# Copyright (C) 2003 Konstantin Korikov
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
importer_class = "WvdialImporter"
import ConfigParser
import re
import locale
import importer
import chestnut_dialer.account_set
from chestnut_dialer import _
try: default_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
except: default_encoding = 'ASCII'
class Account(chestnut_dialer.account_set.Account):
_acc_conf = None
_sections = None
_id = None
_acc_name = None
_wvdial_attrs = {
"speed": "Baud",
"dial_cmd": "Dial Command",
"chat_login_prompt": "Login Prompt",
"passwd": "Password",
"ask_passwd": "Ask Password",
"chat_passwd_prompt": "Password Prompt",
"ip": "Force Address",
"remotename": "Remote Name",
"redial_auto": "Auto Reconnect",
"redial_attempts": "Dial Attempts",
"dial_prefix": "Dial Prefix"}
_encoding = None
def __init__(self, acc_conf, sections, acc_id, acc_name, encoding):
self._acc_conf = acc_conf
self._id = acc_id
self._sections = sections[:]
self._acc_name = acc_name
self._encoding = encoding
def _get_acc_attr(self, name):
acc_conf = self._acc_conf
sections = self._sections
wvdial_attrs = self._wvdial_attrs
def get_value(option):
for s in sections:
sec = (u"Dialer " + s).encode(self._encoding)
op = option.encode(self._encoding)
if acc_conf.has_option(sec, op):
return unicode(acc_conf.get(sec, op), self._encoding)
return None
def get_bool_value(option):
v = get_value(option)
if v == None: return None
return (v.lower() in ("on", "yes", "true")) and 1 or 0
def get_int_value(option):
v = get_value(option)
if v == None: return None
return int(v)
def get_str_value(option):
v = get_value(option)
return v
if name == "id": return self._id
if name == "name": return self._acc_name or sections[0]
if name == "auth_type": return u"pap/chap"
if name == "use_script":
return (get_bool_value("Stupid Mode") and
"predef-noterm" or "predef-auto")
if name == "user":
v = get_value("Username")
if v == None: v = get_value("Login")
if v == None: v = u""
return v
if name == "phone_numbers":
l = []
for i in ("Phone", "Phone1", "Phone2", "Phone3", "Phone4"):
v = get_value(i)
if v: l.append(v)
return l
if name == "dns_servers":
if get_bool_value("Auto DNS"): return []
l = []
for i in ("DNS Test1", "DNS Test2"):
v = get_value(i)
if v: l.append(v)
return l or None
if name == "init_cmd":
for i in ("Init", "Init1"):
v = get_value(i)
if v != None: return v
return None
if name == "init2_cmd":
for i in range(2, 9):
v = get_value("Init%d" % i)
if v != None: return v
return None
if wvdial_attrs.has_key(name):
if name in ("redial_auto", "ask_passwd"):
return get_bool_value(wvdial_attrs[name])
if name == "redial_attempts":
v = get_int_value(wvdial_attrs[name])
return v == 0 and 99 or v
return get_str_value(wvdial_attrs[name])
return None
class WvdialImporter(chestnut_dialer.account_set.AccountSet):
__doc__ = _("Import accounts from wvdial")
author = _("Konstantin Korikov")
constructor_args = (
{ "name": "file_name",
"type": "filename",
"display": _("Source File"),
"default": "/etc/wvdial.conf"},
{ "name": "sections",
"type": "string",
"display": _("Join sections"),
"default": "",
"description": _("""List of white space separated sections
for join to one account. If empty all sections will be displayed.""")},
{ "name": "encoding",
"type": "string",
"display": _("Encoding"),
"default": default_encoding})
program = "wvdial"
acc_conf = None
sections = None
acc_sec_list = None
encoding = None
def __init__(self, file_name, sections, encoding):
self.acc_conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
try: self.acc_conf.read(file_name)
except: pass
if not self.acc_conf.sections():
raise importer.ConstructImporterException(
_("The source file is empty or broken"))
self.sections = []
for s in sections.split(" "):
if s == "": continue
if not self.acc_conf.has_section(
(u"Dialer " + s).encode(encoding)):
raise importer.ConstructImporterException(
_("No such section: %s") % s)
if not self.sections:
self.acc_sec_list = []
regexp = re.compile(r'^Dialer (\w+)$')
for section in self.acc_conf.sections():
sec = unicode(section, encoding)
m = regexp.match(sec)
if m:
self.encoding = encoding
def ls_accounts(self):
if not self.sections:
accounts = []
i = 0
for s in self.acc_sec_list:
accounts.append((s, i))
i += 1
return accounts
return [(_("wvdial Account"), 0)]
def get_account(self, account_id):
if not self.sections:
return Account(self.acc_conf,
[u"Defaults", self.acc_sec_list[account_id]], account_id,
self.acc_sec_list[account_id], self.encoding)
if account_id != 0: return None
return Account(self.acc_conf, [u"Defaults"] + self.sections,
0, _("wvdial Account"), self.encoding)