# Copyright (C) 2003 Konstantin Korikov
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
chestnut-dialer is PPP-dialing programm.
This is the root package.
import locale
import codecs
import os
import os.path
import sys
import glob
import ConfigParser
import chestnut_dialer.config
# public variables
EX_OK = 0 # successful termination
EX_USAGE = 1 # command line usage error
EX_ARGSERR = 2 # invalid arguments
EX_UNKNOWN = 3 # unknown error
EX_NODIALTONE = 4 # no dialtone
EX_BUSY = 5 # line is busy
EX_NOCARRIER = 6 # no carrier detected
EX_AUTHFAIL = 7 # authentication failure
EX_SOFTWARE = 8 # internal software error
EX_OSERR = 9 # system error (e.g., can't fork)
program_name = chestnut_dialer.config.program_name
program_version = chestnut_dialer.config.program_version
package = chestnut_dialer.config.package
domain = package
exename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
user_config_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/." + package)
config_file = user_config_dir + "/config.xml"
accounts_file = user_config_dir + "/accounts.xml"
session_socket = user_config_dir + "/session_srv"
session_pid_file = user_config_dir + "/session_srv.pid"
session_server = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/session_srv.py"
session_wait_base = user_config_dir + "/session_wait_"
def_config_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/def_config.xml"
def_accounts_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/def_accounts.xml"
logo_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/logo.xpm"
log_file = user_config_dir + "/connecting.log"
_ = lambda msg: msg
locale_encoding = None
# private variables
_ui_dict = {}
_debug_level = 2
_dockicons_base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/dockicons"
_stderr_encoding = 'ascii';
# routines
def set_debug_level(level):
global _debug_level
_debug_level = level
def debug_msg(msg, level = 1):
if _debug_level >= level:
if level <= 1: fmt = _("%s: error: %s\n")
elif level == 2: fmt = _("%s: warning: %s\n")
else: fmt = _("%s: information: %s\n")
sys.stderr.write(fmt % (exename, msg))
def get_ui_info_list():
ui_info_list = []
for ui in _ui_dict.keys():
ui_d = _ui_dict[ui]
ui_info = {"name": ui, "package": ui_d["package"]}
c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
for o in c.options("ui_info"):
if not ui_info.has_key(o):
ui_info.update({o: c.get("ui_info", o)})
return ui_info_list
def get_ui_params_info(ui):
if _ui_dict.has_key(ui):
ui_params = []
c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
for sec in c.sections():
if sec[:8] == "ui_param":
ui_p = {}
for o in c.options(sec):
ui_p.update({o: c.get(sec, o)})
return ui_params
return None
def get_dockicon_file(dockicons_dir, icon_name,
exts = (".xpm", ".png", ".gif")):
full_dir = _dockicons_base_dir + "/" + dockicons_dir
if os.access(full_dir, os.F_OK):
full_icon_name = full_dir + "/" + icon_name
for e in exts:
if os.access(full_icon_name + e, os.F_OK):
return full_icon_name + e
return None
def get_dockicons_dir_list():
return glob.glob1(_dockicons_base_dir, "*")
def get_html_doc_dir_locale():
lang, enc = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_MESSAGES)
if len(lang) >= 3 and lang[2] == '_': lang = lang[:2]
dir = "%s/html/%s" % (chestnut_dialer.config.doc_dir, lang)
if os.access(dir, os.F_OK): return dir
return "%s/html/en" % chestnut_dialer.config.doc_dir
def compare_versions(v1, v2):
def to_sub_array(val):
val = str(val); a = []; s = "";
try: n = val[0].isdigit()
except IndexError: return []
for c in val:
if len(s) and c.isdigit() != n:
a += [n and int(s) or s]
s = ""; n = c.isdigit()
s += c
if n: return a + [int(s)]
return a + [s]
a1 = map(lambda i: to_sub_array(i), str(v1).split("."))
a2 = map(lambda i: to_sub_array(i), str(v2).split("."))
return cmp(a1, a2)
def escape_shell(s):
for c in "\\`~!#$&*()|{};\"'<>?":
s = s.replace(c, "\\" + c)
return s
def init_locale():
# initialize locale settings and translation
global _
global domain
if chestnut_dialer.config.use_nls:
import gettext
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
translation = gettext.translation(domain,
_ = translation.ugettext
except IOError: pass
domain = None
# replace sys.stdout and sys.stderr with StreamWriter
# for transparency recode unicode strings to locale encoding
# (Python defaults uses ascii when stdin/stderr is not terminal,
# e.g. redirected to file or pipe, and this raises UnicodeEncodeError)
global locale_encoding
locale_encoding = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE)[1]
if locale_encoding:
_writer = codecs.getwriter(locale_encoding)
if (not hasattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding') or
sys.stdout.encoding != locale_encoding):
sys.stdout = _writer(sys.stdout, 'replace')
if (not hasattr(sys.stderr, 'encoding') or
sys.stderr.encoding != locale_encoding):
sys.stderr = _writer(sys.stderr, 'replace')
except LookupError: pass
# initialization code
# get list of installed user interfaces
for _uidir in glob.glob(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/*_ui"):
_package = "chestnut_dialer.%s" % os.path.basename(_uidir)
_c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
try: _c.read(_uidir + "/ui_info")
except: pass
if _c.has_section("ui_info"):
_ui_dict.update({_c.get("ui_info", "name"):
{"package": _package, "ui_info_file": _uidir + "/ui_info"}})