"""Conversions between HTTP time formats and system time.
Loosely modelled after the W3C Reference Library at
import time
import string
except AttributeError:
t = time.time()
time.timezone = int(time.gmtime(t)[3] - time.localtime(t)[3]) * 3600
_months = { 'jan' : 1, 'feb' : 2, 'mar' : 3, 'apr' : 4,
'may' : 5, 'jun' : 6, 'jul' : 7, 'aug' : 8,
'sep' : 9, 'oct' : 10, 'nov' : 11, 'dec' : 12 }
def _month_to_num(month):
m = string.lower(month)
return _months[m]
def _2dyear_to_4dyear(yy):
# what do we do with those darn two-digit years?
# always assuming 19yy seems a little dangerous
if (yy < 70):
return yy + 2000
return yy + 1900
def parse(str):
"""Parses time in rfc850, rfc1123, and raw seconds formats. Returns
seconds since the epoch corrected for timezone.
rfc850: Weekday, 00-Mon-00 00:00:00 GMT
rfc1123: Wkd, 00 Mon 0000 00:00:00 GMT
raw: [0-9]+ (defined as seconds since current time)
Raises ValueError if time can't be parsed.
# first we need to determine the format
if ',' in str:
noday = string.strip(str[string.find(str, ',')+1:])
if '-' in str:
# Format...... Weekday, 00-Mon-00 00:00:00 GMT (rfc850)
mday = string.atoi(noday[0:2])
mon = _month_to_num(noday[3:6])
year = _2dyear_to_4dyear(string.atoi(noday[7:9]))
hour = string.atoi(noday[10:12])
min = string.atoi(noday[13:15])
sec = string.atoi(noday[16:18])
# Format...... Wkd, 00 Mon 0000 00:00:00 GMT (rfc1123)
mday = string.atoi(noday[0:2])
mon = _month_to_num(noday[3:6])
year = string.atoi(noday[7:11])
hour = string.atoi(noday[12:14])
min = string.atoi(noday[15:17])
sec = string.atoi(noday[18:20])
gmt = (year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, 0, 0, 0)
secs = time.mktime(gmt)
return secs - time.timezone
# could be raw digits
if str[0] in string.digits:
return time.time() + string.atoi(str)
mon = _month_to_num(str[4:7])
mday = string.atoi(str[8:10])
year = string.atoi(str[-4:])
hour = string.atoi(str[11:13])
min = string.atoi(str[14:16])
sec = string.atoi(str[17:19])
### do we assume this is GMT time or not?
### let's assume it is
gmt = (year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, 0, 0, 0)
secs = time.mktime(gmt)
return secs - time.timezone
def unparse(secs):
"""Turns localtime in seconds since epoch to HTTP time.
str = time.asctime(time.gmtime(secs))
# puts the string in asctime() format, must convert
day = str[0:3]
mon = str[4:7]
mday = string.atoi(str[8:10])
dtime = str[11:19]
year = str[20:24]
return "%s, %02d %s %s %s GMT" % (day, mday, mon, year, dtime)