from routines import (timediff,refcast,scast,rotate,random_rot,wrap_eigh
permute, symrand, norm2, cov2,
mult_diag, comb, sqrtm, get_dtypes, nongeneral_svd,
SymeigException, hermitian, _symeig_fake, cov_maxima,
lrep, rrep, irep, orthogonal_permutations, izip_stretched,
weighted_choice, bool_to_sign, sign_to_bool)
from introspection import dig_node,get_node_size,get_node_size_str
from quad_forms import QuadraticForm
from covariance import (CovarianceMatrix,DelayCovarianceMatrix
from progress_bar import progressinfo
from repo_revision import get_git_revision
from slideshow import (BASIC_STYLE,SLIDESHOW_STYLE,HTMLSlideShow
SectionHTMLSlideShow, SectionImageHTMLSlideShow,
image_slideshow, show_image_slideshow)
import mdp as _mdp
import inspect as _inspect
# to support python2.4
all = all
except NameError:
def all(iterable):
for element in iterable:
if not element:
return False
return True
# check if scipy.linalg.eigh is the new version
# if yes, just wrap it
args = _inspect.getargspec(_mdp.numx_linalg.eigh)[0]
if len(args) > 4:
symeig = wrap_eigh
import symeig
SymeigException = symeig.SymeigException
symeig = symeig.symeig
except ImportError:
symeig = routines._symeig_fake
# matrix multiplication function
# we use an alias to be able to use the wrapper for the 'gemm' Lapack
# function in the future
mult =
matmult = mult
if _mdp.numx_description == 'scipy':
def matmult(a,b, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, c=None, trans_a=0, trans_b=0):
"""Return alpha*(a*b) + beta*c.
a,b,c : matrices
alpha, beta: scalars
trans_a : 0 (a not transposed), 1 (a transposed),
2 (a conjugate transposed)
trans_b : 0 (b not transposed), 1 (b transposed),
2 (b conjugate transposed)
if c:
return gemm(alpha, a, b, beta, c, trans_a, trans_b)
# workaround to numpy issues with dtype behavior:
# 'f' is upcasted at least in the following functions
_inv = _mdp.numx_linalg.inv
inv = lambda x: refcast(_inv(x), x.dtype)
_pinv = _mdp.numx_linalg.pinv
pinv = lambda x: refcast(_pinv(x), x.dtype)
_solve = _mdp.numx_linalg.solve
solve = lambda x, y: refcast(_solve(x, y), x.dtype)
def svd(x, compute_uv = True):
"""Wrap the numx SVD routine, so that it returns arrays of the correct
dtype and a SymeigException in case of failures."""
tc = x.dtype
if compute_uv:
u, s, v = _mdp.numx_linalg.svd(x)
return refcast(u, tc), refcast(s, tc), refcast(v, tc)
s = _mdp.numx_linalg.svd(x, compute_uv=False)
return refcast(s, tc)
except _mdp.numx_linalg.LinAlgError, exc:
raise SymeigException(str(exc))
# clean up namespace
del routines
del introspection
del quad_forms
del covariance
del progress_bar
del slideshow
del repo_revision
__all__ = ['CovarianceMatrix', 'DelayCovarianceMatrix','CrossCovarianceMatrix',
'MultipleCovarianceMatrices', 'QuadraticForm', 'SymeigException',
'all', 'comb', 'cov2', 'dig_node', 'get_dtypes', 'get_node_size',
'hermitian', 'inv', 'mult', 'mult_diag', 'nongeneral_svd',
'norm2', 'permute', 'pinv', 'progressinfo',
'random_rot', 'refcast', 'rotate', 'scast', 'solve', 'sqrtm',
'svd', 'symeig', 'symrand', 'timediff', 'matmult',
'get_git_revision', 'SLIDESHOW_STYLE', 'HTMLSlideShow',
'SectionImageHTMLSlideShow', 'image_slideshow',
'lrep', 'rrep', 'irep',
'orthogonal_permutations', 'izip_stretched',
'weighted_choice', 'bool_to_sign', 'sign_to_bool']