# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a script originally written by Wikihermit and then rewritten by Filnik,
to delete the templates used to warn in the pages that a page is blocked, when
the page isn't blocked at all. Indeed, very often sysops block the pages for a
setted time but then the forget to delete the warning! This script is useful if
you want to delete those useless warning left in these pages.
These command line parameters can be used to specify which pages to work on:
-xml Retrieve information from a local XML dump (pages-articles
or pages-meta-current, see http://download.wikimedia.org).
Argument can also be given as "-xml:filename".
-page Only edit a specific page.
Argument can also be given as "-page:pagetitle". You can
give this parameter multiple times to edit multiple pages.
-protectedpages: Check all the blocked pages; useful when you have not
categories or when you have problems with them. (add the
namespace after ":" where you want to check - default checks
all protected pages.)
-moveprotected: Same as -protectedpages, for moveprotected pages
Furthermore, the following command line parameters are supported:
-always Doesn't ask every time if the bot should make the change or not,
do it always.
-show When the bot can't delete the template from the page (wrong
regex or something like that) it will ask you if it should show
the page on your browser.
(attention: pages included may give false positives!)
-move The bot will check if the page is blocked also for the move
option, not only for edit
--- Warning! ---
You have to edit this script in order to add your preferences
otherwise the script won't work!
If you have problems, ask on botwiki ( http://botwiki.sno.cc )
or on IRC (#pywikipediabot)
--- Example of how to use the script ---
python blockpageschecker.py -always
python blockpageschecker.py -cat:Geography -always
python blockpageschecker.py -show -protectedpages:4
# (C) Monobi a.k.a. Wikihermit, 2007
# (C) Filnik, 2007-2009
# (C) NicDumZ, 2008-2009
# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2007-2010
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: blockpageschecker.py 8219 2010-05-26 10:17:53Z nicdumz $'
import re, webbrowser
import wikipedia as pywikibot
import catlib, pagegenerators, config
# This is required for the text that is shown when you run this script
# with the parameter -help.
docuReplacements = {
'¶ms;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp,
#--------------------- PREFERENCES -------------------#
################### -- Edit below! -- #################
templateSemiProtection = {
'en': None,
'it':[r'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|)[Aa]vvisobloccoparziale(?:|[ _]scad\|.*?|\|.*?)\}\}',
r'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|)[Aa]bp(?:|[ _]scad\|(?:.*?))\}\}'],
'fr': [ur'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|[Mm]odle:|)[Ss]emi[- ]?protection(|[^\}]*)\}\}'],
# Regex to get the total-protection template
templateTotalProtection = {
'en': None,
'it':[r'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|)[Aa]vvisoblocco(?:|[ _]scad\|(?:.*?)|minaccia|cancellata)\}\}',
r'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|)(?:[Cc][Tt]|[Cc]anc fatte|[Cc][Ee])\}\}', r'<div class="toccolours[ _]itwiki[ _]template[ _]avviso">(?:\s|\n)*?[Qq]uesta pagina'],
ur'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|[Mm]odle:|)(?:[Pp]age|[Aa]rchive|[Mm]odle) protge?(|[^\}]*)\}\}'],
# Regex to get the semi-protection move template
templateSemiMoveProtection = {
'en': None,
'it':[r'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|)[Aa]vvisobloccospostamento(?:|[ _]scad\|.*?|\|.*?)\}\}'],
# Regex to get the total-protection move template
templateTotalMoveProtection = {
'en': None,
'it':[r'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|)[Aa]vvisobloccospostamento(?:|[ _]scad\|.*?|\|.*?)\}\}'],
# If you use only one template for all the type of protection, put it here.
# You may use only one template or an unique template and some other "old" template that the
# script should still check (as on it.wikipedia)
templateUnique = {
'en': None,
'it': [r'\{\{(?:[Tt]emplate:|)[Pp]rotetta\}\}'],
# Array: 0 => Semi-block, 1 => Total Block, 2 => Semi-Move, 3 => Total-Move, 4 => template-unique
templateNoRegex = {
'it':['{{Avvisobloccoparziale}}', '{{Avvisoblocco}}', None, None, '{{Protetta}}'],
'fr':['{{Semi-protection}}', '{{Protection}}', None, None, None],
'ja':[u'{{}}', u'{{}}', u'{{}}', u'{{}}', None],
#'zh':[u'{{Protected/semi}}',u'{{Protected}}',u'{{Protected/ms}}',u'{{Protected/move}}', None],
# Category where the bot will check
categoryToCheck = {
'ar':[u': '],
'fr':[u'Category:Page semi-protge', u'Category:Page protge', u'Catgorie:Article protg'],
'he':[u':: ', u':: '],
'it':[u'Categoria:Pagine protette - scadute', u'Categoria:Pagine semiprotette', u'Categoria:Voci protette'],
'pt':[u'Category:!Pginas protegidas', u'Category:!Pginas semiprotegidas'],
# Comment used when the Bot edits
comment = {
'en':u'Bot: Deleting out-dated template',
'ar':u': ',
'fr':u'Robot: Mise jour des bandeaux de protection',
'he':u': ',
'it':u'Bot: Tolgo o sistemo template di avviso blocco',
'ja':u': ',
'pt':u'Bot: Retirando predefinio de proteo',
'zh':u': ',
# Check list to block the users that haven't set their preferences
project_inserted = ['en', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'pt', 'zh']
#------------------ END PREFERENCES ------------------#
################## -- Edit above! -- ##################
def understandBlock(text, TTP, TSP, TSMP, TTMP, TU):
""" Understand if the page is blocked and if it has the right template """
if TTP != None:
for catchRegex in TTP: # TTP = templateTotalProtection
resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
if resultCatch:
return ('sysop-total', catchRegex)
if TSP != None:
for catchRegex in TSP:
resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
if resultCatch:
return ('autoconfirmed-total', catchRegex)
if TU != None:
for catchRegex in TU:
resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
if resultCatch:
return ('unique', catchRegex)
if TSMP != None and TTMP != None and TTP != TTMP and TSP != TSMP:
for catchRegex in TTMP:
resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
if resultCatch:
return ('sysop-move', catchRegex)
for catchRegex in TSMP:
resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
if resultCatch:
return ('autoconfirmed-move', catchRegex)
return ('editable', r'\A\n') # If editable means that we have no regex, won't change anything with this regex
def showQuest(site, page):
quest = pywikibot.inputChoice(u'Do you want to open the page?',
['with browser', 'with gui', 'no'],
['b','g','n'], 'n')
pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)
url = 'http://%s%s%s?&redirect=no' % (pywikibot.getSite().hostname(), pathWiki, page.urlname())
if quest == 'b':
elif quest == 'g':
import editarticle
editor = editarticle.TextEditor()
text = editor.edit(page.get())
def main():
""" Main Function """
# Loading the comments
global categoryToCheck, comment, project_inserted
# always, define a generator to understand if the user sets one, defining what's genFactory
always = False; generator = False; show = False
moveBlockCheck = False; genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
# To prevent Infinite loops
errorCount = 0
site = pywikibot.getSite()
# Loading the default options.
for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs():
if arg == '-always':
always = True
elif arg == '-move':
moveBlockCheck = True
elif arg == '-show':
show = True
elif arg.startswith('-protectedpages'):
if len(arg) == 15:
generator = site.protectedpages(namespace = 0)
generator = site.protectedpages(namespace = int(arg[16:]))
elif arg.startswith('-moveprotected'):
if len(arg) == 14:
generator = site.protectedpages(namespace = 0, type = 'move')
generator = site.protectedpages(namespace = int(arg[16:]),
type = 'move')
elif arg.startswith('-page'):
if len(arg) == 5:
generator = [pywikibot.Page(site, pywikibot.input(u'What page do you want to use?'))]
generator = [pywikibot.Page(site, arg[6:])]
if config.mylang not in project_inserted:
pywikibot.output(u"Your project is not supported by this script.\nYou have to edit the script and add it!")
# Take the right templates to use, the category and the comment
TSP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateSemiProtection)
TTP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateTotalProtection)
TSMP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateSemiMoveProtection)
TTMP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateTotalMoveProtection)
TNR = pywikibot.translate(site, templateNoRegex)
TU = pywikibot.translate(site, templateUnique)
category = pywikibot.translate(site, categoryToCheck)
commentUsed = pywikibot.translate(site, comment)
if not generator:
gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
if not generator:
generator = list()
pywikibot.output(u'Loading categories...')
# Define the category if no other generator has been setted
for CAT in category:
cat = catlib.Category(site, CAT)
# Define the generator
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat)
for pageCat in gen:
pywikibot.output(u'Categories loaded, start!')
# Main Loop
preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator, pageNumber = 60)
for page in preloadingGen:
pagename = page.aslink()
pywikibot.output('Loading %s...' % pagename)
text = page.get()
restrictions = page.getRestrictions()
except pywikibot.NoPage:
pywikibot.output("%s doesn't exist! Skipping..." % pagename)
except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
pywikibot.output("%s is a redirect! Skipping..." % pagename)
if show:
showQuest(site, page)
# This check does not work :
# PreloadingGenerator cannot set correctly page.editRestriction
# (see bug #1949476 )
if not page.canBeEdited():
pywikibot.output("%s is sysop-protected : this account can't edit it! Skipping..." % pagename)
if restrictions.has_key('edit'):
editRestr = restrictions['edit']
editRestr = None
if editRestr and editRestr[0] == 'sysop':
pywikibot.output("%s is sysop-protected : this account can't edit it! Skipping..." % pagename)
# Understand, according to the template in the page, what should be the protection
# and compare it with what there really is.
TemplateInThePage = understandBlock(text, TTP, TSP, TSMP, TTMP, TU)
# Only to see if the text is the same or not...
oldtext = text
# keep track of the changes for each step (edit then move)
changes = -1
if not editRestr:
# page is not edit-protected
# Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
if TU != None:
replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TTP + TSP + TU)
replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TTP + TSP)
text, changes = re.subn('<noinclude>(%s)</noinclude>' % replaceToPerform, '', text)
if changes == 0:
text, changes = re.subn('(%s)' % replaceToPerform, '', text)
pywikibot.output(u'The page is editable for all, deleting the template...')
elif editRestr[0] == 'sysop':
# total edit protection
if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-total' and TTP != None) or (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU != None):
msg = 'The page is protected to the sysop'
if not moveBlockCheck:
msg += ', skipping...'
pywikibot.output(u'The page is protected to the sysop, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
if TU != None:
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text)
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[1], text)
elif TSP != None or TU != None:
# implicitely editRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', edit-Semi-protection
if TemplateInThePage[0] == 'autoconfirmed-total' or TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique':
msg = 'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed users'
if not moveBlockCheck:
msg += ', skipping...'
pywikibot.output(u'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed users, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
if TU != None:
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text)
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[0], text)
if changes == 0:
# We tried to fix edit-protection templates, but it did not work.
pywikibot.output('Warning : No edit-protection template could be found')
if moveBlockCheck:
# checking move protection now
moveRestr = restrictions['move']
changes = -1
if not moveRestr:
pywikibot.output(u'The page is movable for all, deleting the template...')
# Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
if TU != None:
replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TSMP + TTMP + TU)
replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TSMP + TTMP)
text, changes = re.subn('<noinclude>(%s)</noinclude>' % replaceToPerform, '', text)
if changes == 0:
text, changes = re.subn('(%s)' % replaceToPerform, '', text)
elif moveRestr[0] == 'sysop':
# move-total-protection
if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-move' and TTMP != None) or (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU != None):
pywikibot.output(u'The page is protected from moving to the sysop, skipping...')
pywikibot.output(u'The page is protected from moving to the sysop, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
if TU != None:
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text)
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[3], text)
elif TSMP != None or TU != None:
# implicitely moveRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', move-semi-protection
if TemplateInThePage[0] == 'autoconfirmed-move' or TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique':
pywikibot.output(u'The page is movable only for the autoconfirmed users, skipping...')
pywikibot.output(u'The page is movable only for the autoconfirmed users, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
if TU != None:
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text)
text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[2], text)
if changes == 0:
# We tried to fix move-protection templates, but it did not work.
pywikibot.output('Warning : No move-protection template could be found')
if oldtext != text:
# Ok, asking if the change has to be performed and do it if yes.
pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title())
pywikibot.showDiff(oldtext, text)
if not always:
choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
if choice == 'a':
always = True
if always or choice == 'y':
while 1:
page.put(text, commentUsed, force=True)
except pywikibot.EditConflict:
pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!')
except pywikibot.ServerError:
# Sometimes there is this error that's quite annoying because
# can block the whole process for nothing.
errorCount += 1
if errorCount < 5:
pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..')
# Prevent Infinite Loops
raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!')
except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e:
pywikibot.output(u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s' % (page.title(), e.url))
except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error:
pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % (error.args,))
except pywikibot.LockedPage:
pywikibot.output(u'The page is still protected. Skipping...')
# Break only if the errors are one after the other
errorCount = 0
if __name__ == "__main__":