"""Restricted execution for Applets."""
import SafeDialog
import SafeTkinter
import os
from rexec import RExec,RHooks
import string
import sys
import tempfile
import types
import urllib
import urlparse
def is_url(p):
u = urlparse.urlparse(p)
# Unfortunately path names on the MAC and Windows parse
# similarly to URL's. We currently have to not recognize
# URL's that have single letter scheme identifiers because
# they can be confused with the drive letter component
# of a disk path on these platforms.
if u[0] and len(u[0]) > 1:
return u[0]
return u[1]
class AppletRHooks(RHooks):
def path_join(self, p1, p2):
if is_url(p1) or is_url(p2):
if '/' not in p2 and '.' not in p2:
# Assume it's a directory -- needed for package loading
p2 = p2 + "/"
return urlparse.urljoin(p1, p2)
return RHooks.path_join(self, p1, p2)
def path_isdir(self, p):
if is_url(p):
return p[-1:] == "/"
return RHooks.path_isdir(self, p)
def openfile(self, p, mode='r', buf=-1):
# Only used to read modules
if is_url(p):
# Avoid hitting the remote server with every suffix
# in the suffix list (.pyc, .so, module.so).
# We can't strip these from the suffix list, since
# (at least under certain circumstances) shared libs
# are okay when found on the local file system.
if p[-3:] != '.py':
raise IOError, "Only Python modules may be read remotely"
return self.openurl(p, mode, buf)
return open(p, mode, buf)
def openurl(self, p, mode='r', buf=-1):
if mode not in ('r', 'rb'):
raise IOError, "Can't open URL for writing"
app = self.rexec.app
if not app:
# Fall back for test mode
return urllib.urlopen(p)
# Always specify reload since modules are already cached --
# when we get here it must either be the first time for
# this module or the user has requested to reload the page.
api = self.rexec.app.open_url(p, 'GET', {}, reload=1)
errcode, errmsg, params = api.getmeta()
if errcode != 200:
raise IOError, errmsg
return PseudoFile(api)
class PseudoFile:
# XXX Is this safe?
# XXX Is this sufficient?
def __init__(self, api):
self.api = api
self.buf = ''
self.done = 0
def close(self):
api = self.api
self.api = self.buf = self.done = None
if api:
def read(self, n=-1):
if n < 0:
n = sys.maxint
while len(self.buf) < n and not self.done:
self.fill(min(n - len(self.buf), 1024*8))
data, self.buf = self.buf[:n], self.buf[n:]
return data
def readlines(self):
list = []
while 1:
line = self.readline()
if not line: break
return list
def readline(self):
while '\n' not in self.buf and not self.done:
i = string.find(self.buf, '\n')
if i < 0:
i = len(self.buf)
i = i+1
data, self.buf = self.buf[:i], self.buf[i:]
return data
def fill(self, n = 512):
data = self.api.getdata(n)
if data:
self.buf = self.buf + data
self.done = 1
class AppletRExec(RExec):
# Allow importing the ILU Python runtime
ok_builtin_modules = RExec.ok_builtin_modules + ('iluPr',)
# Remove posix primitives except
ok_posix_names = ('error',)
def __init__(self, hooks=None, verbose=1, app=None, group=None):
self.app = app
self.appletgroup = group or "."
self.backup_modules = {}
if not hooks: hooks = AppletRHooks(self, verbose)
RExec.__init__(self, hooks, verbose)
self.modules['Dialog'] = SafeDialog
self.modules['Tkinter'] = SafeTkinter
self.special_modules = self.modules.keys()
# Don't give applets the real SystemExit, since it exits Grail!
self.modules['__builtin__'].SystemExit = "SystemExit"
# XXX The path manipulations below are not portable to the Mac or PC
def set_urlpath(self, url):
path = self.modules['sys'].path
def reset_urlpath(self):
path = self.modules['sys'].path
path[:] = self.get_url_free_path()
def get_url_free_path(self):
path = self.modules['sys'].path
return filter(lambda x: not is_url(x), path)
# XXX It would be cool if make_foo() would be invoked on "import foo"
def make_initial_modules(self):
def make_os(self):
from Bastion import Bastion
s = OSSurrogate(self)
b = Bastion(s)
b.path = Bastion(s.path)
b.name = s.name
b.curdir = s.curdir
b.pardir = s.pardir
b.sep = s.sep
b.pathsep = s.pathsep
b.environ = s.environ
b.error = s.error
self.modules['os'] = self.modules[os.name] = b
self.modules['ospath'] = self.modules[os.name + 'path'] = b.path
def make_osname(self):
def make_iluRt(self):
import iluRt
except ImportError:
m = self.copy_except(iluRt, ())
def make_al(self):
import al
except ImportError:
m = self.copy_except(al, ())
def make_socket(self):
import socket
except ImportError:
m = self.copy_except(socket, ('fromfd',))
# XXX Ought to only allow connections to host from which applet loaded
def make_sunaudiodev(self):
import sunaudiodev
except ImportError:
m = self.copy_except(sunaudiodev, ())
def make_types(self):
m = self.copy_except(types, ())
def r_open(self, file, mode='r', buf=-1):
return self.modules['os'].fopen(file, mode, buf)
# Cool reload hacks. XXX I'll explain this some day...
def set_reload(self):
for mname, module in self.modules.items():
if mname not in self.special_modules and \
mname not in self.ok_builtin_modules and \
mname not in self.ok_dynamic_modules:
self.backup_modules[mname] = module
del self.modules[mname]
def clear_reload(self):
self.backup_modules = {}
def add_module(self, mname):
if self.modules.has_key(mname):
return self.modules[mname]
if self.backup_modules.has_key(mname):
self.modules[mname] = m = self.backup_modules[mname]
return m
return RExec.add_module(self, mname)
class OSSurrogate:
"""Public methods of this class are functions in module 'os'.
Methods whose name begins with '_' and all class and instance
variables are private (thanks to bastionization), except those
variables explicitly copied by make_os() above.
# Class variables (these become public by explicit assignment in
# make_os()).
name = os.name
curdir = os.curdir
pardir = os.pardir
sep = os.sep
pathsep = os.pathsep
error = os.error
# Private methods
def __init__(self, rexec):
self.rexec = rexec
self.app = rexec.app
self.appletsdir = os.path.join(self.app.graildir, "applets")
self.home = os.path.normcase(
self.home_made = 0
self.pwd = self.home
# Self environ is public
self.environ = {
'HOME': self.home,
'LOGNAME': 'nobody',
'PWD': self.pwd,
'TMPDIR': self.home,
'USER': 'nobody',
self.path = OSPathSurrogate(self)
def _path(self, path, writing=0, error=os.error):
"""Convert and check a pathname.
This method implements the policy of which files an applet
group is allowed to read or write.
Current policy:
- all files are readable except if their name starts with "."
- only files inside the applet's home directory are writable
path = os.path.join(self._pwd(), path)
path = os.path.normpath(path)
if writing:
n = len(self.home)
if not(path[:n] == self.home and path[n:n+1] == os.sep):
raise error, "can't write outside applet's own directory"
head, tail = os.path.split(path)
if tail[:1] == "." and tail not in (os.curdir, os.pardir):
raise error, "can't write filenames beginning with '.'"
return path
def _pwd(self):
"""Return the current working directory, call _home() if necessary."""
if self.pwd == self.home:
return self._home()
return self.pwd
def _home(self):
"""Make sure self.home exists."""
if not self.home_made:
if not os.path.exists(self.home):
if not os.path.exists(self.appletsdir):
os.mkdir(self.appletsdir, 0777)
os.mkdir(self.home, 0777)
self.home_made = 1
return self.home
# Public, applet visible methods (as functions in module os).
def fopen(self, path, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
"""Substitute for __builtin__.open()."""
path = self._path(path, writing=(mode[:1] != 'r'), error=IOError)
return open(path, mode, bufsize)
def getcwd(self):
return self._pwd()
def getpid(self):
"""Return a fake pid for tempfile etc.
Since TMPDIR is set to the applet's home dir anyway, there's
no need for this to be randomly changing.
return 666
def listdir(self, path):
return os.listdir(self._path(path))
def unlink(self, path):
path = self._path(path, 1)
def %(name)s(self, arg):
return os.path.%(name)s(arg)
def %(name)s(self, a1, a2):
return os.path.%(name)s(a1, a2)
def %(name)s(self, path):
return os.path.%(name)s(self.os._path(path))
class OSPathSurrogate:
def __init__(self, ossurrogate):
self.os = ossurrogate
for name in ('normcase', 'isabs', 'split', 'splitext',
'splitdrive', 'basename', 'dirname', 'normpath'):
exec TEMPLATE1 % {'name': name}
for name in ('commonprefix', 'samestat'):
exec TEMPLATE2 % {'name': name}
def join(self, *args):
return apply(os.path.join, args)
for name in ('exists', 'isdir', 'isfile', 'islink', 'ismount'):
exec TEMPLATE3 % {'name': name}
def samefile(self, p1, p2):
return os.path.samefile(self.os._path(p1), self.os._path(p2))
def walk(self, top, func, arg):
return os.path.walk(self.os._path(top), func, arg)
def expanduser(self, path):
if path[:1] == '~' and path[1:2] == os.sep:
path = self.os.environ['HOME'] + path[1:]
return path
def group2dirname(group):
"""Convert an applet group name to an acceptable unique directory name.
We take up to 15 characters from the group name, truncated in the
middle if it's longer, and substituting '_' for certain
characters; then we append 16 hex bytes which are the first 8
bytes of the MD5 checksum of the original group name. This
guarantees sufficient uniqueness, while it's still possible to
guess which group a particular directory belongs to. (A log file
should probably be maintained making the mapping explicit.)
import regsub, md5
sum = md5.new(group).digest()
path = regsub.gsub('[:/\\]+', '_', group)
if len(path) > 15:
path = path[:7] + '_' + path[-7:]
path = path + hexstring(sum[:8])
return path
def hexstring(s):
"""Convert a string to hex bytes. Obfuscated for maximum speed."""
return "%02x"*len(s) % tuple(map(ord, s))