# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Script to enumerate all pages on the wiki and find all titles
with mixed latin and cyrilic alphabets.
# Permutations code was taken from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/190465
from __future__ import generators
def xuniqueCombinations(items, n):
if n==0: yield []
for i in xrange(len(items)):
for cc in xuniqueCombinations(items[i+1:],n-1):
yield [items[i]]+cc
# End of permutation code
__version__ = '$Id: casechecker.py 8051 2010-04-04 15:33:15Z mfarag $'
# Windows Concose colors
# This code makes this script Windows ONLY!!! Feel free to adapt it to another platform
# Adapted from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/496901
FOREGROUND_BLUE = 0x01 # text color contains blue.
FOREGROUND_GREEN= 0x02 # text color contains green.
FOREGROUND_RED = 0x04 # text color contains red.
FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x08 # text color is intensified.
BACKGROUND_BLUE = 0x10 # background color contains blue.
BACKGROUND_GREEN= 0x20 # background color contains green.
BACKGROUND_RED = 0x40 # background color contains red.
BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x80 # background color is intensified.
import ctypes
std_out_handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
std_out_handle = None
def SetColor(color):
if std_out_handle:
return ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(std_out_handle, color)
if color == FOREGROUND_BLUE: print '(b:',
if color == FOREGROUND_GREEN: print '(g:',
if color == FOREGROUND_RED: print '(r:',
# end of console code
import os
import sys, query, wikipedia, re, codecs
class CaseChecker( object ):
msgRename = {
'ar': u' ',
'en': u'mixed case rename',
'ru': u'[[:]]',
msgLinkReplacement = {
'en': u'Case Replacements',
'ar': u' ',
'ru': u'[[:]]',
# These words are always in one language, even though they could be typed in both
alwaysInLocal = [ u'', u'', u'' ]
alwaysInLatin = [ u'II', u'III' ]
localUpperLtr = u''
localLowerLtr = u''
localLtr = localUpperLtr + localLowerLtr
localSuspects = u''
latinSuspects = u'ABEKMHOPCTXIaeopcyxi'
localKeyboard = u'' # possibly try to fix one character mistypes in an alternative keyboard layout
latinKeyboard = u'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'
romanNumChars = u'IVXLMC'
romannumSuffixes = localLowerLtr # all letters that may be used as suffixes after roman numbers: "I"
romanNumSfxPtrn = re.compile(u'^[' + romanNumChars + ']+[' + localLowerLtr + ']+$')
whitelists = {
'ru': u':/Whitelist'
latLtr = u'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
lclClrFnt = u'<font color=green>'
latClrFnt = u'<font color=brown>'
suffixClr = u'</font>'
wordBreaker = re.compile(u'[ _\-/\|#[\]()]')
titles = True
links = False
aplimit = 500
apfrom = u''
title = None
replace = False
stopAfter = 0
wikilog = None
wikilogfile = 'wikilog.txt'
autonomous = False
namespaces = []
def __init__(self):
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg.startswith('-from'):
if arg.startswith('-from:'):
self.apfrom = arg[6:]
self.apfrom = wikipedia.input(u'Which page to start from: ')
elif arg.startswith('-reqsize:'):
self.aplimit = int(arg[9:])
elif arg == '-links':
self.links = True
elif arg == '-linksonly':
self.links = True
self.titles = False
elif arg == '-replace':
self.replace = True
elif arg.startswith('-limit:'):
self.stopAfter = int(arg[7:])
elif arg == '-autonomous' or arg == '-a':
self.autonomous = True
elif arg.startswith('-ns:'):
self.namespaces.append( int(arg[4:]) )
elif arg.startswith('-wikilog:'):
self.wikilogfile = arg[9:]
wikipedia.output(u'Unknown argument %s.' % arg)
if self.namespaces == []:
if self.apfrom == u'':
self.namespaces = [14, 10, 12, 0] # 0 should be after templates ns
self.namespaces = [0]
self.params = { 'action' : 'query',
'generator' : 'allpages',
'gaplimit' : self.aplimit,
'gapfilterredir': 'nonredirects'}
if self.links:
self.params['prop'] = 'links|categories'
self.site = wikipedia.getSite()
if len(self.localSuspects) != len(self.latinSuspects):
raise ValueError(u'Suspects must be the same size')
if len(self.localKeyboard) != len(self.latinKeyboard):
raise ValueError(u'Keyboard info must be the same size')
if not os.path.isabs(self.wikilogfile):
self.wikilogfile = wikipedia.config.datafilepath(self.wikilogfile)
self.wikilog = codecs.open(self.wikilogfile, 'a', 'utf-8')
except IOError:
self.wikilog = codecs.open(self.wikilogfile, 'w', 'utf-8')
self.lclToLatDict = dict([(ord(self.localSuspects[i]),
for i in range(len(self.localSuspects))])
self.latToLclDict = dict([(ord(self.latinSuspects[i]),
for i in range(len(self.localSuspects))])
if self.localKeyboard is not None:
self.lclToLatKeybDict = dict([(ord(self.localKeyboard[i]),
for i in range(len(self.localKeyboard))])
self.latToLclKeybDict = dict([(ord(self.latinKeyboard[i]),
for i in range(len(self.localKeyboard))])
self.lclToLatKeybDict = {}
self.latToLclKeybDict = {}
badPtrnStr = u'([%s][%s]|[%s][%s])' % (self.latLtr, self.localLtr, self.localLtr, self.latLtr)
self.badWordPtrn = re.compile(u'[%s%s]*%s[%s%s]*' % (self.latLtr, self.localLtr, badPtrnStr, self.latLtr, self.localLtr) )
# Get whitelist
if self.site.lang in self.whitelists:
wlpage = self.whitelists[self.site.lang]
wikipedia.output(u'Loading whitelist from %s' % wlpage)
wlparams = {
'action' : 'query',
'prop' : 'links',
'titles' : wlpage,
'redirects' : '',
'indexpageids' : '',
data = query.GetData(wlparams, wikipedia.getSite(self.site.lang), encodeTitle=False)
if len(data['query']['pageids']) == 1:
pageid = data['query']['pageids'][0]
links = data['query']['pages'][pageid]['links']
self.knownWords = set( [n['title'] for n in links] )
raise "The number of pageids is not 1"
wikipedia.output(u'Loaded whitelist with %i items' % len(self.knownWords))
if wikipedia.verbose and len(self.knownWords) > 0:
wikipedia.output(u'Whitelist: [[%s]]' % u']], [['.join(self.knownWords))
wikipedia.output(u'Whitelist is not known for language %s' % self.site.lang)
self.knownWords = set()
def Run(self):
count = 0
lastLetter = ''
for namespace in self.namespaces:
self.params['gapnamespace'] = namespace
title = None
while True:
# Get data
self.params['gapfrom'] = self.apfrom
data = query.GetData(self.params, self.site)
self.apfrom = data['query-continue']['allpages']['gapfrom']
self.apfrom = None
# Process received data
if 'query' in data and 'pages' in data['query']:
firstItem = True
for pageID, page in data['query']['pages'].iteritems():
printed = False
title = page['title']
if firstItem:
if lastLetter != title[0]:
print 'Processing ' + title
print 'Processing unprintable title'
lastLetter = title[0]
firstItem = False
if self.titles:
err = self.ProcessTitle(title)
if err:
changed = False
if self.replace:
newTitle = self.PickTarget(False, title, title, err[1])
if newTitle:
editSummary = wikipedia.translate(self.site, self.msgRename)
src = wikipedia.Page(self.site, title)
if page['ns'] == 14:
import category
dst = wikipedia.Page(self.site, newTitle)
bot = category.CategoryMoveRobot(src.titleWithoutNamespace(), dst.titleWithoutNamespace(), self.autonomous, editSummary, True)
src.move(newTitle, editSummary)
changed = True
if not changed:
self.WikiLog(u"* " + err[0])
printed = True
if self.links:
allLinks = None
if 'links' in page:
allLinks = page['links']
if 'categories' in page:
if allLinks:
allLinks = allLinks + page['categories']
allLinks = page['categories']
if allLinks:
pageObj = None
pageTxt = None
msg = []
for l in allLinks:
ltxt = l['title']
err = self.ProcessTitle(ltxt)
if err:
newTitle = None
if self.replace:
newTitle = self.PickTarget(True, title, ltxt, err[1])
if newTitle:
if pageObj is None:
pageObj = wikipedia.Page(self.site, title)
pageTxt = pageObj.get()
msg.append(u'[[%s]] => [[%s]]' % (ltxt, newTitle))
# pageTxt = pageTxt.replace(ltxt, newTitle)
# pageTxt = pageTxt.replace(ltxt[0].lower() + ltxt[1:], newTitle[0].lower() + newTitle[1:])
# pageTxt = pageTxt.replace(ltxt.replace(u' ', '_'), newTitle)
frmParts = self.wordBreaker.split(ltxt)
toParts = self.wordBreaker.split(newTitle)
if len(frmParts) != len(toParts):
raise ValueError(u'Splitting parts do not match counts')
for i in range(0, len(frmParts)):
if len(frmParts[i]) != len(toParts[i]):
raise ValueError(u'Splitting parts do not match word length')
if len(frmParts[i]) > 0:
pageTxt = pageTxt.replace(frmParts[i], toParts[i])
pageTxt = pageTxt.replace(frmParts[i][0].lower() + frmParts[i][1:], toParts[i][0].lower() + toParts[i][1:])
if not newTitle:
if not printed:
self.WikiLog(u"* [[:%s]]: link to %s" % (title, err[0]))
printed = True
self.WikiLog(u"** link to %s" % err[0])
if pageObj is not None:
coloredMsg = u', '.join([self.ColorCodeWord(m) for m in msg])
if pageObj.get() == pageTxt:
self.WikiLog(u"* Error: Text replacement failed in [[:%s]] (%s)" % (title, coloredMsg))
wikipedia.output(u'Case Replacements: %s' % u', '.join(msg))
pageObj.put(pageTxt, u'%s: %s' % (wikipedia.translate(self.site, self.msgLinkReplacement), u', '.join(msg)))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.WikiLog(u"* Error: Could not save updated page [[:%s]] (%s)" % (title, coloredMsg))
count += 1
if self.stopAfter > 0 and count == self.stopAfter:
raise "Stopping because we are done"
if self.apfrom is None:
self.apfrom = u'' # Restart apfrom for other namespaces
print "***************************** Done"
if self.apfrom is not None:
wikipedia.output(u'Exception at Title = %s, Next = %s' % (title, self.apfrom))
def WikiLog(self, text):
self.wikilog.write(text + u'\n')
def ProcessTitle(self, title):
found = False
for m in self.badWordPtrn.finditer(title):
badWord = title[m.span()[0] : m.span()[1]]
if badWord in self.knownWords:
# Allow any roman numerals with local suffixes
if self.romanNumSfxPtrn.match(badWord) is not None:
if not found:
# lazy-initialization of the local variables
possibleWords = []
tempWords = []
count = 0
duplWordCount = 0
ambigBadWords = set()
ambigBadWordsCount = 0
mapLcl = {}
mapLat = {}
found = True
# See if it would make sense to treat the whole word as either cyrilic or latin
mightBeLat = mightBeLcl = True
for l in badWord:
if l in self.localLtr:
if mightBeLat and l not in self.localSuspects:
mightBeLat = False
if mightBeLcl and l not in self.latinSuspects:
mightBeLcl = False
if l not in self.latLtr: raise "Assert failed"
# Some words are well known and frequently mixed-typed
if mightBeLcl and mightBeLat:
if badWord in self.alwaysInLocal:
mightBeLat = False
elif badWord in self.alwaysInLatin:
mightBeLoc = False
if mightBeLcl:
mapLcl[badWord] = badWord.translate(self.latToLclDict)
if mightBeLat:
mapLat[badWord] = badWord.translate(self.lclToLatDict)
if mightBeLcl and mightBeLat:
ambigBadWordsCount += 1 # Cannot do len(ambigBadWords) because they might be duplicates
count += 1
if not found:
return None
infoText = self.MakeLink(title)
possibleAlternatives = []
if len(mapLcl) + len(mapLat) - ambigBadWordsCount < count:
# We cannot auto-translate - offer a list of suggested words
suggestions = mapLcl.values() + mapLat.values()
if len(suggestions) > 0:
infoText += u", word suggestions: " + u', '.join([self.ColorCodeWord(t) for t in suggestions])
infoText += u", no suggestions"
# Replace all unambiguous bad words
for k,v in mapLat.items() + mapLcl.items():
if k not in ambigBadWords:
title = title.replace(k,v)
if len(ambigBadWords) == 0:
# There are no ambiguity, we can safelly convert
infoText += u", convert to " + self.MakeLink(title)
# Try to pick 0, 1, 2, ..., len(ambiguous words) unique combinations
# from the bad words list, and convert just the picked words to cyrilic,
# whereas making all other words as latin character.
for itemCntToPick in range(0, len(ambigBadWords)+1):
title2 = title
for uc in xuniqueCombinations(list(ambigBadWords), itemCntToPick):
wordsToLat = ambigBadWords.copy()
for bw in uc:
title2 = title2.replace(bw, mapLcl[bw])
for bw in wordsToLat:
title2 = title2.replace(bw, mapLat[bw])
if len(possibleAlternatives) > 0:
infoText += u", can be converted to " + u', '.join([self.MakeLink(t) for t in possibleAlternatives])
infoText += u", no suggestions"
return (infoText, possibleAlternatives)
def PickTarget(self, isLink, title, original, candidates):
if len(candidates) == 0:
return None
if isLink:
if len(candidates) == 1:
return candidates[0]
pagesDontExist = []
pagesRedir = {}
pagesExist = []
for newTitle in candidates:
dst = wikipedia.Page(self.site, newTitle)
if not dst.exists():
elif dst.isRedirectPage():
pagesRedir[newTitle] = dst.getRedirectTarget().title()
if len(pagesExist) == 1:
return pagesExist[0]
elif len(pagesExist) == 0 and len(pagesRedir) > 0:
if len(pagesRedir) == 1:
return pagesRedir.keys()[0]
t = None
for k,v in pagesRedir.iteritems():
if not t:
t = v # first item
elif t != v:
# all redirects point to the same target
# pick the first one, doesn't matter what it is
return pagesRedir.keys()[0]
if not self.autonomous:
wikipedia.output(u'Could not auto-decide for page [[%s]]. Which link should be chosen?' % title)
wikipedia.output(u'Original title: ', newline=False)
self.ColorCodeWord(original + "\n", True)
count = 1
for t in candidates:
if t in pagesDontExist: msg = u'missing'
elif t in pagesRedir: msg = u'Redirect to ' + pagesRedir[t]
else: msg = u'page exists'
self.ColorCodeWord(u' %d: %s (%s)\n' % (count, t, msg), True)
count += 1
answers = [str(i) for i in range(0, count)]
choice = int(wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Which link to choose? (0 to skip)', answers, [a[0] for a in answers]))
if choice > 0:
return candidates[choice-1]
if len(candidates) == 1:
newTitle = candidates[0]
dst = wikipedia.Page(self.site, newTitle)
if not dst.exists():
# choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Move %s to %s?' % (title, newTitle), ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'n'])
return newTitle
return None
def ColorCodeWord(self, word, toScreen = False):
if not toScreen: res = u"<b>"
lastIsCyr = word[0] in self.localLtr
if lastIsCyr:
if toScreen: SetColor(FOREGROUND_GREEN)
else: res += self.lclClrFnt
if toScreen: SetColor(FOREGROUND_RED)
else: res += self.latClrFnt
for l in word:
if l in self.localLtr:
if not lastIsCyr:
if toScreen: SetColor(FOREGROUND_GREEN)
else: res += self.suffixClr + self.lclClrFnt
lastIsCyr = True
elif l in self.latLtr:
if lastIsCyr:
if toScreen: SetColor(FOREGROUND_RED)
else: res += self.suffixClr + self.latClrFnt
lastIsCyr = False
if toScreen: wikipedia.output(l, newline=False)
else: res += l
if toScreen: SetColor(FOREGROUND_WHITE)
else: return res + self.suffixClr + u"</b>"
def MakeLink(self, title):
return u"[[:%s| %s ]]" % (title, self.ColorCodeWord(title))
if __name__ == "__main__":
bot = CaseChecker()