"""Implement applet loading, possibly asynchronous."""
import os
import regex
import string
import urllib
import urlparse
from Tkinter import *
from BaseReader import BaseReader
from Bastion import Bastion
# Pattern for valid CODE attribute; group(2) extracts module name
codeprog = regex.compile('^\(.*/\)?\([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\.py$')
CLEANUP_HANDLER_NAME = "__cleanup__"
class AppletLoader:
"""Stores semantic information about an applet-to-be.
This class stores the information gathered from parsing an <APP>
<APPLET> or <INSERT> tag for an applet, and from the <PARAM> tags
present within the body of <APPLET> or <INSERT>. It doesn't do
any of the parsing itself, but it stores the information gathered
by the parser. When the time is ready to instantiate the applet,
it will do so, either immediately (if its module has laready been
loaded), or after loading the module asynchronously.
def __init__(self, parser, name=None, classid=None,
code=None, codebase=None,
width=None, height=None, vspace=0, hspace=0,
menu=None, reload=0):
"""Store the essential data (from the app or applet tag)"""
self.parser = parser
self.viewer = self.parser.viewer
self.context = self.viewer.context
self.app = self.parser.app
self.name = name
self.classid = classid
self.code = code
self.codebase = codebase
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.vspace = vspace
self.hspace = hspace
self.align = align
self.menu = menu
self.reload = reload
self.params = {}
self.modname = None
self.classname = None
self.codeurl = None
self.parent = None
self.module = None
self.klass = None
self.instance = None
self.rexec = None
if self.reload:
def __del__(self):
"""Attempt to close() once more."""
def close(self):
"""Delete all references to external objects."""
self.parser = self.viewer = self.context = self.app = None
self.params = {}
self.modname = self.codeurl = None
self.parent = self.module = self.klass = self.instance = None
self.rexec = None
if self.reload:
self.reload = None
def get_rexec(self):
"""Get or create the rexec object for this applet's group."""
if not self.rexec:
key = get_key(self.context)
cache = self.app.rexec_cache
if not cache.has_key(key) or not cache[key]:
from AppletRExec import AppletRExec
rexec = AppletRExec(hooks=None, verbose=2, app=self.app,
cache[key] = rexec
self.rexec = cache[key]
return self.rexec
def feasible(self):
"""Test whether we should try load the applet."""
prefs = self.app.prefs
mode = prefs.Get("applets", "load")
if mode == "none":
return 0
if mode == "some":
key = get_key(self.context)
rawgroups = prefs.Get("applets", "groups")
groups = map(string.lower, string.split(rawgroups))
if key not in groups:
return 0
if self.code: # <APP> or <APPLET>
return codeprog.match(self.code) == len(self.code)
else: # <OBJECT>
if self.classid:
if codeprog.match(self.classid) == len(self.classid):
return 1
if self.codebase:
if codeprog.match(self.codebase) == len(self.codebase):
return 1
return 0
def set_param(self, name, value):
"""Set the value for a named parameter for the widget."""
value = string.atoi(value, 0)
except string.atoi_error:
value = string.atol(value, 0)
except string.atol_error:
value = string.atof(value)
except string.atof_error:
self.params[name] = value
def go_for_it(self):
"""Import the module and instantiate the class, maybe async.
This is synchronous if the module has already been loaded or
if it will be loaded from a local file; it is asynchronous if
the module has to be loaded from a remote site. Errors in
this stage are reported via the standard error dialog.
def _go_for_it(self):
self.module = self.get_easy_module(self.modname)
if self.module:
# Synchronous loading
self.klass = getattr(self.module, self.classname)
self.parent = self.make_parent()
self.instance = apply(self.klass, (self.parent,),
try: cleanup = getattr(self.instance, CLEANUP_HANDLER_NAME)
except AttributeError: pass
else: CleanupHandler(self.parser.viewer, cleanup)
# Asynchronous loading
self.parent = self.make_parent()
api = self.app.open_url(self.codeurl, 'GET', {}, self.reload)
ModuleReader(self.context, api, self)
def make_parent(self):
"""Return a widget that will be the applet's parent.
This is either a menu or a frame subwindow of the text widget.
if self.menu:
browser = self.context.browser
menu = AppletMenu(browser.mbar, self)
browser.mbar.add_cascade(label=self.menu, menu=menu)
parent = menu
text = self.viewer.text
bg = text['background']
frame = AppletFrame(text, self, background=bg)
if self.width: frame.config(width=self.width)
if self.height: frame.config(height=self.height)
hspace=self.hspace, vspace=self.vspace)
parent = frame
return parent # FLD: made to work in either case
def load_it_now(self):
"""Invoked by ModuleReader when it is done, to create the applet."""
def _load_it_now(self):
"""Internal -- load_it_now(), without the try/except clause."""
mod = self.modname
rexec = self.get_rexec()
rexec.loader.load_module = self.load_module
self.module = rexec.r_import(mod)
del rexec.loader.load_module
self.klass = getattr(self.module, self.classname)
self.instance = apply(self.klass, (self.parent,), self.params)
try: cleanup = getattr(self.instance, CLEANUP_HANDLER_NAME)
except AttributeError: pass
else: CleanupHandler(self.parser.viewer, cleanup)
def get_defaults(self):
"""Internal -- calculate defaults for applet parameters."""
if self.code: # <APP> or <APPLET>
if codeprog.match(self.code) >= 0:
self.modname = codeprog.group(2)
self.modname = "?" # Shouldn't happen
if self.name:
self.classname = self.name
self.classname = self.modname
self.codeurl = self.context.get_baseurl(
self.codebase, self.code)
elif self.classid or self.codebase: # <OBJECT>
if self.classid and codeprog.match(self.classid) >= 0:
self.codeurl = self.classid
self.modname = codeprog.group(2)
self.classname = self.modname
elif self.classid:
self.classname = self.classid
self.modname = self.classid
self.codeurl = self.modname + ".py"
if self.codebase and codeprog.match(self.codebase) >= 0:
self.modname = codeprog.group(2)
if not self.classname:
self.classname = self.modname
self.codeurl = self.context.get_baseurl(self.codebase)
self.codeurl = self.context.get_baseurl(self.codebase,
def get_easy_module(self, mod):
"""Internal -- import a module if it can be done locally."""
m = self.mod_is_loaded(mod)
if not m:
stuff = self.mod_is_local(mod)
if stuff:
m = self.load_module(mod, stuff)
return m
def mod_is_loaded(self, mod):
"""Internal -- check whether a module has already been loaded."""
rexec = self.get_rexec()
return rexec.modules[mod]
except KeyError:
return None
def mod_is_local(self, mod):
"""Internal -- check whether a module can be found locally."""
rexec = self.get_rexec()
path = rexec.get_url_free_path()
return rexec.loader.find_module(mod, path)
def load_module(self, mod, stuff):
"""Internal -- load a module given the imp.find_module() stuff."""
rexec = self.get_rexec()
# XXX Duplicate stuff from rexec.RModuleLoader.load_module()
# and even from ihooks.FancyModuleLoader.load_module().
# This is needed to pass a copy of the source to linecace.
file, filename, info = stuff
(suff, mode, type) = info
import imp
import ihooks
if type == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
loader = self.get_rexec().loader
return ihooks.FancyModuleLoader.load_module(loader, mod, stuff)
if type == imp.PY_SOURCE:
import linecache
lines = file.readlines()
data = string.joinfields(lines, '')
linecache.cache[filename] = (len(data), 0, lines, filename)
code = compile(data, filename, 'exec')
m = rexec.hooks.add_module(mod)
m.__file__ = filename
m.__filename__ = filename
exec code in m.__dict__
elif type == imp.C_BUILTIN:
m = imp.init_builtin(mod)
elif type == ihooks.C_EXTENSION:
m = rexec.load_dynamic(mod, filename, file)
raise ImportError, "Unsupported module type: %s" % `filename`
return m
def show_tb(self):
"""Internal -- post an exception dialog (via the app)."""
self.app.exception_dialog("during applet loading",
class ModuleReader(BaseReader):
"""Load an applet, asynchronously.
First load an applet's source module into the cache. Once it's
done, invoke the standard mechanism to actually load the module.
This will find the source ready for it in the cache.
def __init__(self, context, api, apploader):
self.apploader = apploader
BaseReader.__init__(self, context, api)
def handle_error(self, errno, errmsg, headers):
"Applet code at URL %s not loaded (%s: %s)" %
(self.apploader.codeurl, errno, errmsg))
self.apploader = None
BaseReader.handle_error(self, errno, errmsg, headers)
def handle_eof(self):
apploader = self.apploader
self.apploader = None
class Dummy:
"""Base for dummy classes that wrap around Grail objects.
Ordinary bastions are not enough because there are some methods
that return existing or new objects that need to be bastionized.
Thus there are now two layers around each object before it is
passed to the applet: Bastion -> Dummy -> RealObject.
In order to make the overhead palatable, the bastions are shared
within an applet group, but in order to keep applet groups
compartmentalized, there is a bastion per applet group.
ok_names = []
def __init__(self, real):
self.real = real
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.ok_names:
attr = getattr(self.real, name)
setattr(self, name, attr)
return attr
raise AttributeError, name # Attribute not allowed
class AppDummy(Dummy):
ok_names = ['get_cache_keys']
class BrowserDummy(Dummy):
ok_names = ['load', 'message', 'valid', 'get_async_image',
def __init__(self, real, key):
self.real = real
self.key = key
def new_command(self):
return BrowserBastion(self.real.new_command(), self.key)
def clone_command(self):
return BrowserBastion(self.real.clone_command(), self.key)
# 0.2 compatibility:
def follow(self, url):
## def get_async_image(self, src):
## # For 0.2 ImageLoopItem only
## return Bastion(self.real.get_async_image(src))
class ContextDummy(Dummy):
ok_names = ['get_baseurl', 'load', 'follow', 'message',
'get_async_image', 'set_local_api']
## def get_async_image(self, src):
## return Bastion(self.real.get_async_image(src))
class GlobalHistoryDummy(Dummy):
ok_names = ['remember_url', 'lookup_url', 'inhistory_p', 'urls']
class ParserDummy(Dummy):
ok_names = []
class ViewerDummy(Dummy):
ok_names = [
# Writer methods:
def AppBastion(real, key):
return real._bastions[key]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
real._bastions = {}
real._bastions[key] = bastion = Bastion(AppDummy(real))
bastion.global_history = GlobalHistoryBastion(real.global_history, key)
return bastion
def BrowserBastion(real, key):
return real._bastions[key]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
real._bastions = {}
# Add .context instance variable to help certain applets
real._bastions[key] = bastion = Bastion(BrowserDummy(real, key))
bastion.context = ContextBastion(real.context, key)
bastion.app = AppBastion(real.app, key)
# 0.2 compatibility:
bastion.viewer = ViewerBastion(real.context.viewer, key)
return bastion
def ContextBastion(real, key):
return real._bastions[key]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
real._bastions = {}
real._bastions[key] = bastion = Bastion(ContextDummy(real))
return bastion
def GlobalHistoryBastion(real, key):
return real._bastions[key]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
real._bastions = {}
real._bastions[key] = bastion = Bastion(GlobalHistoryDummy(real))
return bastion
def ParserBastion(real, key):
return real._bastions[key]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
real._bastions = {}
real._bastions[key] = bastion = Bastion(ParserDummy(real))
return bastion
def ViewerBastion(real, key):
return real._bastions[key]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
real._bastions = {}
real._bastions[key] = bastion = Bastion(ViewerDummy(real))
# Add the text instance variable since it is referenced by some demos.
# Need a special filter, too!
def filter(name):
return name[0] != '_' or name in ('__getitem__',
rtext = real.text
bastion.text = btext = Bastion(real.text, filter=filter)
btext._w = rtext._w # XXX This defeats the purpose :-(
btext.tk = rtext.tk # XXX This too :-(
btext.children = rtext.children # XXX And this :-(
btext.master = rtext.master # XXX And so on :-(
return bastion
class AppletMagic:
def __init__(self, loader):
self.grail_parser = self.grail_viewer = self.grail_context = \
self.grail_browser = self.grail_app = None
if loader:
context = loader.context
if context:
key = context.applet_group
if loader.parser:
self.grail_parser = ParserBastion(loader.parser, key)
if loader.viewer:
self.grail_viewer = ViewerBastion(loader.viewer, key)
self.grail_context = ContextBastion(context, key)
if context.browser:
self.grail_browser = BrowserBastion(context.browser, key)
if context.app:
self.grail_app = AppBastion(context.app, key)
class AppletFrame(Frame, AppletMagic):
def __init__(self, master, loader=None, cnf={}, **kw):
apply(Frame.__init__, (self, master, cnf), kw)
AppletMagic.__init__(self, loader)
def table_geometry(self):
w = self.winfo_width()
h = self.winfo_height()
return w, w, h
class AppletMenu(Menu, AppletMagic):
def __init__(self, master, loader=None, cnf={}, **kw):
apply(Menu.__init__, (self, master, cnf), kw)
AppletMagic.__init__(self, loader)
# Utilities
def get_key(context):
key = _get_key(context)
context.applet_group = key
return key
def _get_key(context):
"""Get the key to be used in the rexec cache for this context.
For now, we have a separate rexec environment per page.
In the future, the user will be able to specify the granularity.
if context.applet_group:
return context.applet_group
url = context.get_url()
app = context.app
prefs = app.prefs
rawgroups = prefs.Get("applets", "groups")
groups = map(string.lower, string.split(rawgroups))
list = []
for group in groups:
list.append((-len(group), string.lower(group)))
groups = []
for length, group in list:
scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if scheme and netloc and scheme in urlparse.uses_netloc:
netloc = string.lower(netloc)
user, host = urllib.splituser(netloc)
if user: return netloc # User:passwd present -- don't mess
netloc, port = urllib.splitport(netloc) # Port is ignored
if netloc in groups:
return netloc # Exact match
for group in groups: # Look for longest match
if group[:1] == '.':
n = len(group)
if netloc[-n:] == group:
return group
if netloc == group[1:]: # Exact match on domain name
return group
return netloc # No match, return full netloc
return url
def get_rexec(context):
"""Get the rexec object for this context, if one already exists."""
app = context.app
key = get_key(context)
cache = app.rexec_cache
if cache.has_key(key):
return cache[key]
def set_reload(context):
"""If there's a rexec object for this context, prepare it for reloading."""
return ReloadHelper(context)
class ReloadHelper:
"""Helper class to clear reload status when all applets are loaded."""
# XXX I tried keying off reference counts but it didn't work
def __init__(self, context):
self.count = 0
self.rexec = get_rexec(context)
if self.rexec:
def __del__(self):
if self.rexec:
self.rexec = None
def attach(self, who=None):
self.count = self.count + 1
def detach(self, who=None):
self.count = self.count - 1
if self.count <= 0:
if self.rexec:
self.rexec = None
class CleanupHandler:
"""Helper to run an applet's __cleanup__ discipline.
def __init__(self, viewer, handler):
self._viewer = viewer
self._handler = handler
def __call__(self, *args):
import sys
try: self._handler()
except: sys.exc_traceback = None ## Pulling in show_tb from the loader
del self._handler ## doesn't work; not sure why.
del self._viewer