"""These are test functions for MDP contributed nodes.
Run them with:
>>> import mdp
>>> mdp.test("contrib")
# import ALL stuff we use for standard nodes and delete the
# stuff we don't need. I know, this is a dirty trick.
from test_nodes import *
mc = mdp.nodes
import itertools
import random
def _s_shape(theta):
returns x,y
a 2-dimensional S-shaped function
for theta ranging from 0 to 1
t = 3*numx.pi * (theta-0.5)
x = numx.sin(t)
y = numx.sign(t)*(numx.cos(t)-1)
return x,y
def _s_shape_1D(n):
t = numx.linspace(0., 1., n)
x, z = _s_shape(t)
y = numx.linspace(0., 5., n)
return x, y, z, t
def _s_shape_2D(nt, ny):
t, y = numx.meshgrid(numx.linspace(0., 1., nt),
numx.linspace(0., 2., ny))
t = t.flatten()
y = y.flatten()
x, z = _s_shape(t)
return x, y, z, t
def _compare_neighbors(orig, proj, k):
n = orig.shape[0]
err = numx.zeros((n,))
# compare neighbors indices
for i in range(n):
# neighbors in original space
dist = orig - orig[i,:]
orig_nbrs = numx.argsort((dist**2).sum(1))[1:k+1]
# neighbors in projected space
dist = proj - proj[i,:]
proj_nbrs = numx.argsort((dist**2).sum(1))[1:k+1]
for idx in orig_nbrs:
if idx not in proj_nbrs:
err[i] += 1
return err
def _randomly_filled_hypercube(widths, num_elem=1000):
"""Fills a hypercube with given widths, centred at the origin.
p = []
for i in xrange(num_elem):
rand_data = numx.random.random(len(widths))
rand_data = [w*(d - 0.5) for d, w in zip(rand_data, widths)]
return p
def _randomly_filled_hyperball(dim, radius, num_elem=1000):
"""Fills a hyperball with a number of random elements.
r = numx.random.random(num_elem)
points = numx.random.random((num_elem, dim))
for i in xrange(len(points)):
norm = numx.linalg.norm(points[i])
scale = pow(r[i], 1./dim)
points[i] = points[i] * radius * scale / norm
return points
def _random_clusters(positions, radius=1, num_elem=1000):
"""Puts random clusters with num_elem elements at the given positions.
positions - a list of tuples
data = []
for p in positions:
dim = len(p)
ball = _randomly_filled_hyperball(dim, radius, num_elem)
ball = [numx.array(b) + numx.array(p) for b in ball]
return data
def _linear_separable_data(positions, labels, radius=1, num_elem=1000, shuffled=False):
"""Tries to make up some linear separable data.
num_elem - the number of elements in each
assert len(positions) == len(labels)
data = numx.vstack( _random_clusters(positions, radius, num_elem) )
#data = numx.vstack( (numx.random.random( (num_elem,2) ) - dist,
# numx.random.random( (num_elem,2) ) + dist) )
a_labels = numx.hstack(map(lambda x: [x] * num_elem, labels))
if shuffled:
ind = range(len(data))
return data[ind], a_labels[ind]
return data, a_labels
class ContribTestSuite(NodesTestSuite):
def __init__(self, testname=None):
NodesTestSuite.__init__(self, testname=testname)
self.mat_dim = (100, 3)
def _set_nodes(self):
self._nodes = [mc.JADENode,
(mc.XSFANode, [(mc.PolynomialExpansionNode, (1,), {}),
(mc.PolynomialExpansionNode, (1,), {}),
(mc.LLENode, [3, 0.001, False], None),
(mc.LLENode, [3, 0.001, True], None),
(mc.HLLENode, [10, 0.001, False], None),
(mc.HLLENode, [10, 0.001, True], None)]
def _fastica_test_factory(self):
# we don't want the fastica tests here
def _cleanup_tests(self):
# remove all nodes test that belong to the NodesTestSuite
# yes, I know is a dirty trick.
test_ids = [x.id() for x in self._tests]
i = 0
for test in test_ids:
if test[:4] == "test":
getattr(NodesTestSuite, test)
# if we did not get an exception
# the test belongs to NodesTestSuite
i -= 1
except Exception, e:
i += 1
def testJADENode(self):
trials = 3
for i in range(trials):
ica = mdp.nodes.JADENode(limit = 10**(-self.decimal))
ica2 = ica.copy()
self._testICANode(ica, rand_func=numx_rand.exponential)
except Exception, exc:
raise exc
def testNIPALSNode(self):
line_x = numx.zeros((1000,2),"d")
line_y = numx.zeros((1000,2),"d")
line_x[:,0] = numx.linspace(-1,1,num=1000,endpoint=1)
line_y[:,1] = numx.linspace(-0.2,0.2,num=1000,endpoint=1)
mat = numx.concatenate((line_x,line_y))
des_var = std(mat,axis=0)
mat += uniform(2)
pca = mdp.nodes.NIPALSNode(conv=1E-15, max_it=1000)
act_mat = pca.execute(mat)
# test a bug in v.1.1.1, should not crash
# try standard PCA on the same data and compare the eigenvalues
pca2 = mdp.nodes.PCANode()
assert_array_almost_equal(pca2.d, pca.d, self.decimal)
def testNIPALSNode_desired_variance(self):
mat, mix, inp = self._get_random_mix(mat_dim=(1000, 3))
# first make them white
pca = mdp.nodes.WhiteningNode()
mat = pca.execute(mat)
# set the variances
mat *= [0.6,0.3,0.1]
#mat -= mat.mean(axis=0)
pca = mdp.nodes.NIPALSNode(output_dim=0.8)
out = pca.execute(mat)
# check that we got exactly two output_dim:
assert pca.output_dim == 2
assert out.shape[1] == 2
# check that explained variance is > 0.8 and < 1
assert (pca.explained_variance > 0.8 and pca.explained_variance < 1)
def testLLENode(self):
# 1D S-shape in 3D
n, k = 50, 2
x, y, z, t = _s_shape_1D(n)
data = numx.asarray([x,y,z]).T
res = mdp.nodes.LLENode(k, output_dim=1, svd=False)(data)
# check that the neighbors are the same
err = _compare_neighbors(data, res, k)
assert err.max() == 0
# with svd=True
res = mdp.nodes.LLENode(k, output_dim=1, svd=True)(data)
err = _compare_neighbors(data, res, k)
assert err.max() == 0
#TODO: fix this test!
# 2D S-shape in 3D
nt, ny = 40, 15
n, k = nt*ny, 8
x, y, z, t = _s_shape_2D(nt, ny)
data = numx.asarray([x,y,z]).T
res = mdp.nodes.LLENode(k, output_dim=2, svd=True)(data)
res[:,0] /= res[:,0].std()
res[:,1] /= res[:,1].std()
# test alignment
yval = y[::nt]
tval = t[:ny]
for yv in yval:
idx = numx.nonzero(y==yv)[0]
err = abs(res[idx,1]-res[idx[0],1]).max()
assert err<0.01,\
'Projection should be aligned as original space: %s'%(str(err))
for tv in tval:
idx = numx.nonzero(t==tv)[0]
err = abs(res[idx,0]-res[idx[0],0]).max()
assert err<0.01,\
'Projection should be aligned as original space: %s'%(str(err))
def testLLENode_outputdim_float_bug(self):
# 1D S-shape in 3D, output_dim
n, k = 50, 2
x, y, z, t = _s_shape_1D(n)
data = numx.asarray([x,y,z]).T
res = mdp.nodes.LLENode(k, output_dim=0.9, svd=True)(data)
# check that the neighbors are the same
err = _compare_neighbors(data, res, k)
assert err.max() == 0
def testHLLENode(self):
# 1D S-shape in 3D
n, k = 250, 4
x, y, z, t = _s_shape_1D(n)
data = numx.asarray([x,y,z]).T
res = mdp.nodes.HLLENode(k, r=0.001, output_dim=1, svd=False)(data)
# check that the neighbors are the same
err = _compare_neighbors(data, res, k)
assert err.max() == 0
# with svd=True
res = mdp.nodes.HLLENode(k, r=0.001, output_dim=1, svd=True)(data)
err = _compare_neighbors(data, res, k)
assert err.max() == 0
# 2D S-shape in 3D
nt, ny = 40, 15
n, k = nt*ny, 8
x, y, z, t = _s_shape_2D(nt, ny)
data = numx.asarray([x,y,z]).T
res = mdp.nodes.HLLENode(k, r=0.001, output_dim=2, svd=False)(data)
res[:,0] /= res[:,0].std()
res[:,1] /= res[:,1].std()
# test alignment
yval = y[::nt]
tval = t[:ny]
for yv in yval:
idx = numx.nonzero(y==yv)[0]
assert numx.all(res[idx,1]-res[idx[0],1]<1e-2),\
'Projection should be aligned as original space'
for tv in tval:
idx = numx.nonzero(t==tv)[0]
assert numx.all(res[idx,0]-res[idx[0],0]<1e-2),\
'Projection should be aligned as original space'
def testXSFANode(self):
T = 5000
N = 3
src = numx_rand.random((T, N))*2-1
# create three souces with different speeds
fsrc = numx_fft.rfft(src, axis=0)
for i in range(N):
fsrc[(i+1)*(T/10):, i] = 0.
src = numx_fft.irfft(fsrc,axis=0)
src -= src.mean(axis=0)
src /= src.std(axis=0)
#mix = sigmoid(numx.dot(src, mdp.utils.random_rot(3)))
mix = src
flow = mdp.Flow([mc.XSFANode()])
# let's test also chunk-mode training
flow.train([[mix[:T/2, :], mix[T/2:, :]]])
out = flow(mix)
#import bimdp
#tr_filename = bimdp.show_training(flow=flow,
# data_iterators=[[mix[:T/2, :], mix[T/2:, :]]])
#ex_filename, out = bimdp.show_execution(flow, x=mix)
corrs = mdp.utils.cov_maxima(mdp.utils.cov2(out, src))
assert min(corrs) > 0.8, ('source/estimate minimal'
' covariance: %g' % min(corrs))
def testShogunSVMClassifier(self):
if not hasattr(mdp.nodes,'ShogunSVMClassifier'):
# TODO: Implement parameter ranges
num_train = 100
num_test = 50
dist = 1
width = 2.1
C = 1
epsilon = 1e-5
for positions in [((1,), (-1,)),
((1,1), (-1,-1)),
((1,1,1), (-1,-1,1)),
((1,1,1,1), (-1,1,1,1)),
((1,1,1,1), (-1,-1,-1,-1)),
((1,1), (-1,-1), (1, -1), (-1, 1))
radius = 0.3
if len(positions) == 2:
labels = (-1, 1)
elif len(positions) == 3:
labels = (-1, 1, 1)
elif len(positions) == 4:
labels = (-1, -1, 1, 1)
traindata_real, trainlab = _linear_separable_data(positions, labels,
radius, num_train)
testdata_real, testlab = _linear_separable_data(positions, labels,
radius, num_test)
classifiers = ['GMNPSVM', 'GNPPSVM', 'GPBTSVM', 'KernelPerceptron',
'LDA', 'LibSVM', # 'LibSVMOneClass',# 'MPDSVM',
'Perceptron', 'SVMLin']
kernels = ['PolyKernel', 'LinearKernel', 'SigmoidKernel', 'GaussianKernel']
#kernels = list(mdp.nodes.ShogunSVMClassifier.kernel_parameters.keys())
combinations = {'classifier': classifiers,
'kernel': kernels}
for comb in utils.orthogonal_permutations(combinations):
# this is redundant but makes it clear,
# what has been taken out deliberately
if comb['kernel'] in ['PyramidChi2', 'Chi2Kernel']:
# We don't have good init arguments for these
if comb['classifier'] in ['LaRank', 'LibLinear', 'LibSVMMultiClass',
'MKLClassification', 'MKLMultiClass',
'MKLOneClass', 'MultiClassSVM', 'SVM',
'SVMOcas', 'SVMSGD', 'ScatterSVM',
# We don't have good init arguments for these and/or they work differently
# something does not work here: skipping
if comb['classifier'] == 'GPBTSVM' and comb['kernel'] == 'LinearKernel':
sg_node = mdp.nodes.ShogunSVMClassifier(classifier=comb['classifier'])
if sg_node.classifier.takes_kernel:
# train in two chunks to check update mechanism
sg_node.train( traindata_real[:num_train], trainlab[:num_train] )
sg_node.train( traindata_real[num_train:], trainlab[num_train:] )
assert sg_node.input_dim == len(traindata_real.T)
out = sg_node.label(testdata_real)
if sg_node.classifier.takes_kernel:
# check that the kernel has stored all our training vectors
assert sg_node.classifier.kernel.get_num_vec_lhs() == num_train * len(positions)
# check that the kernel has also stored the latest classification vectors in rhs
assert sg_node.classifier.kernel.get_num_vec_rhs() == num_test * len(positions)
# Test also for inverse
worked = numx.all(numx.sign(out) == testlab) or \
numx.all(numx.sign(out) == -testlab)
failed = not worked
should_fail = False
if len(positions) == 2:
if comb['classifier'] in ['LibSVMOneClass', 'KernelPerceptron',
should_fail = True
if comb['classifier'] == 'GPBTSVM' and \
comb['kernel'] in ['LinearKernel']:
should_fail = True
# xor problem
if len(positions) == 4:
if comb['classifier'] in ['LibSVMOneClass', 'SVMLin', 'Perceptron',
'LDA', 'KernelPerceptron', 'GMNPSVM']:
should_fail = True
if comb['classifier'] == 'LibSVM' and \
comb['kernel'] in ['LinearKernel', 'SigmoidKernel']:
should_fail = True
if comb['classifier'] == 'GPBTSVM' and \
comb['kernel'] in ['LinearKernel', 'SigmoidKernel']:
should_fail = True
if comb['classifier'] == 'GNPPSVM' and \
comb['kernel'] in ['LinearKernel', 'SigmoidKernel']:
should_fail = True
if should_fail:
msg = ("Classification should fail but did not in %s. Positions %s." %
(sg_node.classifier, positions))
msg = ("Classification should not fail but failed in %s. Positions %s." %
(sg_node.classifier, positions))
assert should_fail == failed, msg
def testLibSVMClassifier(self):
if not hasattr(mdp.nodes, 'LibSVMClassifier'):
num_train = 100
num_test = 50
dist = 0.4
width = 2.1
C = 1
epsilon = 1e-5
for positions in [((1,), (-1,)),
((1,1), (-1,-1)),
((1,1,1), (-1,-1,1)),
((1,1,1,1), (-1,1,1,1)),
((1,1,1,1), (-1,-1,-1,-1))]:
radius = 0.3
traindata_real, trainlab = _linear_separable_data(positions, (-1, 1),
radius, num_train, True)
testdata_real, testlab = _linear_separable_data(positions, (-1, 1),
radius, num_test, True)
combinations = {'kernel': mdp.nodes.LibSVMClassifier.kernels,
'classifier': mdp.nodes.LibSVMClassifier.classifiers}
for comb in utils.orthogonal_permutations(combinations):
# Take out non-working cases
if comb['classifier'] in ["ONE_CLASS"]:
if comb['kernel'] in ["SIGMOID"]:
svm_node = mdp.nodes.LibSVMClassifier()
# train in two chunks to check update mechanism
svm_node.train(traindata_real[:num_train], trainlab[:num_train])
svm_node.train(traindata_real[num_train:], trainlab[num_train:])
assert svm_node.input_dim == len(traindata_real.T)
out = svm_node.label(testdata_real)
testerr = numx.all(numx.sign(out) == testlab)
assert testerr, ('classification error for ', comb)
# we don't have ranks in our regression models
if not comb['classifier'].endswith("SVR"):
pos1_rank = numx.array(svm_node.rank(numx.array([positions[0]])))
pos2_rank = numx.array(svm_node.rank(numx.array([positions[1]])))
assert numx.all(pos1_rank == -pos2_rank)
assert numx.all(abs(pos1_rank) == 1)
assert numx.all(abs(pos2_rank) == 1)
def get_suite(testname=None):
return ContribTestSuite(testname=testname)
if __name__ == '__main__':