PySCeS - Python Simulator for Cellular Systems (http://pysces.sourceforge.net)
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 B.G. Olivier, J.M. Rohwer, J.-H.S Hofmeyr all rights reserved,
Brett G. Olivier (bgoli@users.sourceforge.net)
Triple-J Group for Molecular Cell Physiology
Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the
terms of the PySceS (BSD style) license. See LICENSE.txt that came with
this distribution for specifics.
Brett G. Olivier
from version import __version__
# Structural Analysis module
from pysces.PyscesStoich import Stoich
from PyscesCore2 import StructMatrix
class PyscesEnhancedStoich(Stoich):
"""PySCeS stoichiometry class for use with core2"""
N = None
Nr = None
K = None
K0 = None
L = None
L0 = None
Gamma = None
def __init__(self, core):
Stoich.__init__(self, core.stoichiometric_matrix.array)
self.species = core.stoichiometric_matrix.row
self.reactions = core.stoichiometric_matrix.col
def getNullSpaces(self):
def testNullSpaces(self):
#TODO: build in nullspace validity checks from PyscesModel
def setStructMatrices(self):
self.N = StructMatrix(self.nmatrix, self.nmatrix_row, self.nmatrix_col)
self.Nr = StructMatrix(self.nrmatrix, self.nrmatrix_row, self.nrmatrix_col)
self.K = StructMatrix(self.kmatrix, self.kmatrix_row, self.kmatrix_col)
self.K0 = StructMatrix(self.kzeromatrix, self.kzeromatrix_row, self.kzeromatrix_col)
self.L = StructMatrix(self.lmatrix, self.lmatrix_row, self.lmatrix_col)
self.L0 = StructMatrix(self.lzeromatrix, self.lzeromatrix_row, self.lzeromatrix_col)
if self.info_moiety_conserve:
self.Gamma = StructMatrix(self.conservation_matrix, self.conservation_matrix_row, self.conservation_matrix_col)
class StructuralModule(object):
core = None
struct = None
def setCore(self, core):
self.core = core
self.struct = None
if self.core.stoichiometric_matrix == None:
print "StructuralModule building stoichiometric matrix ..."
def getCore(self):
self.core.struct = self.struct
return self.core
def analyseStoichiometry(self):
self.struct = PyscesEnhancedStoich(self.core)
# Integration Module
import numpy
class StateDataObj(object):
flux = None
flux_labels = None
species = None
species_labels = None
valid = True
_suffix = None
_prefix = None
def __init__(self):
self.species_labels = []
self.flux_labels = []
def setSpecies(self, name, value, suffix=None):
if suffix != None:
name = name + suffix
if name not in self.species_labels:
self._suffix = suffix
setattr(self, name, value)
def setFlux(self, name, value, prefix=None):
if prefix != None:
name = prefix + name
if name not in self.flux_labels:
self._prefix = prefix
setattr(self, name, value)
def setAllSpecies(self, species_labels, species, suffix=None):
assert len(species_labels) == len(species), '\nThis aint gonna work1'
self.species_labels = []
## self.species_labels = tuple(species_labels)
self.species = species.copy()
for S in range(len(species_labels)):
self.setSpecies(species_labels[S], species[S], suffix)
def setAllFluxes(self, flux_labels, flux, prefix=None):
assert len(flux_labels) == len(flux), '\nThis aint gonna work2'
self.flux_labels = []
## self.flux_labels = tuple(flux_labels)
self.flux = flux.copy()
for J in range(len(flux_labels)):
self.setFlux(flux_labels[J], flux[J], prefix)
def getFlux(self, name):
if prefix != None:
name = prefix + name
return getattr(self, name)
def getSpecies(self, name):
if suffix != None:
name = name + suffix
return getattr(self, name)
class IntegrationDataObj(object):
This class is specifically designed to store the results of a time simulation
It has methods for setting the Time, Labels, Species and Rate data and
getting Time, Species and Rate (including time) arrays. However, of more use:
- getOutput(*arg) feed this method species/rate labels and it will return
an array of [time, sp1, r1, ....]
- getDataAtTime(time) the data generated at time point "time".
- getDataInTimeInterval(time, bounds=None) more intelligent version of the above
returns an array of all data points where: time-bounds <= time <= time+bounds
where bounds defaults to stepsize.
time = None
rates = None
species = None
rate_labels = None
species_labels = None
def setLabels(self, species, rates):
"""set the species and rate label lists"""
self.species_labels = species
self.rate_labels = rates
def setTime(self, time):
"""Set the time vector"""
self.time = time.reshape(len(time), 1)
def setSpecies(self, species):
"""Set the species array"""
self.species = species
def setRates(self, rates):
"""set the rate array"""
self.rates = rates
def getTime(self):
"""return the time vector"""
assert self.time != None, "\nNo time"
return self.time.reshape(len(self.time),)
def getSpecies(self):
"""return time+species array"""
assert self.species != None, "\nNo species"
return numpy.hstack((self.time, self.species))
def getRates(self):
"""return time+rate array"""
assert self.rates != None, "\nNo rates"
return numpy.hstack((self.time, self.rates))
def getDataAtTime(self, time):
"""Return all data generated at "time" """
t = None
sp = None
ra = None
temp_t = self.time.reshape(len(self.time),)
for tt in range(len(temp_t)):
if temp_t[tt] == time:
t = tt
if self.species is not None:
sp = self.species.take([tt], axis=0)
if self.rates is not None:
ra = self.rates.take([tt], axis=0)
output = None
if t is not None:
output = numpy.array([[temp_t[t]]])
if sp is not None:
output = numpy.hstack((output,sp))
if ra is not None:
output = numpy.hstack((output,ra))
return output
def getDataInTimeInterval(self, time, bounds=None):
getDataInTimeInterval(time, bounds=None) returns an array of all
data points where: time-bounds <= time <= time+bounds
where bound defaults to stepsize
temp_t = self.time.reshape(len(self.time),)
if bounds == None:
bounds = temp_t[1] - temp_t[0]
c1 = (temp_t >= time-bounds)
c2 = (temp_t <= time+bounds)
print 'Searching (%s:%s:%s)' % (time-bounds, time, time+bounds)
t = []
sp = None
ra = None
for tt in range(len(c1)):
if c1[tt] and c2[tt]:
output = None
if len(t) > 0:
output = self.time.take(t)
output = output.reshape(len(output),1)
if self.species is not None:
output = numpy.hstack((output, self.species.take(t, axis=0)))
if self.rates is not None:
output = numpy.hstack((output, self.rates.take(t, axis=0)))
return output
def getOutput(self, *args):
"""getOutput(*arg) feed this method species/rate labels and it
will return an array of [time, sp1, r1, ....]
output = self.time
for roc in args:
if roc in self.species_labels:
assert self.species != None, "\nNo species"
output = numpy.hstack((output, self.species.take([self.species_labels.index(roc)], axis=-1)))
if roc in self.rate_labels:
assert self.rates != None, "\nNo rates"
output = numpy.hstack((output, self.rates.take([self.rate_labels.index(roc)], axis=-1)))
return output
class IntegrationBase(object):
name = None
core = None
data = None
sim_start = None
sim_end = None
sim_point = None
initial_value_vector = None
def setName(self, name):
self.name = name
def getName(self):
return self.name
def setCore(self, core):
self.core = core
self.data = IntegrationData()
self.data.setLabels(self.core.hasVariableSpecies(), self.core.hasReactions())
def getCore(self):
return self.core
def getData(self):
return self.data