"""Font metrics base class.
This module provides the interface for accurate font metrics generated
from Adobe Font Metric (AFM) files. The generation script is
afm2py.py in this directory. You can get Adobe's AFM files from their
anonymous FTP site:
This module has its origins in code contributed by Fredrik Lundh
<Fredrik_Lundh@ivab.se> who contributed the framework for the Grail
0.2 release. Thanks Fredrik!
import string
import operator
import array
class PSFont:
def __init__(self, fontname, fullname, metrics):
self._fontname = fontname
self._fullname = fullname
self._metrics = metrics
def fontname(self): return self._fontname
def fullname(self): return self._fullname
def text_width(self, fontsize, str):
"""Quickly calculate the width in points of the given string
in the current font, at the given font size.
width = 0
metrics = self._metrics
for ci in map(ord, str):
width = width + metrics[ci]
return width * fontsize / 1000
if __name__ == '__main__':
import PSFont_Times_Roman
font = PSFont_Times_Roman.font
print 'Font Name:', font.fontname()
print 'Full Name:', font.fullname()
print 'Width of "Hello World" in 12.0:', \
font.text_width(12.0, 'Hello World')