# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script to copy a table from one Wikipedia to another one, translating it
copy_table.py -type:abcd -from:xy Article_Name
Command line options:
-from:xy Copy the table from the Wikipedia article in language xy
Article must have interwiki link to xy
-debug Show debug info, and don't send the results to the server
-type:abcd Translates the table, using translations given below.
When the -type argument is not used, the bot will simply
copy the table as-is.
-file:XYZ Reads article names from a file. XYZ is the name of the
file from which the list is taken. If XYZ is not given, the
user is asked for a filename.
Page titles should be saved one per line, without [[brackets]].
The -pos parameter won't work if -file is used.
-image Copy all images within the found table to the target Wikipedia.
Make sure the bot is logged in before trying to upload images.
Article_Name: Name of the article where a table should be inserted
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2004
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__='$Id: copy_table.py,v 1.31 2005/12/21 17:51:26 wikipedian Exp $'
import wikipedia, translator, lib_images
import re, sys, string
# Summary message
"ar":u": ",
"en":u"robot: copying table from ",
"de":u"Bot: Kopiere Tabelle von ",
"he":u": ",
"pt":u"Bot: Copiando tabela de ",
# Prints text on the screen only if in -debug mode.
# Argument text should be raw unicode.
def print_debug(text):
if debug:
# this is a modified version of wikipedia.imagelinks(), it only looks in text, not in the whole page.
def imagelinks(site, text):
image_ns = site.image_namespace()
# regular expression which matches e.g. "Image" as well as "image" (for en:)
im = '[' + image_ns[0].upper() + image_ns[0].lower() + ']' + image_ns[1:]
Rlink = re.compile(r'\[\['+w1+r'(\|'+w2+r')?\]\]')
result = []
for l in Rlink.findall(text):
return result
# opens on a page, checks for an interwiki link, transfers and translates the first
# table, copies all images in that table.
def treat(to_pl, fromsite):
to_text = to_pl.get()
interwikis = to_pl.interwiki()
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
print "Can't work on redirect page."
except wikipedia.NoPage:
print "Page not found."
from_pl = None
for interwiki in interwikis:
if interwiki.site() == fromsite:
from_pl = interwiki
if from_pl is None:
print "Interwiki link to %s not found." % repr(fromsite)
from_text = from_pl.get()
wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(mysite.lang, msg) + from_pl.aslink())
# search start of table
table = get_table(from_text)
if not table:
wikipedia.output(u"No table found in %s" % (from_pl.aslink()))
print_debug(u"Copying images")
if copy_images:
# extract image links from original table
images=imagelinks(fromsite, table)
for image in images:
# Copy the image to the current wikipedia, copy the image description page as well.
# Prompt the user so that he can translate the filename.
new_filename = lib_images.transfer_image(wikipedia.Page(fromsite, image), debug)
# if the upload succeeded
if new_filename:
old_image_tag = wikipedia.Page(fromsite, image).title()
new_image_tag = wikipedia.Page(mysite, mysite.image_namespace() + ":" + new_filename).title()
print_debug(u"Replacing " + old_image_tag + " with " + new_image_tag)
# We want to replace "Image:My pic.jpg" as well as "image:my_pic.jpg", so we need a regular expression.
old_image_tag = old_image_tag.replace(" ", "[ \_]")
old_image_tag = "[" + old_image_tag[0].upper() + old_image_tag[0].lower() + "]" + old_image_tag[1:]
#todo: regex for first letter of filename, i.e. first letter after the colon
rOld_image_tag = re.compile(old_image_tag)
table = re.sub(old_image_tag, new_image_tag, table)
translated_table = translator.translate(table, type, fromsite.lang, debug, mysite.lang)
if not translated_table:
print "Could not translate table."
print_debug(u"\n" + translated_table)
# add table to top of the article, seperated by a blank lines
to_text = translated_table + "\n\n" + to_text
if not debug:
# save changes on Wikipedia
to_pl.put(to_text, minorEdit='0')
# Regular expression that will match both <table and {|
startR = re.compile(r"<table|\{\|")
# Regular expression that will match both </table> and |}
endR = re.compile(r"</table>|\|\}")
# Finds the first table inside a text, including cascaded inner tables.
def get_table(text):
pos = 0
# find first start tag
first_start_tag = re.search(startR, text)
if not first_start_tag:
print_debug(u"First start tag found at " + str(first_start_tag.start()))
pos = first_start_tag.end()
# number of start tags minus numer of end tags
table_level = 1
remaining_text = text
# until an end tag has been found for each start tag:
while table_level != 0:
# continue search after the last found tag
remaining_text = text[pos:]
next_start_tag = re.search(startR, remaining_text, pos)
next_end_tag = re.search(endR, remaining_text, pos)
if not next_end_tag:
print_debug(u"Error: missing end tag")
# if another cascaded table is opened before the current one is closed
elif next_start_tag and next_start_tag.start() < next_end_tag.start():
print_debug(u"Next start tag found at " + str(pos + next_start_tag.start()))
pos += next_start_tag.end()
table_level += 1
print_debug(u"Table level is " + str(table_level))
print_debug(u"Next end tag found at " + str(pos + next_end_tag.start()))
pos += next_end_tag.end()
table_level -= 1
print_debug(u"Table level is " + str(table_level))
print_debug(u"Table starts at " + str(first_start_tag.start()) + " and ends at " + str(pos) +"\n")
return text[first_start_tag.start():pos]
if __name__=="__main__":
# if the -file argument is used, page titles are dumped in this array.
# otherwise it will only contain one page.
page_list = []
# if -file is not used, this temporary array is used to read the page title.
page_title = []
from_lang = ""
type = ""
debug = False
copy_images = False
# read command line parameters
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
arg = wikipedia.argHandler(arg, 'copy_table')
if arg:
if arg.startswith("-from"):
from_lang = arg[6:]
elif arg.startswith("-type:"):
type = arg[6:]
elif arg == "-debug":
debug = True
elif arg == "-image":
copy_images = True
elif arg.startswith('-file'):
if len(arg) == 5:
file = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the list\'s filename: ')
file = arg[6:]
# open file and read page titles out of it
for line in f.readlines():
if line != '\n':
# if the page name is given as a command line argument,
# connect the title's parts with spaces
if page_title != []:
page_title = ' '.join(page_title)
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
fromsite = mysite.getSite(code=from_lang)
for current_page_name in page_list:
thispl = wikipedia.Page(mysite, current_page_name)
treat(thispl, fromsite)