"""ClassLoader allows you to load modules from packages without
hard-coding their class names in code; instead, they might be
specified in a configuration file, as command-line parameters,
or within an interface.
Source: Robert Brewer at the Python Cookbook:
import sys
import types
def get_mod(modulePath):
"""Import a module."""
return __import__(modulePath, globals(), locals(), [''])
def get_func(fullFuncName):
"""Retrieve a function object from a full dotted-package name."""
# Parse out the path, module, and function
lastDot = fullFuncName.rfind(u".")
funcName = fullFuncName[lastDot + 1:]
modPath = fullFuncName[:lastDot]
aMod = get_mod(modPath)
aFunc = getattr(aMod, funcName)
# Assert that the function is a *callable* attribute.
assert callable(aFunc), u"%s is not callable." % fullFuncName
# Return a reference to the function itself,
# not the results of the function.
return aFunc
def get_class(fullClassName, parentClass=None):
"""Load a module and retrieve a class (NOT an instance).
If the parentClass is supplied, className must be of parentClass
or a subclass of parentClass (or None is returned).
aClass = get_func(fullClassName)
# Assert that the class is a subclass of parentClass.
if parentClass is not None:
if not issubclass(aClass, parentClass):
raise TypeError(u"%s is not a subclass of %s" %
(fullClassName, parentClass))
# Return a reference to the class itself, not an instantiated object.
return aClass