"""Tools for the test- and benchmark functions."""
import time
import mdp
numx = mdp.numx
import numpy.testing as testing
assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, \
assert_equal, assert_almost_equal = \
testing.assert_array_equal, testing.assert_array_almost_equal, \
testing.assert_equal, testing.assert_almost_equal
#### test tools
def assert_array_almost_equal_diff(x,y,digits,err_msg=''):
x,y = numx.asarray(x), numx.asarray(y)
msg = '\nArrays are not almost equal'
assert 0 in [len(numx.shape(x)),len(numx.shape(y))] \
or (len(numx.shape(x))==len(numx.shape(y)) and \
msg + ' (shapes %s, %s mismatch):\n\t' \
% (numx.shape(x),numx.shape(y)) + err_msg
maxdiff = max(numx.ravel(abs(x-y)))/\
if numx.iscomplexobj(x) or numx.iscomplexobj(y): maxdiff = maxdiff/2
cond = maxdiff< 10**(-digits)
msg = msg+'\n\t Relative maximum difference: %e'%(maxdiff)+'\n\t'+\
'Array1: '+str(x)+'\n\t'+\
'Array2: '+str(y)+'\n\t'+\
'Absolute Difference: '+str(abs(y-x))
assert cond, msg
def assert_type_equal(act, des):
assert act == numx.dtype(des), \
'dtype mismatch: "%s" (should be "%s") '%(act,des)