"""Default style sheet for Grail's Viewer widget.
Instantiate Stylesheet with the name of the sheet. It gets the
command and sheet-specific values as, effectively, class attributes with
dictionary values suitable for feeding to the text widget for tag
import string
UndefinedStyle = 'UndefinedStyle'
## NOTE: Link colors are taken from Netscape 1.1's X app defaults
class Stylesheet:
registered_style_validator = 0
def __init__(self, prefs):
self.prefs = prefs
# Arrange for reload on relevant styles groups changes:
prefs.AddGroupCallback('styles-common', self.load)
prefs.AddGroupCallback('styles-fonts', self.load)
prefs.AddGroupCallback('styles', self.load)
def load(self):
self.attrs = attrs = {}
self.sizename = self.prefs.Get('styles', 'size')
self.family = self.prefs.Get('styles', 'family')
self.size, fparms_dict = self.get_sizes()
fparms_dict['family'] = self.get_family()
fparms_dict['italic'] = self.get_italic()
fparms_dict['bold'] = self.get_bold()
self.dictify_list(['styles', 'center', 'justify', 'center'])
self.dictify_list(['styles', 'pre', 'wrap', 'none'])
# Map the selected font and size onto the fonts group:
fonts = self.prefs.GetGroup('styles-fonts')
massaged = []
for ((g, c), v) in fonts:
massaged.append((g, c), v % fparms_dict)
def __getattr__(self, composite):
"""Make the self.attr dict keys look like class attributes."""
attr = string.splitfields(composite, '.')[0]
return self.attrs[attr]
except IndexError:
raise AttributeError, attr
def get_sizes(self):
"""Get the size name and a dictionary of size name/values.
Detects unregistered sizes and uses registered default-size."""
allsizes = string.split(self.prefs.Get('styles', 'all-sizes'))
sname = self.sizename
if sname not in allsizes:
sname = self.prefs.Get('styles', 'default-size')
if sname not in allsizes:
raise UndefinedStyle, ("Bad preferences file,"
+ " can't get valid size.")
sdict = {}
slist = string.split(self.prefs.Get('styles', sname + '-sizes'))
atoi = string.atoi
for k in string.split(self.prefs.Get('styles', 'size-names')):
sdict[k] = atoi(slist[0])
del slist[0]
return sname, sdict
def get_bold(self):
"""Get the designator for bold fonts in the family."""
return self.prefs.Get('styles', self.family + '-bold')
def get_italic(self):
"""Get the character for oblique fonts in the family."""
return self.prefs.Get('styles', self.family + '-italic')
def get_family(self):
"""Get the family name and a dictionary of size name/values.
Detects unregistered families and uses registered default-family."""
allfams = string.split(self.prefs.Get('styles', 'all-families'))
tname = self.family
if tname not in allfams:
tname = self.prefs.Get('styles', 'default-family')
if tname not in allfams:
raise UndefinedStyle, ("Bad preferences file,"
+ " can't get valid family.")
return tname
def dictify_list(self, fields):
"""Incorporate a list of fields as a style."""
d = self.attrs
while fields:
f = fields[0]
del fields[0]
if len(fields) == 1:
# terminal:
d[f] = fields[0]
elif d.has_key(f):
d = d[f]
d[f] = newd = {}
d = newd
def dictify_group(self, glist, attr=None):
"""Incorporate entries in preferences GetGroup list to self.attrs."""
attrs = self.attrs
for (group, composite), val in glist:
fields = string.splitfields(composite, '-')
d = attrs
while fields:
f = fields[0]
del fields[0]
if not fields:
# f is a terminal key:
d[f] = val
elif d.has_key(f):
d = d[f]
d[f] = newd = {}
d = newd
def test():
global grail_root
grail_root = '.'
import sys
sys.path = ['./utils', './ancillary'] + sys.path
import GrailPrefs
prefs = GrailPrefs.AllPreferences()
sheet = Stylesheet(prefs)
print sheet.styles['h5_b']['font']
print sheet.styles['pre']['wrap']
print sheet.styles['center']['justify']
if __name__ == "__main__":