# $Id: ns_codecache.py,v 1.1 2002/12/12 18:09:54 titus Exp $
### See included file COPYRIGHT for copyright and license information.
"""Implements a version of execfile() that caches the code in memory."""
import sys, os, stat, threading, string
import Ns
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'importing ns_codecache.py')
# a simple code caching mechanism.
class CodeCache:
# __init__ primarily acquires the code cache dictionary and
# increments a counter so that it doesn't get deleted. __del__
# decrements the counter.
def __init__(self):
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'Creating CodeCache object')
# Move lack of thread safety into creation of this counter + lock
# (creation will later be moved into single-thread C function)
# create counter lock if it doesn't exist. (@CTB --> initialize code)
if not __persistdict__.has_key('_codeCacheCounter'):
__persistdict__['_codeCacheCounterLock'] = threading.Lock()
__persistdict__['_codeCacheCounter'] = 0
# increment counter so no-one else flushes/cleans cache.
# create read/update lock if it doesn't exist:
if not __persistdict__.has_key('_codeCacheLock'):
__persistdict__['_codeCacheLock'] = threading.Lock()
# now, get the dictionary.
# Storing the dictionary turns out to be much easier than storing
# an instance of the CodeCache class...
if __persistdict__.has_key('_code'):
# @@MRH: Potential problem here if cache is deleted by
# another thread
self._code = __persistdict__['_code']
# @@MRH: Potential problem here if cache is initialized by
# another thread
self._code = {}
__persistdict__['_code'] = self._code
def __del__(self):
# decrement the code cache counter
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'Decrementing CodeCache counter')
# save (mtime, code) into cache keyed by 'filename'
def save(self, filename, code):
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'saving "%s" into CodeCache' % filename)
mtime = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME]
# atomic -- no locking necessary
self._code[filename] = (mtime, code)
# retrieve code (if up-to-date with filename) from cache
def retrieve(self, filename):
# @@CTB __persistdict__['_codeCacheLock'].acquire()
if self._code.has_key(filename): # in cache
# @@MRH: Potential problem here if cache or cache entry is
# deleted by another thread
# retrieve cached mtime & code
(old_mtime, code) = self._code[filename]
# get new mtime
new_mtime = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME]
return None # file doesn't exist, etc.
# compare
if new_mtime != old_mtime:
# @@MRH: Potential problem here if cache or cache entry
# is deleted by another thread:
del(self._code[filename]) # clear entry
return None
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'retrieving "%s" from CodeCache' % filename)
return code
return None
def _incrementCounter(self):
__persistdict__['_codeCacheCounter'] = \
__persistdict__['_codeCacheCounter'] + 1
def _decrementCounter(self):
__persistdict__['_codeCacheCounter'] = \
__persistdict__['_codeCacheCounter'] - 1
# a function to replace standard Python execfile with something that makes
# use of code caching.
def execfile(filename, globaldict=None, localdict=None):
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'in pywx.execfile')
codeCache = CodeCache() # @@CTB
code = codeCache.retrieve(filename)
if not code: # ...then we want to compile it.
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'not in cache or mtime changed - forcing reload')
f = open(filename, 'r')
c = []
for l in f.readlines(): # probably a faster way to do this...
c.append(string.rstrip(l) + '\n')
c = string.join(c, '')
code = compile(c, filename, 'exec')
codeCache.save(filename, code)
if globaldict is None:
globaldict = globals()
localdict = locals()
elif localdict is None:
localdict = globaldict
exec(code, globaldict, localdict)
# initialize
def initializeCachingExecFile():
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'Running initializeCachingExecFile().')
### MRH: Not thread safe (?)
try: # already initialized?
tst = __persistdict__['cachingExecFile']
__persistdict__['cachingExecFile'] = 1
# save a copy of the original
__persistdict__['oldExecFile'] = sys.modules['__builtin__'].execfile
# now replace the 'execfile' function:
sys.modules['__builtin__'].execfile = execfile
# uninitialize
def uninitializeCachingExecFile():
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'Running uninitializeCachingExecFile().')
try: # may not have been replaced!
sys.modules['__builtin__'].execfile = __persistdict__['oldExecFile']