dependent).")
raise NodeException(errstr)
self.beta = mult(inv_xTx, self._xTy)
# remove junk
del self._xTx
del self._xTy
def _execute(self, x):
if self.with_bias:
x = self._add_constant(x)
return mult(x, self.beta)
def _add_constant(self, x):
"""Add a constant term to the vector 'x'.
x -> [1 x]
return numx.concatenate((numx.ones((x.shape[0], 1),
dtype=self.dtype), x), axis=1)