### $Header: /cvsroot/pywx/PyWX/pywx-lib/old/ns_python.py,v 1.1 2002/12/12 18:09:54 titus Exp $
import sys, string, cPickle, cStringIO
import Ns
def ns_write(s):
def ns_eval_tcl(s):
"""Evaluate a tcl string in a Tcl interpreter that will remain
constant for the duration of the connection."""
return Ns.GetConn().TclEval(s)
def ns_tclvar(varname):
# get the connection (might raise exception) and its associated
# interpreter:
interp = Ns.GetConn().GetConnInterp()
# get the variable from within the interpreter
value = Ns.Tcl_GetVar(interp, varname, 0)
if value is None:
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'ns_tclvar: variable "%s" undef' % (varname,))
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'ns_tclvar: variable %s = "%s"' % (varname, value,))
return value
def tcl_escape(s):
"""Convert s to string then escape special characters for use
within double-quotes in Tcl."""
s = str(s)
s = string.replace(s, '\\', '\\\\')
s = string.replace(s, '"', '\\"')
s = string.replace(s, '$', '\\$')
s = string.replace(s, '[', '\\[')
s = string.replace(s, ']', '\\]')
return s
# Create an ns_log function for convenience. Allow the severity to be
# specified either as a constant (e.g., Ns.Error) or as a string
# (e.g., 'Error') so that the Tcl people will be happy.
_severity_translation = {}
for i in ['Notice', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Fatal', 'Bug', 'Debug']:
v = getattr(Ns, i)
_severity_translation[i] = v
_severity_translation[v] = v
del i,v
def ns_log(log, str):
Ns.Log(_severity_translation[log], str)
### class TclFunction ###
class TclFunction:
"""A callable object representing a Tcl function that may take arguments.
Allows recursive dot-notation for subfunctions; e.g.,
self.ns_sema.create(2) -> 'ns_sema create "2"'.
def __init__(self, interp, prefix):
"""Create a tcl command that begins with the given prefix.
prefix is not quoted.
'creating tcl function with prefix "%s".' % prefix)
self._interp = interp
self._prefix = prefix
def __repr__(self):
return '<ns_python.TclFunction instance; prefix="%s">' % self._prefix
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Allow subfunctions (recursively).
Note that name is not quoted.
return TclFunction(self._interp, self._prefix + ' ' + name)
def __call__(self, *args):
"""Calls tcl function, passing arguments as quoted strings."""
tcl_args = [self._prefix]
for arg in args:
tcl_args.append('"' + tcl_escape(arg) + '"')
# hack in some bogus tolerance...
return self._interp(string.join(tcl_args))
### class TclInstance ###
class TclInstance:
"""A callable object that represents a Tcl object instance.
Of course tcl is not object oriented, but still it is often the
case that a whole family of functions is invoked with the same
% $tcltype $method $objid $args...
For example:
% ns_db select $dbhandle $query
This is actually like a method function called on the object with
the given objid, or in python notation:
>>> obj.method(args...)
This class allows this notation by representing obj in a way that
allows ``bound methods'' to be created using dot-notation. The
above example could be programmed using:
>>> obj = TclInstance('ns_db', dbhandle)
>>> result = obj.select(query)
def __init__(self, interp, tcltype, objid):
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, 'creating tcl object "%s" of type "%s".'
% (objid,tcltype,))
self._interp = interp
self._tcltype = tcltype
self._objid = objid
def __repr__(self):
return '<ns_python.TclInstance instance; tcltype="%s", objid="%s">' \
% (self._tcltype, self._objid)
def __getattr__(self, method):
"""Return an object that can be used as a bound method."""
return TclFunction(self._interp,
'%s %s %s' % (self._tcltype, method, self._objid,))
def __call__(self, method, *args):
"""Calls method, passing arguments as quoted strings."""
tcl_args = [self._tcltype, method, self._objid]
for arg in args:
tcl_args.append('"' + tcl_escape(arg) + '"')
# hack in some bogus tolerance...
return self._interp(string.join(tcl_args))
### class TclInterpreter ###
class TclInterpreter:
"""Represents a tcl interpreter.
Instances of this class provide a python interface to the tcl
interpreter. Although all instances actually refer to a single
interpreter, we pass the interpreter around as if it were
meaningful. This might be useful if someday multiple interpreters
could exist simultaneously.
self(cmd) -- pass an arbitrary command to the interpreter
and return the result as a string. String is passed
literally; no quoting is performed.
self.functionname -- return a callable object representing the
tcl function.
self.wrap_instance(tcltype, objid) -- wraps a tcl object
instance in a TclInstance. objid should be a string that
does not need to be quoted.
self[varname] = value -- set the value of a variable.
self[varname] -- get the value of a variable.
self.keys() -- get the names of all global variables.
Note: we need to correctly raise exceptions upon failure of
various accesses
def __call__(self, cmd):
return ns_eval_tcl(cmd)
def __repr__(self):
return '<ns_python.TclInterpreter instance>'
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Return a callable object that calls the Tcl function 'name'.
For example,
f = tclinterpreter.ns_db
dbhandle = f('gethandle')
Or since the returned object also supports __getattr__, you
can simply do
dbhandle = tclinterpreter.ns_db.gethandle()
It is not checked whether the function actually exists.
return TclFunction(self, name)
def wrap_instance(self, tcltype, objid):
return TclInstance(self, tcltype, objid)
def __getitem__(self, varname):
"""Get a variable from the Tcl namespace."""
return ns_tclvar(varname);
def __setitem__(self, varname, value):
"""Set a variable in the Tcl namespace."""
ns_eval_tcl('set %s "%s"' % (varname, tcl_escape(value)))
def keys(self):
"""Get a list of the variables currently defined.
This routine will fail if there are any variables with funky
characters in their names.
return string.split(self('info globals'))
# now declare one ;)
ns_tcl = TclInterpreter()
### class NsInfoDictionary ###
class NsInfoDictionary:
"""A class to get information from the AOLserver."""
def __init__(self):
# Will raise exception if there is no current connection:
self.conn = Ns.GetConn()
# get information about a tag from the AOLserver
def __call__(self, index):
return getattr(self, index)()
# Functions that are directly equivalent to Ns functions
# taking no arguments are mapped to the equivalent function.
# Functions that are not implemented are mapped to None. Other
# functions are defined explicitly below. This map is used by
# __getattr__.
_fnmap = {
'pageroot' : Ns.PageRoot,
'name' : Ns.InfoServerName,
'config' : Ns.InfoConfigFile,
'platform' : Ns.InfoPlatform,
'hostname' : Ns.InfoHostname,
'address' : Ns.InfoAddress,
'uptime' : Ns.InfoUptime,
'boottime' : Ns.InfoBootTime,
'version' : Ns.InfoServerVersion,
#'home' : Ns.InfoHome,
'tcllib' : Ns.TclLibrary,
'label' : Ns.InfoLabel,
'builddate' : Ns.InfoBuildDate,
'callbacks' : None,
'sockcallbacks' : None,
'scheduled' : None,
'locks' : None,
'threads' : None,
def __repr__(self):
return '<ns_python.NsInfoDictionary instance>'
def __getattr__(self, a):
fn = self._fnmap[a]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(a)
if fn is None:
raise NotImplementedError(a)
return fn
def server(self):
return Ns.nsServer
servers = server
def log(self):
l = Ns.InfoErrorLog()
return l or "STDOUT"
def python(self):
return sys.version
def winnt(self):
return sys.platform == 'win'
def ns_info(index):
return NsInfoDictionary()(index)
def UpdateNsSet_FromDict(set, dict):
"""Insert every item from a python dictionary into an Ns.Set."""
for (k,v) in dict.items():
def PyDict_From_NsSet(set):
"""Produce a Python dictionary with the same contents as an Ns.Set."""
return set.dict()
# Good lord. More functionality??
class ns_pickleJar:
def __init__(self, db, tablename='pickleJar', indexname='i', objname='obj'):
self.db = db
self.d = {}
self.d['tablename'] = tablename
self.d['indexname'] = indexname
self.d['objname'] = objname
def pickle(self, i, o):
db = self.db
d = self.d.copy()
d['i'] = i # don't want to modify self.d
# pickle the object into an SQL-quotable string
f = cStringIO.StringIO()
cPickle.dump(o, f)
d['obj'] = string.replace(f.getvalue(), "'", "''")
# dump it into the database
# delete old entry if it exists
db.dml('DELETE FROM %(tablename)s WHERE %(indexname)s=%(i)d' % d)
db.dml("INSERT INTO %(tablename)s VALUES (%(i)d, '%(obj)s')" % d)
def unpickle(self, i):
db = self.db
d = self.d.copy()
d['i'] = i
if db.only1row(
'SELECT %(objname)s FROM %(tablename)s '
'WHERE %(indexname)s=%(i)d'
% d):
l = cStringIO.StringIO(db['obj'])
return cPickle.load(l)
return None
### class OutputToNsWrite ###
class OutputToNsWrite:
"""A stream class that writes to ns_write.
To assign to stdout, to allow overriding of the output
def __init__(self):
# get the hooks from the persistent dictionary, and define
# function 'write' as, simply, ns_write
self.write = ns_write
# seems like this is needed:
def writelines(self, lines):
for line in lines:
# should probably overload other methods from stdout as well...
def flush(self):
# Redirect stdout to ns_write:
def ns_redirect():
Ns.Log(Ns.Debug, "Redirecting stdout to ns_write.")
sys.stdout = OutputToNsWrite()