"""URI resolution context.
The use of 'url' in the method names is a historical accident.
__version__ = '$Revision: 1.5 $'
import urlparse
__default_joiner = urlparse.urljoin
del urlparse
import re
__typematch = re.compile('^([^/:]+):').match
del re
def __splittype(url):
match = __typematch(url)
if match:
return match.group(1)
def _urljoin(a, b):
sa = __splittype(a)
sb = __splittype(b)
if sa and (sa == sb or not sb):
import protocols
joiner = protocols.protocol_joiner(sa)
if joiner: return joiner(a, b)
return __default_joiner(a, b)
class URIContext:
"""URI resolution context."""
def __init__(self, url="", baseurl=""):
self.__url = url or ""
baseurl = baseurl or ""
if url and baseurl:
self.__baseurl = _urljoin(url, baseurl)
self.__baseurl = baseurl
def get_url(self):
return self.__url
def set_url(self, url, baseurl=None):
"""Set source URI and base URI for the current resource.
The loaded URI is what this page was loaded from; the base URI
is used to calculate relative links, and defaults to the
loaded URI.
self.__url = url
if baseurl:
self.__baseurl = _urljoin(url, baseurl)
self.__baseurl = url
def get_baseurl(self, *relurls):
"""Return the base URI for the current page, joined with relative URIs.
Without arguments, return the base URI.
With arguments, return the base URI joined with all of the
arguments. Empty arguments don't contribute.
url = self.__baseurl or self.__url
for rel in relurls:
if rel:
url = _urljoin(url, rel)
return url
def set_baseurl(self, baseurl):
"""Set the base URI for the current page.
The base URI is taken relative to the existing base URI.
if baseurl:
self.__baseurl = _urljoin(self.__baseurl or self.__url, baseurl)
self.__baseurl = self.__baseurl or self.__url