PySCeS - Python Simulator for Cellular Systems (http://pysces.sourceforge.net)
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 B.G. Olivier, J.M. Rohwer, J.-H.S Hofmeyr all rights reserved,
Brett G. Olivier (bgoli@users.sourceforge.net)
Triple-J Group for Molecular Cell Physiology
Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the
terms of the PySceS (BSD style) license. See LICENSE.txt that came with
this distribution for specifics.
Brett G. Olivier
from version import __version__
# NOTE when you do this PLY adds a module name self. to all tokens
# not sure if this is an unexpected feature or not. It can be worked around
# but for now direct import seems the safest
## import pysces.lib.lex as lex
## import pysces.lib.yacc as yacc
import lex
import yacc
import os
import math
class MyInfixLexer:
This parser has been cranked to handle Python infix, numpy and MathML2.0 prefix expressions
debug = 0
LexOK = True
LexErrors = None
__pwcntr__ = 0
MathmlToNumpy_funcs = {
'pow' : 'pow', 'root' : 'pow', 'abs' : 'abs',
'exp' : 'math.exp', 'ln' : 'math.log', 'log' : 'math.log10',
'floor' : 'numpy.floor', 'ceiling' : 'numpy.ceil', 'factorial' : None,
'sin' : 'numpy.sin', 'cos' : 'numpy.cos', 'tan' : 'numpy.tan',
'sec' : None, 'csc' : None, 'cot' : None,
'sinh' : 'numpy.sinh', 'cosh' : 'numpy.cosh','tanh' : 'numpy.tanh',
'sech' : None, 'csch' : None, 'coth' : None,
'arcsin' : 'numpy.arcsin', 'arccos' : 'numpy.arccos', 'arctan' : 'numpy.arctan',
'arcsec' : None, 'arccsc' : None, 'arccot' : None,
'arcsinh' : 'numpy.arcsinh', 'arccosh' : 'numpy.arccosh', 'arctanh' : 'numpy.arctanh',
'arcsech' : None, 'arccsch' : None, 'arccoth' : None,
'eq' : 'operator.eq', 'neq' : 'operator.ne',
'gt' : 'operator.gt', 'geq' : 'operator.ge',
'lt' : 'operator.lt', 'leq' : 'operator.le',
'ceil' : 'numpy.ceil', 'sqrt' : 'math.sqrt', # libsbml aliases
'equal' : 'operator.eq', 'not_equal' : 'operator.ne', # numpy2numpy aliases
'greater' : 'operator.gt', 'greater_equal' : 'operator.ge', # numpy2numpy aliases
'less' : 'operator.lt', 'less_equal' : 'operator.le', # numpy2numpy aliases
'ne' : 'operator.ne', 'ge' : 'operator.ge', 'le' : 'operator.le', # operator2operator
'piecewise' : 'self._piecewise_', '_piecewise_' : 'self._piecewise_',
'not' : 'operator.not_', 'not_' : 'operator.not_'
MathmlToNumpy_symb = {
'notanumber' : 'numpy.NaN', 'pi' : 'numpy.pi',
'infinity' : 'numpy.Infinity', 'exponentiale' : 'numpy.e',
'true' : 'True', 'false' : 'False', 'True' : 'True', 'False' : 'False'
SymbolReplacements = None
FunctionReplacements = None
MathmlToInfix = {
'and' : 'and', 'or' : 'or', 'true' : 'True', 'false' : 'False', 'xor' : 'xor'
precedence = (
('left', 'PLUS', 'MINUS'),
('left', 'TIMES', 'DIVIDE'),
('left', 'POWER'),
('right', 'UMINUS')
# List of token names
tokens = ('REAL',
def __init__(self):
self.LexErrors = []
self.Int = r'\d+' # Integer
self.Dec = self.Int + '\.' + self.Int # Decimal
self.Exp = r'([E|e][\+|\-]?)' + self.Int # Exponent
self.Real = self.Dec + '(' + self.Exp + ')?' + '|' + self.Int + self.Exp # Real - dec w/o optional exp or int with exp
# Simple tokens
self.t_REAL = self.Real
self.t_INT = self.Int
self.t_PLUS = r'\+'
self.t_MINUS = r'-'
self.t_TIMES = r'\*'
self.t_DIVIDE = r'/'
self.t_POWER = '\*\*'
self.t_LPAREN = r'\('
self.t_RPAREN = r'\)'
self.t_COMMA = r','
self.t_NOTEQUALS = r'!='
def t_NAME(self,t):
# names are defined as anything starting with a letter OR numpy. math. or operator.
t.type = 'NAME'
# allow self. to be in names but always remove! dodgy testing stage
t.value = t.value.replace('self.','')
if t.value == 'and':
t.type = 'ANDOR'
t.value = ' %s ' % t.value
elif t.value == 'or':
t.type = 'ANDOR'
t.value = ' %s ' % t.value
elif t.value == 'xor':
t.type = 'ANDOR'
t.value = ' %s ' % t.value
elif t.value == 'piecewise':
t.type = 'PIECEWISE'
t.value = ' %s ' % t.value
elif t.value == 'delay':
t.type = 'DELAY'
t.value = ' %s ' % t.value
return t
def t_EQUISYMB(self,t):
t.type = 'EQUISYMB'
t.value = ' %s ' % t.value
## 'EQUISYMB', t.value
return t
# Define a rule so we can track line numbers
def t_newline(self,t):
t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value)
# A string containing ignored characters (spaces and tabs)
t_ignore = ' \t'
# Error handling rule
def t_error(self,t):
print "Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0]
self.LexOK = False
# Build the lexer
def buildlexer(self,**kwargs):
# try and find a temporary workspace
if os.environ.has_key('TMP'):
tempDir = os.environ['TMP']
elif os.environ.has_key('TEMP'):
tempDir = os.environ['TEMP']
tempDir = os.getcwd()
self.lexer = lex.lex(object=self, **kwargs)
# Test it output
def testlexer(self,data):
while 1:
tok = self.lexer.token()
if not tok: break
print tok
class MyInfixParser(MyInfixLexer):
ParseOK = True
SymbolErrors = None
ModelUsesNumpyFuncs = 0
names = None
functions = None
output = None
input = None
name_prefix = '<pre>'
name_suffix = '<suf>'
_runCount = 0
_runCountmax = 20
__pwcntr__ = 0
piecewises = None
DelayRemoved = False
def __init__(self):
self.ParseErrors = []
self.names = []
self.functions = []
self.SymbolErrors = []
self.piecewises = {}
def setNameStr(self, prefix, suffix):
self.name_prefix = str(prefix)
self.name_suffix = str(suffix)
def p_error(self,t):
print 'p_error generated a parsing error'
tok = yacc.token()
return tok
def p_infix(self,t):
'''Expression : Expression PLUS Expression
| Expression MINUS Expression
| Expression TIMES Expression
| Expression DIVIDE Expression
| Expression EQUISYMB Expression
| Expression ANDOR Expression
| Power
| Number
| Func
| Equivalence
| Piecewise
| NotEquals
| Delay'''
# |UMINUS : add if the
# alternative for p_uminus is used
if len(t.slice)==4:
t[0] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3]
t[0] = t[1]
def p_notequals(self, t):
'''NotEquals : NOTEQUALS'''
t[0] = t[1]
def p_power(self,t):
'''Power : Expression POWER Expression'''
## t[0] = 'numpy.power('+ t[1] + ',' + t[3] + ')' #changed to make it DeriVar compatible
t[0] = 'pow('+ t[1] + ',' + t[3] + ')'
def p_number(self, t):
'''Number : REAL
| NAME'''
tx = float(t[1])
t[0] = '%g' % float(t[1]) # cast everything to float
except ValueError:
if t[1].strip() in self.MathmlToNumpy_symb:
if self.MathmlToNumpy_symb[t[1]] == None:
print '\nSymbol \"%s\" not yet supported by PySCeS.' % t[1]
t[0] = 'unknown_symbol_' + t[1]
t[0] = self.MathmlToNumpy_symb[t[1]]
self.ModelUsesNumpyFuncs = 1
elif t[1].replace('numpy.','').replace('math.','').replace('operator.','') in self.MathmlToNumpy_symb:
t[0] = t[1]
if self.SymbolReplacements != None and t[1].strip() in self.SymbolReplacements:
# replace symb --> prefix.replacement.suffix
if self.SymbolReplacements[t[1]] not in self.names:
t[0] = self.name_prefix + self.SymbolReplacements[t[1]] + self.name_suffix
elif self.FunctionReplacements != None and t[1].strip() in self.FunctionReplacements:
# replace symb --> (replacement)
t[0] = '(%s)' % self.FunctionReplacements[t[1]]
if t[1] not in self.names:
t[0] = self.name_prefix + t[1] + self.name_suffix
def p_uminus(self,t):
'''Expression : MINUS Expression %prec UMINUS'''
# Alternative '''UMINUS : MINUS Expression'''
t[0] = t[1] + t[2]
def p_equivalence(self,t):
'''Equivalence : ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
| ANDOR LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN
# this is an almighty hack but i cant see any other way to do it right now ... ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME
# changes and(a,b, .....) or(a,b, .....) to (a and b and ...) (a or b or ...)
# and not(b) into self._not_(b)
## print 'equivalence', len(t), t[:]
t[1] = t[1].strip()
if self.MathmlToInfix.has_key(t[1]):
t[0] = t[2]
for tt in range(3, len(t)):
if t[tt] == ',':
if t[1] != 'xor':
t[0] += ' %s ' % t[1]
t[0] += ' %s ' % '!='
t[0] += '%s' % t[tt]
def p_piecewise(self,t):
'''Piecewise : PIECEWISE LPAREN ArgListSemiCol RPAREN'''
t[1] = t[1].strip()
t[0] = self.MathmlToNumpy_funcs[t[1]] + t[2] + t[3] + t[4]
pw = t[3].split(';')
for p in range(len(pw)):
pw[p] = pw[p].strip()
name = '__pw%s__' % self.__pwcntr__
if len(pw) == 3:
self.__pwcntr__ += 1
self.piecewises.update({name : {
0 : [pw[1], pw[0]],
'other' : pw[2]
self.__pwcntr__ += 1
self.piecewises.update({name : {}})
if math.modf(len(pw)/2.0)[0] != 0.0:
self.piecewises[name].update({'other' : pw.pop(-1)})
self.piecewises[name].update({'other' : None})
for p in range(0,len(pw),2):
self.piecewises[name].update({p : [pw[p+1], pw[p]]})
t[0] = self.name_prefix + name + self.name_suffix
def p_delay(self,t):
'''Delay : DELAY LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN'''
# for now we just remove the delay on the expression
self.DelayRemoved = True
t[0] = t[3]
def p_function(self,t):
'''Func : LPAREN ArgList RPAREN
# this is to match NAME() which as far as I know is unique to object __calls__
# as well as differentiate between bracketed functions and expressions:
# func( S1 ) and ( S/S05 )
if len(t) == 4:
if t[1] == '(':
t[0] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3]
t[0] = self.name_prefix + t[1] + t[2] + t[3]
# convert root(degree,<expr>) to pow(<expr>, 1/degree)
elif t[1].strip() == 'root':
t[1] = self.MathmlToNumpy_funcs[t[1]]
t[3] = '%s, %s' % (t[3][t[3].index(',')+1:], 1.0/float(t[3][:t[3].index(',')]) )
t[0] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3] + t[4]
elif t[1].strip() in self.MathmlToNumpy_funcs:
if self.MathmlToNumpy_funcs[t[1]] == None:
print '\nFunction \"%s\" not supported by PySCeS' % t[1]
t[0] = 'unknown_function_'+t[1] + t[2] + t[3] + t[4]
t[0] = self.MathmlToNumpy_funcs[t[1]] + t[2] + t[3] + t[4]
except Exception, EX:
print 'Function Parse error 1 (please report!)\n', EX
self.ModelUsesNumpyFuncs = True
# t[0] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3]
# or a numpy fucntion
if t[1][:6] == 'numpy.' or t[1][:5] == 'math.' or t[1][:9] == 'operator.':
t[0] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3] + t[4]
# assume some arbitrary function definition
t[0] = self.name_prefix + t[1] + t[2] + t[3] + t[4]
# add to list of functions
if t[1] not in self.functions: self.functions.append(t[1])
# adapted from Andrew Dalke's GardenSnake
# http://www.dalkescientific.com/writings/diary/GardenSnake.py
# function arguments f(x,y,z)
def p_arglist(self,t):
'''ArgList : Expression
| ArgList COMMA Expression'''
if len(t) == 2:
t[0] = t[1]
elif len(t) == 4:
t[0] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3]
except Exception, EX:
print 'Function ArgList error (please report!)\n', EX
# expression list f(g(x,y); g(a,b))
def p_arglist_semicol(self,t):
'''ArgListSemiCol : Expression
| ArgListSemiCol COMMA Expression'''
if len(t) == 2:
t[0] = t[1]
elif len(t) == 4:
t[0] = t[1] + '; ' + t[3]
except Exception, EX:
print 'Function ArgList error (please report!)\n', EX
def buildparser(self, **kwargs):
self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
def parse(self, data):
self.ParseErrors = []
self.LexErrors = []
self.SymbolErrors = []
self.names = []
self.functions = []
self.input = data
self.ParseOK = True
self.LexOK = True
self.piecewises = {}
self.DelayRemoved = False
self.output = self.parser.parse(data)
## assert len(self.SymbolErrors) == 0, '\nUndefined symbols:\n%s' % self.SymbolErrors
## if len(self.SymbolErrors) != 0:
## print '\nUndefined symbols:\n%s' % self.SymbolErrors
assert self.LexOK, '\nLexer Failure:\n%s' % self.LexErrors
assert self.ParseOK, '\nParser Failure:\n%s' % self.ParseErrors
self._runCount += 1
self.SymbolReplacements = None
self.FunctionReplacements = None
if self._runCount > self._runCountmax:
self._runCount == 0
# we're back !!!