"""Cache class.
XXX To do
- probably need an interface to get the raw SharedItem instead of the
SharedAPI instance, for the history list (which wants stuff cached
even if the cache decides against it)
META, DATA, DONE = 'META', 'DATA', 'DONE' # Three stages
SharedItemExpired = 'SharedItem Expired'
from Assert import Assert
import os
import protocols
import time
import copy
class SharedItem:
"""A shareable cache item.
The interface is subtly different from that of protocol objects:
getdata() takes an offset argument, and the sequencing
restrictions are lifted (i.e. you can call anything in any order).
A SharedItem hides all protocol access from the rest of the
system. The reset() method actually calls on the protocol to
retrieve an object.
The disk cache passes an disk_cache_access api which sets some
basic headers and starts the object out in the DATA state.
def __init__(self, url, mode, params, cache, key, data=None,
api=None, reload=None, refresh=None):
self.refcnt = 0
# store the arguments
self.url = url
self.mode = mode
self.params = params
self.key = key
self.postdata = data
self.cache = cache
# status
self.reloading = 0
self.data = []
self.datalen = 0
self.datamap = {}
self.complete = 0
# initialize in one of four states
# some variables may be initialized in reset or refresh
if reload: ## forced reload
self.api = None
self.stage = DONE
self.incache = 0
elif refresh: ## check freshness
self.cache_api = api
self.cache_meta = api.getmeta()
self.cache_stage = api.state
self.incache = 1
elif api == None: ## a POST
self.incache = 0
else: ## read from cache
# loading from the cache
self.api = api
self.meta = api.getmeta()
self.stage = self.api.state
# status
self.incache = 1
def reset(self, reload=0):
# Should only be used inside constructor function.
# For next release, make it __reset
self.reloading = reload
self.api = protocols.protocol_access(self.url,
self.mode, self.params,
self.stage = self.api.state
def __repr__(self):
return "SharedItem(%s)<%d>" % (`self.url`, self.refcnt)
def iscached(self):
return self.incache and not self.reloading
def incref(self):
self.refcnt = self.refcnt + 1
def decref(self):
Assert(self.refcnt > 0)
self.refcnt = self.refcnt - 1
if self.refcnt == 0:
if self.stage == DONE:
def cache_update(self):
if (self.incache == 0 or self.reloading == 1) \
and not self.postdata and self.complete == 1 \
and (self.meta and self.meta[0] == 200):
self.incache = 1
def pollmeta(self):
if self.stage == META:
return self.api.pollmeta()
elif self.stage == DATA:
return self.api.polldata()[0], 1
return "Reading cache", 1
def getmeta(self):
if self.stage == META:
self.meta = self.api.getmeta()
self.stage = DATA
return self.meta
def polldata(self):
if self.stage == META:
msg, ready = self.api.pollmeta()
if ready:
msg, ready = self.api.polldata()
elif self.stage == DATA:
msg, ready = self.api.polldata()
msg, ready = "Reading cache", 1
return msg, ready
def getdata(self, offset, maxbytes):
Assert(offset >= 0)
Assert(maxbytes > 0)
while self.stage == DATA and offset >= self.datalen:
buf = self.api.getdata(maxbytes)
if not buf:
self.complete = 1
l = len(buf)
if l > maxbytes:
# we got more than we wanted,
# so split into two strings (avoid search next time)
self.datamap[offset] = len(self.data) - 1
self.datamap[offset+maxbytes] = len(self.data) - 1
self.datamap[offset] = len(self.data) - 1
self.datalen = self.datalen + l
# the common case
chunk = self.data[self.datamap[offset]]
if len(chunk) > maxbytes:
return chunk[0:maxbytes]
return chunk
except KeyError:
if self.stage == META:
self.meta = self.api.getmeta()
self.stage = DATA
elif self.complete == 1 and offset >= self.datalen:
return ''
chunk_key, delta = self._getdata_search_string_list(offset)
chunk = self.data[self.datamap[chunk_key]]
return chunk[delta:]
def fileno(self):
if self.api:
return self.api.fileno()
return -1
def abort(self):
def finish(self):
if self.cache:
if not (self.meta and self.meta[0] == 200):
self.stage = DONE
api = self.api
self.api = None
if api:
def _getdata_search_string_list(self, offset):
### WARNING: this lookup is costly, please avoid
### cost is O(k), where k is # of chunks
### if you use this a lot, you'll get O(N^2) reads
delta = offset
chunk_key = None
for chunk_offset in self.datamap.keys():
if offset > chunk_offset:
diff = offset - chunk_offset
if diff <= delta:
delta = diff
chunk_key = chunk_offset
return chunk_key, delta
def init_new_load(self,stage):
self.meta = None
self.data = []
self.datalen = 0
self.datamap = {}
self.stage = stage
self.complete = 0
def refresh(self,when):
params = copy.copy(self.params)
params['If-Modified-Since'] = when.get_str()
self.api = protocols.protocol_access(self.url,
self.mode, params,
self.meta = None
self.stage = self.api.state
self.hidden_getmeta = self.getmeta
self.getmeta = self.refresh_getmeta
def refresh_getmeta(self):
self.meta = self.api.getmeta()
### which errcode should I try to handle
if self.meta[0] == 304:
# we win! it hasn't been modified
# but we probably need to delete the api object
self.api = self.cache_api
self.meta = self.api.getmeta()
#elif errcode == 200:
# there may be cases when we get an error response that
# doesn't require us to delete the object (a server busy
# response?). those are *not* handled.
# forget about the cached stuff
self.reloading = 1
self.getmeta = self.hidden_getmeta
self.stage = DATA
return self.meta
class SharedAPI:
"""A thin interface to allow multiple threads to share a SharedItem.
This has the same API as whatever protocol.protocol_access()
If the last SharedAPI is closed before the SharedItem has finished
reading the data, the SharedItem removes itself from the Cache.
def __init__(self, item):
self.item = item
self.offset = 0
self.stage = META
self.fno = -1
def iscached(self):
return self.item and self.item.iscached()
def __repr__(self):
return "SharedAPI(%s)" % self.item
def __del__(self):
def pollmeta(self):
Assert(self.stage == META)
return self.item.pollmeta()
def getmeta(self):
Assert(self.stage == META)
meta = self.item.getmeta()
self.stage = DATA
return meta
def polldata(self):
Assert(self.stage == DATA)
return self.item.polldata()
def getdata(self, maxbytes):
Assert(self.stage == DATA)
data = self.item.getdata(self.offset, maxbytes)
self.offset = self.offset + len(data)
if not data:
return data
def fileno(self):
if self.fno < 0:
self.fno = self.item.fileno()
if self.fno >= 0:
self.fno = os.dup(self.fno)
except os.error:
self.fno = -1
return self.fno
def register_reader(self, reader_start, reader_callback):
self.item.api.register_reader(reader_start, reader_callback)
def tk_img_access(self):
if hasattr(self.item.api, 'tk_img_access'):
return self.item.api.tk_img_access()
return None, None
def close(self):
self.stage = DONE
fno = self.fno
if fno >= 0:
self.fno = -1
item = self.item
if item:
self.item = None
def test():
"""Simple test program."""
import sys
url = "http://www.python.org/"
if sys.argv[1:]: url = sys.argv[1]
c = Cache()
for i in range(3):
api = c.open(url, 'GET', {})
while 1:
message, ready = api.pollmeta()
print message
if ready:
meta = api.getmeta()
print `meta`
while 1:
message, ready = api.polldata()
print message
if ready:
data = api.getdata(512)
print `data`
if not data:
if __name__ == '__main__':