# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003,2004 by Wido Depping
# <widod@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
import environment
import os.path
from qtxml import *
from qt import *
from copy import deepcopy
from base.backend.SmartDataObject import SmartDataObject
from base.utils.backend.LogObject import LogObject
class LdapTemplate(object):
""" A class for storing template information of ldap-objects.
def __init__(self, filename=None):
# Template name
self.name = ""
self.description = ""
self.serverName = ""
self.objectClasses = []
self.attributes = {}
# this is status data of the template
self.edited = False
def setAttributeDefaultValue(self, attributeName, value):
self.attributes[attributeName].defaultValue = value
def getObjectClasses(self):
""" Return a list of objectclasses.
return self.objectClasses
def deleteAttribute(self, attribute):
del self.attributes[attribute]
def deleteObjectClass(self, className):
self.objectClasses = filter(lambda x: not x == className, self.objectClasses)
def addObjectClass(self, className):
if not (className in self.objectClasses):
def getAttributeList(self):
return self.attributes.keys()
def getDataObject(self, serverMeta, baseDN):
""" Create a data structure which can be used by python-ldap and return it.
dataObject = {}
dataObject['objectClass'] = deepcopy(self.objectClasses)
for x in self.attributes.keys():
attributeObject = self.attributes[x]
if attributeObject.defaultValue == None:
dataObject[attributeObject.attributeName] = [None]
dataObject[attributeObject.attributeName] = [attributeObject.defaultValue.encode("utf-8")]
smartObject = SmartDataObject((baseDN, dataObject), serverMeta)
return smartObject
def addAttribute(self, name, must, single, binary, defaultValue):
self.attributes[name] = AttributeObject(name, must, single, binary, defaultValue)
class AttributeObject(object):
def __init__(self, name="", must=False, single=False, binary=False, defaultValue=None):
self.attributeName = name
self.must = must
self.single = single
self.binary = binary
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
class TemplateList:
""" A class for loading and saving template data to file.
def __init__(self, tmpList=None):
self.templateFile = os.path.join (environment.userHomeDir, ".luma", "templates")
if tmpList == None:
self.templateList = tmpList
def readList(self):
""" Read template Info from file.
Templates are stored in self.templateList
self.templateList = []
fileContent = ""
fileContent = "".join(open(self.templateFile, "r").readlines())
fileContent = fileContent.decode("utf-8")
except IOError, e:
tmpString = "Could not read template configuration file. Reason:\n"
tmpString += str(e)
environment.logMessage(LogObject("Debug", tmpString))
# On I/O error, no more parsing makes sense
document = QDomDocument("LumaTemplateFile")
root = document.documentElement()
if not (unicode(root.tagName()) == "LumaTemplates"):
environment.logMessage(LogObject("Debug", "Could not parse template file."))
child = root.firstChild()
while (not child.isNull()):
tmpTemplate = LdapTemplate()
element = child.toElement()
if unicode(element.tagName()) == "template":
tmpTemplate.name = unicode(element.attribute("name"))
tmpTemplate.serverName = unicode(element.attribute("server"))
tmpTemplate.description = unicode(element.attribute("description"))
templateChild = child.firstChild()
while (not templateChild.isNull()):
templateElement = templateChild.toElement()
tagName = unicode(templateElement.tagName())
if tagName == "objectClasses":
classNode = templateChild.firstChild()
while (not classNode.isNull()):
classElement = classNode.toElement()
className = str(classElement.tagName())
classNode = classNode.nextSibling()
if tagName == "attributes":
attributeNode = templateChild.firstChild()
while (not attributeNode.isNull()):
attributeElement = attributeNode.toElement()
attributeName = str(attributeElement.tagName())
binaryString = attributeElement.attribute("binary")
mustString = attributeElement.attribute("must")
singleString = attributeElement.attribute("single")
binary = False
if binaryString == "True":
binary = True
must = False
if mustString == "True":
must = True
single = False
if singleString == "True":
single = True
defaultValue = None
if attributeElement.hasAttribute("defaultValue"):
defaultValue = unicode(attributeElement.attribute("defaultValue"))
attribute = AttributeObject(attributeName, must, single, binary, defaultValue)
tmpTemplate.attributes[attributeName] = attribute
attributeNode = attributeNode.nextSibling()
templateChild = templateChild.nextSibling()
child = child.nextSibling()
def save(self):
""" Save template list to file.
document = QDomDocument("LumaTemplateFile")
root = document.createElement( "LumaTemplates" )
for x in self.templateList:
templateNode = document.createElement("template")
templateNode.setAttribute("name", x.name)
templateNode.setAttribute("server", x.serverName)
templateNode.setAttribute("description", x.description)
templateClasses = document.createElement("objectClasses")
for y in x.objectClasses:
classNode = document.createElement(y)
templateAttributes = document.createElement("attributes")
for y in x.attributes.keys():
attribute = x.attributes[y]
attributeNode = document.createElement(attribute.attributeName)
attributeNode.setAttribute("must", str(attribute.must))
attributeNode.setAttribute("single", str(attribute.single))
attributeNode.setAttribute("binary", str(attribute.binary))
if not (attribute.defaultValue == None):
attributeNode.setAttribute("defaultValue", unicode(attribute.defaultValue))
fileHandler = open(self.templateFile, "w")
def getTemplate(self, templateName):
""" Get a template given by templateName
for x in self.templateList:
if x.name == templateName:
return deepcopy(x)