import mdp
from mdp import numx,Node,NodeException
from mdp.utils import (mult,pinv,symeig,CovarianceMatrix,QuadraticForm
class SFANode(Node):
"""Extract the slowly varying components from the input data.
More information about Slow Feature Analysis can be found in
Wiskott, L. and Sejnowski, T.J., Slow Feature Analysis: Unsupervised
Learning of Invariances, Neural Computation, 14(4):715-770 (2002).
Internal variables of interest:
self.avg -- Mean of the input data (available after training)
self.sf -- Matrix of the SFA filters (available after training)
self.d -- Delta values corresponding to the SFA components
(generalized eigenvalues).
(See the docs of the 'get_eta_values' method for
more information)
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None):
super(SFANode, self).__init__(input_dim, output_dim, dtype)
# init two covariance matrices
# one for the input data
self._cov_mtx = CovarianceMatrix(dtype)
# one for the derivatives
self._dcov_mtx = CovarianceMatrix(dtype)
# set routine for eigenproblem
self._symeig = symeig
# SFA eigenvalues and eigenvectors, will be set after training
self.d = None
self.sf = None
def _get_supported_dtypes(self):
return ['float32', 'float64']
def time_derivative(self, x):
"""Compute the linear approximation of the time derivative."""
# this is faster than a linear_filter or a weave-inline solution
return x[1:, :]-x[:-1, :]
def _set_range(self):
if self.output_dim is not None and self.output_dim <= self.input_dim:
# (eigenvalues sorted in ascending order)
rng = (1, self.output_dim)
# otherwise, keep all output components
rng = None
self.output_dim = self.input_dim
return rng
def _train(self, x):
## update the covariance matrices
# Cut the final point to avoid a trivial solution in special cases. (?)
# This also makes sense if the last data point is duplicated as the
# first data point of the next chunk, in which case the chunking
# of the data has no influence on the result.
self._cov_mtx.update(x[:-1, :])
def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
##### request the covariance matrices and clean up
self.cov_mtx, self.avg, self.tlen = self._cov_mtx.fix()
del self._cov_mtx
self.dcov_mtx, davg, dtlen = self._dcov_mtx.fix()
del self._dcov_mtx
rng = self._set_range()
#### solve the generalized eigenvalue problem
# the eigenvalues are already ordered in ascending order
self.d, self.sf = self._symeig(self.dcov_mtx, self.cov_mtx,
range=rng, overwrite=(not debug))
d = self.d
# check that we get only *positive* eigenvalues
if d.min() < 0:
err_msg = ("Got negative eigenvalues: %s."
" You may either set output_dim to be smaller,"
" or prepend the SFANode with a PCANode(reduce=True)"
" or PCANode(svd=True)"% str(d))
raise NodeException(err_msg)
except SymeigException, exception:
errstr = str(exception)+"\n Covariance matrices may be singular."
raise NodeException(errstr)
# delete covariance matrix if no exception occurred
del self.cov_mtx
del self.dcov_mtx
# store bias
self._bias = mult(self.avg, self.sf)
def _execute(self, x, range=None):
"""Compute the output of the slowest functions.
if 'range' is a number, then use the first 'range' functions.
if 'range' is the interval=(i,j), then use all functions
between i and j."""
if range:
if isinstance(range, (list, tuple)):
sf = self.sf[:, range[0]:range[1]]
bias = self._bias[:, range[0]:range[1]]
sf = self.sf[:, 0:range]
bias = self._bias[:, 0:range]
sf = self.sf
bias = self._bias
return mult(x, sf) - bias
def _inverse(self, y):
return mult(y, pinv(self.sf)) + self.avg
def get_eta_values(self, t=1):
"""Return the eta values of the slow components learned during
the training phase. If the training phase has not been completed
yet, call stop_training.
The delta value of a signal is a measure of its temporal
variation, and is defined as the mean of the derivative squared,
i.e. delta(x) = mean(dx/dt(t)^2). delta(x) is zero if
x is a constant signal, and increases if the temporal variation
of the signal is bigger.
The eta value is a more intuitive measure of temporal variation,
defined as
eta(x) = t/(2*pi) * sqrt(delta(x))
If x is a signal of length 't' which consists of a sine function
that accomplishes exactly N oscillations, then eta(x)=N.
Input arguments:
t -- Sampling frequency in Hz
The original definition in (Wiskott and Sejnowski, 2002)
is obtained for t = number of training data points, while
for t=1 (default), this corresponds to the beta-value defined in
(Berkes and Wiskott, 2005).
if self.is_training():
return self._refcast(t / (2 * numx.pi) * numx.sqrt(self.d))
class SFA2Node(SFANode):
"""Get an input signal, expand it in the space of
inhomogeneous polynomials of degree 2 and extract its slowly varying
components. The 'get_quadratic_form' method returns the input-output
function of one of the learned unit as a QuadraticForm object.
See the documentation of mdp.utils.QuadraticForm for additional
More information about Slow Feature Analysis can be found in
Wiskott, L. and Sejnowski, T.J., Slow Feature Analysis: Unsupervised
Learning of Invariances, Neural Computation, 14(4):715-770 (2002)."""
def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None):
self._expnode = mdp.nodes.QuadraticExpansionNode(input_dim=input_dim,
super(SFA2Node, self).__init__(input_dim, output_dim, dtype)
def is_invertible(self):
"""Return True if the node can be inverted, False otherwise."""
return False
def _set_input_dim(self, n):
self._expnode.input_dim = n
self._input_dim = n
def _train(self, x):
# expand in the space of polynomials of degree 2
super(SFA2Node, self)._train(self._expnode(x))
def _set_range(self):
if (self.output_dim is not None) and (
self.output_dim <= self._expnode.output_dim):
# (eigenvalues sorted in ascending order)
rng = (1, self.output_dim)
# otherwise, keep all output components
rng = None
return rng
def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
super(SFA2Node, self)._stop_training(debug)
# set the output dimension if necessary
if self.output_dim is None:
self.output_dim = self._expnode.output_dim
def _execute(self, x, range=None):
"""Compute the output of the slowest functions.
if 'range' is a number, then use the first 'range' functions.
if 'range' is the interval=(i,j), then use all functions
between i and j."""
return super(SFA2Node, self)._execute(self._expnode(x))
def get_quadratic_form(self, nr):
Return the matrix H, the vector f and the constant c of the
quadratic form 1/2 x'Hx + f'x + c that defines the output
of the component 'nr' of the SFA node.
if self.sf is None:
sf = self.sf[:, nr]
c = -mult(self.avg, sf)
n = self.input_dim
f = sf[:n]
h = numx.zeros((n, n), dtype=self.dtype)
k = n
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if j > i:
h[i, j] = sf[k]
k = k+1
elif j == i:
h[i, j] = 2*sf[k]
k = k+1
h[i, j] = h[j, i]
return QuadraticForm(h, f, c, dtype=self.dtype)
### old weave inline code to perform the time derivative
# weave C code executed in the function SfaNode.time_derivative
## for( int i=0; i<columns; i++ ) {
## for( int j=0; j<rows-1; j++ ) {
## deriv(j,i) = x(j+1,i)-x(j,i);
## }
## }
## """
# it was called like that:
## def time_derivative(self, x):
## rows = x.shape[0]
## columns = x.shape[1]
## deriv = numx.zeros((rows-1, columns), dtype=self.dtype)
## weave.inline(_TDERIVATIVE_1ORDER_CCODE,['rows','columns','deriv','x'],
## type_factories = weave.blitz_tools.blitz_type_factories,
## compiler='gcc',extra_compile_args=['-O3']);
## return deriv