import os
## os.chdir('c:/mypysces/kraken')
from Kraken import *
import itertools
#investigate using vstack with type/range checking
def concatenateArrays(array_list):
output = None
for arr in range(len(array_list)):
if type(array_list[arr]) == numpy.ndarray:
if arr == 0:
output = array_list[arr]
output = scipy.concatenate((output,array_list[arr]))
return output
def splitScan(start, end, intervals, job, log=False):
"""Splits a range into a number of jobs with intervals"""
assert intervals >= 1, '\n* Minimum of 1 interval'
if log:
kpoints = scipy.logspace(scipy.log10(start), scipy.log10(end), intervals+1)
kpoints = scipy.linspace(start, end, intervals+1)
job_list = []
for p in range(len(kpoints)-1):
job2 = job % (kpoints[p], kpoints[p+1])
print job2
return job_list
def buildCycler(lst):
creates an infinite looping generator with itertools
return itertools.cycle(lst)
def deltaCommand():
This is used to setup conditions for each next-job-on-server
delta = 'P_NONE'
return [delta]
def Scheduler1(contrl, job_list, init_list, task_id):
contrl is a getBasicController() instance
job_list is a list of jobs to run
init_list set of `static' command used to initialise each job
original_job_list = tuple(job_list)
TIME_START = time.time()
DaResults = []
JobsWaiting = True
getServer = buildCycler(contrl.available_server_list)
while JobsWaiting:
deferred_jobs = []
job_servers = []
for job in range(len(job_list)):
if job < len(contrl.available_server_list):
print '\nJob %s queued for processing...' % (job+1)
server =
print "\nProcessing job %s init list ..." % (job+1)
contrl.sendCmdListToOne(init_list, server)
print "\nProcessing job %s delta command ..." % (job+1)
contrl.sendCmdListToOne(deltaCommand(), server)
contrl.sendJobToOne(job_list[job], server)
print 'Job %s deferred and rescheduled.' % (job+1)
print "\nProcessing queued jobs ..."
for server in job_servers:
arr = contrl.tentacle_response[server]
print type(arr)
if len(deferred_jobs) > 0:
print '\nDeferred:', deferred_jobs
job_list = deferred_jobs
JobsWaiting = False
cPickle.dump(DaResults, file(task_id+'_result_list.bin','wb'), 2)
TIME_END = time.time()
print '\nNumber of results = %s' % len(DaResults)
total_states = 0
for x in range(len(DaResults)):
print '\tResult %s has %s rows and %s columns' % (x+1, DaResults[x][0].shape[0], DaResults[x][0].shape[1])
total_states += DaResults[x][0].shape[0]
print type(DaResults[x][0])
print '\tResult %s %s: %s' % (x+1, type(DaResults[x][0]), DaResults[x][0])
print original_job_list[x]
print 'Total time taken to complete %s state scan %s minutes' % (total_states, (TIME_END-TIME_START)/60.0)
return DaResults
def GridSortLR(arr):
Sort irregular unstructured grid data into monotonically rising grid data
(where possible) Work from left column to right (uses ultra cool NumPy functions :-)
print 'arr.shape:', arr.shape
sorted = numpy.rot90(arr)
print 'rotated.shape:', sorted.shape
sorted_idx = numpy.lexsort(sorted)
print 'sorted_idx.shape', sorted_idx.shape
sorted = sorted.take(sorted_idx, axis=-1)
sorted = numpy.flipud(sorted)
arr = numpy.transpose(sorted)
print 'arr.shape:', arr.shape
return arr
def ScalarFunc(val):
Manipulate the scalar (or z-axis) values
Accepts and returns a double
return val
def writeGnuPlot_3D(fname, arr):'_result_gplt.dat', arr, separator=' ')
def writeVTK_UnstructuredGrid(fname, arr):
Write arr as a VTK unstructured grid to file "fname.vtk"
arr must either be in:
x,y,z format (in which case z is used for scalar data) or
z,y,z,s format (s being point scalar value)
Overwrite the ScalarFunc(val) function to manipulate the scalar (z-axis) values
Original version
Hacked quite a bit by brett 20070221
assert arr.shape[1] == 3 or arr.shape[1] == 4, '\nneed s or for columns for this'
if arr.shape[1] == 4:
print 'No scalar values supplied Z axis values will be used'
print "n:",n
# write data to vtk polydata file
# write header
out = file(fname+'.vtk', 'w')
h1 = "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n"
h1 += "%s\n" % fname
h1 += "ASCII\n"
h1 += "POINTS " + str(n) + " double\n"
# write xyz data
for r in range(n):
#s = '%15.2f %15.2f %15.2f' % (x[i], y[i], z[i])
out.write(str(arr[r,0])+" "+str(arr[r,1])+" "+str(arr[r,2])+'\n')
# write cell data
out.write("CELLS "+ str(n)+ " "+ str(2*n)+'\n')
for r in range(n):
#s = '1 %d \n' % (i)
out.write("1 "+str(r)+"\n")
# write cell types
out.write("CELL_TYPES " + str(n)+'\n')
for r in range(n):
out.write("1 \n")
# write z scalar values
h2 = '\n' + """POINT_DATA """ + str(n) + "\n"
h3 = "SCALARS %s double 1\n" % fname
h3 += "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n"
out.write(h2 + h3)
for r in range(n):
out.write(str(sc)+ "\n")
# Parameter scan
if __name__ == '__main__':
import time
print time.strftime('%y%m%d-%H%M')
START = time.time()
Build controller and initialise active tentacles
blob = getBasicController()
Model_File = '2006_isola2.psc'
## Model_Dir = 'c:\\mypysces\\pscmodels\\isola06'
Model_Dir = '/home/bgoli/mypysces/pscmodels/isola06'
blob.startModelServer(Model_File, Model_Dir)
print 'Server list: %s\n' % blob.available_server_list
Get a name for this task (task == collection of jobs)
task_name = 'simple_scan'
Set up a list of 'static' initialisation commands that will be used to
initialise each server before a job is sent to it
I_list = ['P_INIT,' + blob.model_server.model_file_name, 'P_LOAD',\
'P_SET_FLOAT,mode_state_init,3', 'P_SET_FLOAT,nleq2_nitmax,20',\
'P_SET_FLOAT,V2,200.0', 'P_SET_FLOAT,V3,200.0']
pointsP1 = 50
pointsP2 = 500
scan_segments = 100
scan_job = 'P_SCAN, 2, 9, P, %s, %s, '+str(pointsP1)+', 1, 0, A05, 0.01, 10000.0, '+str(pointsP2)+', 1, 0, A05, P, J_R1, V2, V3, lambda1, lambda2, eigen_sum, eigen_prod'
J_list = splitScan(0.01, 3.7e4, scan_segments, scan_job, log=True)
Feed the controller, job list, initiation list and task name to the scheduler
and off we go, we end up with a list of results
DaResults = Scheduler1(blob, J_list, I_list, task_name)
DaResults = concatenateArrays(DaResults)
print '\nDaResults.shape', DaResults.shape
print 'DaResults[0]\n', DaResults[0]
print time.strftime('%y%m%d-%H%M')
MID = time.time()
coords = numpy.transpose(numpy.array((DaResults[:,0],DaResults[:,1],DaResults[:,2]),'d'))
print '\ncoords.shape', coords.shape, coords.dtype
print 'coords[0]\n', coords[0]
writeGnuPlot_3D(task_name, coords)
for r in range(coords.shape[0]):
coords[r,:] = scipy.log10(coords[r,:])
writeVTK_UnstructuredGrid(task_name, coords)
print time.strftime('%y%m%d-%H%M')
END = time.time()
print "\n********** start Kraken report **********"
print "Using %s tentacles" % len(blob.available_server_list)
print "Scan points = %s" % (pointsP1*pointsP2*scan_segments)
print "Data generation time = %2.2f minutes." % ((MID-START)/60.0)
print "Data analysis time = %2.2f minutes." % ((END-MID)/60.0)
print "Total scan time = %2.2f minutes." % ((END-START)/60.0)
print "Total points/minute = %2.1f" % ((60.0*pointsP1*pointsP2*scan_segments)/(END-START))
print "********** end Kraken report **********\n"
# Continuation
if __name__ == '__main__':
Build controller and initialise active tentacles
blob = getBasicController()
Model_File = '2006_isola2.psc'
Model_Dir = 'c:\\mypysces\\pscmodels\\isola06'
## Model_Dir = '/home/bgoli/mypysces/pscmodels/isola06'
blob.startModelServer(Model_File, Model_Dir)
print 'Server list: %s\n' % blob.available_server_list
Get a name for this task (task == collection of jobs)
task_name = 'cont_eigen'
Set up a list of 'static' initialisation commands that will be used to
initialise each server before a job is sent to it
I_list = ['P_INIT,' + blob.model_server.model_file_name, 'P_LOAD',\
'P_SET_FLOAT,mode_state_init,3', 'P_SET_FLOAT,nleq2_nitmax,20',\
'P_SET_FLOAT,V2,200.0', 'P_SET_FLOAT,V3,200.0', 'P_SET_FLOAT,S05,1.0']
## 'P_SET_FLOAT,V2,1000.0', 'P_SET_FLOAT,V3,1000.0', 'P_SET_FLOAT,S05,1.0']
Set up our continuation:
We want a parameter to be set with every new job/server and make use
of the deltaCommand() function. Here we use it to set our y-axis (A05) values
yrange = 96
xpoints = 64
# create a list of values
delta_list = scipy.logspace(scipy.log10(0.01),scipy.log10(10000.0), yrange)
# initiate an 'looping' generator with it
delta_gen = buildCycler(delta_list)
def deltaCommand():
This is used to setup conditions for each next-job-on-server
Used in sendCmdListToOne() so may one or more commands returned
as a list
delta = 'P_SET_FLOAT,A05,%s' %
# must return a list !!!
return [delta]
Set up our list of jobs, in this case a single continuation+eigen with
density xpoints at each of the delta (A05 values)
J_list = []
for d in delta_list:
## J_list.append('P_CONTINUATION,P,0.001,4.0e2,%s,%s' % (xpoints,d))
J_list.append('P_CONTINUATION_WITH_EIGEN,P,0.001,3.0e4,%s,%s' % (xpoints,d))
Feed the controller, job list, initiation list and task name to the scheduler
and off we go, we end up with a list of results
DaResults = Scheduler1(blob, J_list, I_list, task_name)
From here on we are processing/formatting our result data
iRes = []
sRes = []
jRes = []
eRes = []
for res in DaResults:
del DaResults
FinalIArray = concatenateArrays(iRes)
FinalSArray = concatenateArrays(sRes)
FinalJArray = concatenateArrays(jRes)
FinalEArray = concatenateArrays(eRes)
print FinalIArray.shape, FinalIArray.dtype
print FinalSArray.shape, FinalSArray.dtype
print FinalJArray.shape, FinalJArray.dtype
print FinalEArray.shape, FinalEArray.dtype
del iRes
del sRes
del jRes
del eRes
cPickle.dump((FinalIArray,FinalSArray,FinalJArray,FinalEArray), file(task_name+'_result_array.bin','wb'), 2)
# get rid of negative values in axes and fluxes
FinalArrayClean = []
FinalVTK = []
for r in range(FinalSArray.shape[0]):
if FinalIArray[r,:].all() > 0.0 and FinalSArray[r,:].all() > 0.0 and FinalJArray[r,:].all() > 0.0:
FinalArrayClean.append([FinalIArray[r,0], FinalIArray[r,1], FinalJArray[r,1], max(FinalEArray[r,:].real)])
FinalIArray[r,:] == 0.0
FinalSArray[r,:] == 0.0
FinalJArray[r,:] == 0.0
FinalEArray[r,:] == 0.0
FinalArrayClean = numpy.array(FinalArrayClean)
# write out an xyz gplt file
coords = numpy.transpose(numpy.array((FinalArrayClean[:,0],FinalArrayClean[:,1],FinalArrayClean[:,2])))
# get our data in nice grid format for plotting
coords = GridSortLR(coords)
writeGnuPlot_3D(task_name, coords)
def ScalarFunc(val):
Manipulate the scalar (z-axis) values
Accepts and returns a double
if val >= 0.0:
return 100.0
return val
# prepare vtk data
vtkcoords = numpy.transpose(numpy.array((FinalArrayClean[:,0],FinalArrayClean[:,1],FinalArrayClean[:,2],FinalArrayClean[:,3]),'d'))
for row in range(vtkcoords.shape[0]):
vtkcoords[row,:3] = scipy.log10(vtkcoords[row,:3])
print vtkcoords[:10,:]
vtkcoords = GridSortLR(vtkcoords)
print vtkcoords[:10,:]
writeVTK_UnstructuredGrid(task_name+'_result_ug', vtkcoords)