import mdp
from routines import refcast
numx = mdp.numx
numx_linalg = mdp.numx_linalg
# 10 times machine eps
epsilon = 10*numx.finfo(numx.double).eps
class QuadraticForm(object):
Define an inhomogeneous quadratic form as 1/2 x'Hx + f'x + c .
This class implements the quadratic form analysis methods
presented in:
Berkes, P. and Wiskott, L. (2006). On the analysis and interpretation
of inhomogeneous quadratic forms as receptive fields. Neural
Computation, 18(8): 1868-1895.
def __init__(self, H, f=None, c=None, dtype='d'):
The quadratic form is defined as 1/2 x'Hx + f'x + c .
'dtype' specifies the numerical type of the internal structures.
local_eps = 10*numx.finfo(numx.dtype(dtype)).eps
# check that H is almost symmetric
if not numx.allclose(H, H.T, rtol=100*local_eps, atol=local_eps):
raise mdp.MDPException('H does not seem to be symmetric')
self.H = refcast(H, dtype)
if f is None:
f = numx.zeros((H.shape[0],), dtype=dtype)
if c is None:
c = 0
self.f = refcast(f, dtype)
self.c = c
self.dtype = dtype
def apply(self, x):
"""Apply the quadratic form to the input vectors.
Return 1/2 x'Hx + f'x + c ."""
x = numx.atleast_2d(x)
return (0.5*(mdp.utils.mult(x, self.H.T)*x).sum(axis=1) +
mdp.utils.mult(x, self.f) + self.c)
def _eig_sort(self, x):
E, W = numx_linalg.eig(x)
E, W = E.real, W.real
idx = E.argsort()
E = E.take(idx)
W = W.take(idx, axis=1)
return E, W
def get_extrema(self, norm, tol = 1.E-4):
Find the input vectors xmax and xmin with norm 'nrm' that maximize
or minimize the quadratic form.
tol: norm error tolerance
H, f, c = self.H, self.f, self.c
if max(abs(f)) < numx.finfo(self.dtype).eps:
E, W = self._eig_sort(H)
xmax = W[:, -1]*norm
xmin = W[:, 0]*norm
H_definite_positive, H_definite_negative = False, False
E, W = self._eig_sort(H)
if E[0] >= 0:
# H is positive definite
H_definite_positive = True
elif E[-1] <= 0:
# H is negative definite
H_definite_negative = True
x0 = mdp.numx_linalg.solve(-H, f)
if H_definite_positive and mdp.utils.norm2(x0) <= norm:
xmin = x0
# x0 is a minimum
xmin = self._maximize(norm, tol, factor=-1)
if H_definite_negative and mdp.utils.norm2(x0) <= norm :
xmax = x0
# x0 is a maximum
xmax = self._maximize(norm, tol, factor=None)
self.xmax, self.xmin = xmax, xmin
return xmax, xmin
def _maximize(self, norm, tol = 1.E-4, x0 = None, factor = None):
H, f = self.H, self.f
if factor is not None:
H = factor*H
f = factor*f
if x0 is not None:
x0 = mdp.utils.refcast(x0, self.dtype)
f = mdp.utils.mult(H, x0)+ f
# c = 0.5*x0'*H*x0 + f'*x0 + c -> do we need it?
mu, V = self._eig_sort(H)
alpha = mdp.utils.mult(V.T, f).reshape((H.shape[0],))
# v_i = alpha_i * v_i (alpha is a raw_vector)
V = V*alpha
# left bound for lambda
ll = mu[-1] # eigenvalue's maximum
# right bound for lambda
lr = mdp.utils.norm2(f)/norm + ll
# search by bisection until norm(x)**2 = norm**2
norm_2 = norm**2
norm_x_2 = 0
while abs(norm_x_2-norm_2) > tol and (lr-ll)/lr > epsilon:
# bisection of the lambda-interval
lambd = 0.5*(lr-ll)+ll
# eigenvalues of (lambda*Id - H)^-1
beta = (lambd-mu)**(-1)
# solution to the second lagragian equation
norm_x_2 = (alpha**2*beta**2).sum()
if norm_x_2 > norm_2:
ll = lambd
lr = lambd
x = (V*beta).sum(axis=1)
if x0:
x = x + x0
return x
def get_invariances(self, xstar):
"""Compute invariances of the quadratic form at extremum 'xstar'.
w -- w[:,i] is the direction of the i-th invariance
nu -- nu[i] second derivative on the sphere in the direction w[:,i]
# find a basis for the tangential plane of the sphere in x+
# e(1) ... e(N) is the canonical basis for R^N
r = mdp.utils.norm2(xstar)
P = numx.eye(xstar.shape[0], dtype=xstar.dtype)
P[:, 0] = xstar
Q, R = numx_linalg.qr(P)
# the orthogonal subspace
B = Q[:, 1:]
# restrict the matrix H to the tangential plane
Ht = mdp.utils.mult(B.T, mdp.utils.mult(self.H, B))
# compute the invariances
nu, w = self._eig_sort(Ht)
nu -= ((mdp.utils.mult(self.H, xstar)*xstar).sum()
idx = abs(nu).argsort()
nu = nu[idx]
w = w[:, idx]
w = mdp.utils.mult(B, w)
return w, nu