# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a Bot written by Filnik to add a text at the end of the page but above
categories, interwiki and template for the stars of the interwiki (default).
Alternatively it may also add a text at the top of the page.
These command line parameters can be used to specify which pages to work on:
Furthermore, the following command line parameters are supported:
-page Use a page as generator
-talkpage Put the text onto the talk page instead the generated on
-text Define which text to add. "\n" are interpreted as newlines.
-textfile Define a texfile name which contains the text to add
-summary Define the summary to use
-except Use a regex to check if the text is already in the page
-excepturl Use the html page as text where you want to see if there's
the text, not the wiki-page.
-newimages Add text in the new images
-untagged Add text in the images that don't have any license template
-always If used, the bot won't ask if it should add the text
-up If used, put the text at the top of the page
--- Example ---
# This is a script to add a template to the top of the pages with
# category:catname
# Warning! Put it in one line, otherwise it won't work correctly.
python add_text.py -cat:catname -summary:"Bot: Adding a template"
-text:"{{Something}}" -except:"\{\{([Tt]emplate:|)[Ss]omething" -up
# Command used on it.wikipedia to put the template in the page without any
# category.
# Warning! Put it in one line, otherwise it won't work correctly.
python add_text.py -excepturl:"class='catlinks'>" -uncat
-text:"{{Categorizzare}}" -except:"\{\{([Tt]emplate:|)[Cc]ategorizzare"
-summary:"Bot: Aggiungo template Categorizzare"
--- Credits and Help ---
This script has been written by Botwiki's staff, if you want to help us
or you need some help regarding this script, you can find us here:
* http://botwiki.sno.cc
# (C) Filnik, 2007-2008
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: add_text.py,v 1.5 2008/04/25 17:08:30 filnik Exp$'
import re, pagegenerators, urllib2, urllib
import wikipedia
import codecs, config
# This is required for the text that is shown when you run this script
# with the parameter -help.
docuReplacements = {
'¶ms;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp,
msg = {
'ar': u': %s',
'cs': u'Robot pidal %s',
'de': u'Bot: "%s" hinzugefgt',
'en': u'Bot: Adding %s',
'fr': u'Robot : Ajoute %s',
'he': u': %s',
'fa': u': %s',
'it': u'Bot: Aggiungo %s',
'ja': u': %s',
'ksh': u'Bot: dobeijedonn: %s',
'nds': u'Bot: tofoiegt: %s',
'nn': u'Robot: La til %s',
'pl': u'Robot dodaje: %s',
'pt': u'Bot: Adicionando %s',
'ru': u': %s',
'sv': u'Bot: Lgger till %s',
'szl': u'Bot dodowo: %s',
'vo': u'Bot: Lkon vdemi: %s',
'zh': u': %s',
nn_iw_msg = u'<!--interwiki (no, sv, da first; then other languages alphabetically by name)-->'
class NoEnoughData(wikipedia.Error):
""" Error class for when the user doesn't specified all the data needed """
class NothingFound(wikipedia.Error):
""" An exception indicating that a regex has return [] instead of results."""
# Useful for the untagged function
def pageText(url):
""" Function to load HTML text of a URL """
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header("User-Agent", wikipedia.useragent)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
text = response.read()
# When you load to many users, urllib2 can give this error.
except urllib2.HTTPError:
wikipedia.output(u"Server error. Pausing for 10 seconds... " + time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (UTC)", time.gmtime()) )
return pageText(url)
return text
def untaggedGenerator(untaggedProject, limit = 500):
""" Function to get the pages returned by this tool:
http://toolserver.org/~daniel/WikiSense/UntaggedImages.php """
lang = untaggedProject.split('.', 1)[0]
project = '.' + untaggedProject.split('.', 1)[1]
if lang == 'commons':
link = 'http://toolserver.org/~daniel/WikiSense/UntaggedImages.php?wikifam=commons.wikimedia.org&since=-100d&until=&img_user_text=&order=img_timestamp&max=100&order=img_timestamp&format=html'
link = 'http://toolserver.org/~daniel/WikiSense/UntaggedImages.php?wikilang=' + lang + '&wikifam=' + project + '&order=img_timestamp&max=' + str(limit) + '&ofs=0&max=' + str(limit)
text = pageText(link)
#print text
regexp = r"""<td valign='top' title='Name'><a href='http://.*?\.org/w/index\.php\?title=(.*?)'>.*?</a></td>"""
results = re.findall(regexp, text)
if results == []:
print link
raise NothingFound(
'Nothing found! Try to use the tool by yourself to be sure that it works!')
for result in results:
yield wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), result)
def add_text(page = None, addText = None, summary = None, regexSkip = None,
regexSkipUrl = None, always = False, up = False, putText = True,
oldTextGiven = None, create=False):
if not addText:
raise NoEnoughData('You have to specify what text you want to add!')
if not summary:
summary = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg) % addText[:200]
# When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the
# interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex
# format) to make the stars appear.
starsList = [
u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed',
u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]',
u'enlla[ _]ad',
u'enllaz[ _]ad',
u'leam[ _]vdc',
u'legtur[ _]a[bcf]',
u'liamm[ _]pub',
u'lien[ _]adq',
u'lien[ _]ba',
u'lin[ _]kt[ _]bi[ _]cht[ _]lng[ _]tt',
u'lin[ _]kt[ _]chn[ _]lc',
u'ligam[ _]adq',
u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km',
u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa',
u'na[ _]lotura',
u'nasc[ _]ar',
u'tengill[ _][g]g',
u'ym yg',
u' ',
u' ',
errorCount = 0
site = wikipedia.getSite()
# /wiki/ is not always the right path in non-wiki projects
pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)
if putText:
wikipedia.output(u'Loading %s...' % page.title())
if oldTextGiven == None:
text = page.get()
except wikipedia.NoPage:
if create:
wikipedia.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!"
% page.title())
text = u''
wikipedia.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
return (False, False, always) # continue
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
wikipedia.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
return (False, False, always) # continue
text = oldTextGiven
# Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not
# In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl
if regexSkipUrl != None:
url = '%s%s' % (pathWiki, page.urlname())
result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url))
if result != []:
u'Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip!')
return (False, False, always) # continue
if regexSkip != None:
result = re.findall(regexSkip, text)
if result != []:
u'Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip!')
return (False, False, always) # continue
# If not up, text put below
if not up:
newtext = text
# Getting the categories
categoriesInside = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
# Deleting the categories
newtext = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
# Getting the interwiki
interwikiInside = wikipedia.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
# Removing the interwiki
newtext = wikipedia.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
#nn got a message between the categories and the iw's and they want to keep it there, first remove it
if (site.language()==u'nn'):
newtext = newtext.replace(nn_iw_msg, '')
# Translating the \\n into binary \n
addText = addText.replace('\\n', '\n')
# Adding the text
newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
# Reputting the categories
newtext = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, categoriesInside, site, True)
#Put the nn iw message back
if (site.language()==u'nn'):
newtext = newtext + u'\n' + nn_iw_msg
# Dealing the stars' issue
allstars = []
starstext = wikipedia.removeDisabledParts(text)
for star in starsList:
regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)' % star,
found = regex.findall(starstext)
if found != []:
newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)
allstars += found
if allstars != []:
newtext = newtext.strip()+'\r\n\r\n'
for element in allstars:
newtext += '%s\r\n' % element.strip()
# Adding the interwiki
newtext = wikipedia.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site)
# If instead the text must be added above...
newtext = addText + '\n' + text
if putText and text != newtext:
wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
% page.title())
wikipedia.showDiff(text, newtext)
# Let's put the changes.
while True:
# If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the
# text in the page
if putText:
if not always:
choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
u'Do you want to accept these changes?',
['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
if choice == 'a':
always = True
elif choice == 'n':
return (False, False, always)
if always or choice == 'y':
if always:
page.put(newtext, summary)
page.put_async(newtext, summary)
except wikipedia.EditConflict:
wikipedia.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!')
return (False, False, always)
except wikipedia.ServerError:
errorCount += 1
if errorCount < 5:
wikipedia.output(u'Server Error! Wait..')
raise wikipedia.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!')
except wikipedia.SpamfilterError, e:
u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s'
% (page.title(), e.url))
return (False, False, always)
except wikipedia.PageNotSaved, error:
wikipedia.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args)
return (False, False, always)
except wikipedia.LockedPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)'
% page.title())
return (False, False, always)
# Break only if the errors are one after the other...
errorCount = 0
return (True, True, always)
return (text, newtext, always)
def main():
# If none, the var is setted only for check purpose.
summary = None; addText = None; regexSkip = None; regexSkipUrl = None;
generator = None; always = False
# Load a lot of default generators
genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
# Put the text above or below the text?
up = False
# Loading the arguments
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg.startswith('-textfile'):
if len(arg) == 9:
textfile = wikipedia.input(
u'Which textfile do you want to add?')
textfile = arg[10:]
elif arg.startswith('-text'):
if len(arg) == 5:
addText = wikipedia.input(u'What text do you want to add?')
addText = arg[6:]
elif arg.startswith('-summary'):
if len(arg) == 8:
summary = wikipedia.input(u'What summary do you want to use?')
summary = arg[9:]
elif arg.startswith('-page'):
if len(arg) == 5:
generator = [wikipedia.Page(
wikipedia.input(u'What page do you want to use?')
generator = [wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), arg[6:])]
elif arg.startswith('-excepturl'):
if len(arg) == 10:
regexSkipUrl = wikipedia.input(u'What text should I skip?')
regexSkipUrl = arg[11:]
elif arg.startswith('-except'):
if len(arg) == 7:
regexSkip = wikipedia.input(u'What text should I skip?')
regexSkip = arg[8:]
elif arg.startswith('-untagged'):
if len(arg) == 9:
untaggedProject = wikipedia.input(
u'What project do you want to use?')
untaggedProject = arg[10:]
generator = untaggedGenerator(untaggedProject)
elif arg == '-up':
up = True
elif arg == '-always':
always = True
elif arg == '-talk' or arg == '-talkpage':
talkPage = True
if textfile and not addText:
f = codecs.open(textfile, 'r', config.textfile_encoding)
addText = f.read()
if not generator:
generator = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
# Check if there are the minimal settings
if not generator:
raise NoEnoughData(
'You have to specify the generator you want to use for the script!')
if talkPage:
generator = pagegenerators.PageWithTalkPageGenerator(generator)
site = wikipedia.getSite()
for namespace in site.namespaces():
index = site.getNamespaceIndex(namespace)
if index%2==1 and index>0:
namespaces += [index]
generator = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(
generator, namespaces)
# Main Loop
for page in generator:
(text, newtext, always) = add_text(page, addText, summary, regexSkip,
regexSkipUrl, always, up, True,
if __name__ == "__main__":