# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004 by Wido Depping
# <widod@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
from qt import *
import re
import base64
def lumaStringEncode(tmpString):
tmpString = tmpString.replace("\\", "\\\\")
tmpString = tmpString.replace(",", r"\\\1")
return tmpString
def lumaStringDecode(tmpString):
tmpString = unicode(tmpString)
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r"\\\1", ",")
tmpString = tmpString.replace("\\\\", "\\")
return tmpString
def isBinaryAttribute(tmpString):
if tmpString == None:
return False
BINARY_PATTERN = '(^(\000|\n|\r| |:|<)|[\000\n\r\200-\377]+|[ ]+$)'
binaryPattern = re.compile(BINARY_PATTERN)
if binaryPattern.search(tmpString) == None:
return False
return True
def encodeBase64(tmpString):
return base64.encodestring(tmpString)
def stripSpecialChars(tmpString):
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\5C', '\\')
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\2C', ',')
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\3D', '=')
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\2B', '+')
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\"', '"')
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\3C', '<')
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\3E', '>')
tmpString = tmpString.replace(r'\3B', ';')
return tmpString
def escapeSpecialChars(tmpString):
tmpList = tmpString.split('=')
if 2 == len(tmpList):
attribute = tmpList[0]
value = "=".join(tmpList[1:])
value = value.replace('\\', r'\5C')
value = value.replace(',', r'\2C')
value = value.replace('=', r'\3D')
value = value.replace('+', r'\2B')
value = value.replace('"', r'\"')
value = value.replace('<', r'\3C')
value = value.replace('>', r'\3E')
value = value.replace(';', r'\3B')
tmpString = attribute + '=' + value
return tmpString
def testEscaping():
assert r"cn=foo" == escapeSpecialChars("cn=foo")
assert r"cn=foo\2C" == escapeSpecialChars("cn=foo,")
assert r"cn=foo\5C" == escapeSpecialChars("cn=foo\\")
assert r"cn=foo\5C\2C" == escapeSpecialChars("cn=foo\\,")
assert r"cn=\22foo\22" == escapeSpecialChars("cn=\"foo\"")
assert "cn=foo" == stripSpecialChars(r"cn=foo")
assert "cn=foo," == stripSpecialChars(r"cn=foo\2C")
assert "cn=foo\\" == stripSpecialChars(r"cn=foo\5C")
assert "cn=foo\\," == stripSpecialChars(r"cn=foo\5C\2C")
assert "cn=\"foo\"" == stripSpecialChars(r"cn=\22foo\22")
def explodeDN(tmpString):
""" Function for spliting the dn into it's parts.
tmpList = tmpString.split(',')
tokenList = []
for x in xrange(0, len(tmpList)):
value = tmpList[x]
if "=" in value:
if len(tokenList) > 0:
tokenList[-1] = tokenList[-1] + ',' + value
return tokenList
def getSortedDnList(tmpList):
""" Returns a sorted list for distinguished names.
The higher the object in the tree, the more it will be at the beginning
of the sorted list. Leaves should be at the end of the list.
return tmpList
def __dnCompare(firstDN, secondDN):
firstList = explodeDN(firstDN)
secondList = explodeDN(secondDN)
return cmp(len(firstList), len(secondList))
if __name__ == "__main__":